Stair angles: features of the calculation, recommendations

When building a house of two floors, you need to pay attention to such an element as a staircase. Indeed, in this type of construction it is impossible without it. In the production of this element in your home, you must take into account tilt angles and many other nuances. We will talk about all this later in the article.

staircase angles

A selection of corners of the stairs in your home

The angle of the stairs is a rather complicated issue that requires the fastest possible solution.

Specialists in the construction industry distinguish several types of stairs based on the angle of their inclination in space.

In private homes or residential type, the following types of stairs are used:

  • marching;
  • screw.

Undoubtedly, the tilt angle of each of the above types directly depends on the scale of your home and the purpose of a particular room in particular. The appearance of the staircase structure may vary depending on the desired angle. It also depends on convenience and preferences. But it should be understood that the angle of inclination of the stairs is determined not by comfort parameters, but by special calculations.

the angle of the stairs

It should be remembered that with a special desire, you can calculate this angle of inclination yourself and not resort to the services of masters.

Undoubtedly, you can do all the work by eye and build a staircase that will have a beautiful appearance. But if you install it at the wrong angle, then the security will be reduced to zero. If the angle is sharp, then convenience for children and the elderly will be minimal. If it is closer to dull, then the staircase will be short-lived and may break.

Calculations for the stairs to the second floor of your house

So, what is the best angle to use for your own home? About it right now.

If you choose wooden material for its production, then you should pay attention to various nuances.

When building a staircase, it is very important to remember the following factors.

First of all, this, of course, is the step size of a standard person. In this case, you need to calculate its stride length. Experts use the specified indicator in the calculations: about 65 centimeters.

Next, you need to determine the size of the height of the stairs. This fact directly affects the angle parameters of your staircase, whether it will be steep or not.

The next value will be the width of the stairs and steps in particular. The foot of the person who will use the staircase should be placed on one step without any problems. If the width of the step is less than the size of a person’s legs, then comfort and safety is minimized.

what is the angle of the stairs

The angle of inclination of the flight of stairs depends on a number of indicators, each of which has an important role. On this basis, they can not be neglected. The height of a step, as well as its width, is very important.

In that case, if you take into account all the factors, then your design will turn out to be really comfortable, and most importantly - safe.

History says that in the world the longest staircase of all existing is located on a mountain called Nizen. It is worth noting that so far no one has counted the number of its steps.

Calculation to degrees and percent

The slopes of the stairs in the professional form of construction are calculated to a degree. First of all, before you start developing this product, you need to develop a project and follow all the rules that were mentioned earlier. It is very important that for every person it is comfortable to climb such a ladder and go down it. If calculations are carried out in degrees, then the angle of such a slope should be at least 20 degrees and not more than 30.

From the degree, the slope of the stairs changes, which can either reduce comfort or increase it. It also all depends on the preferences of a person. therefore, this indicator must also be taken into account in the calculations.

As for the angle of inclination, which GOST recommends, it varies from 35 to 40 degrees. It is such a bias, in the opinion of a large number of construction professionals, that is considered optimal.

stairway march angle

Types of stairs

There is a staircase called the Goose Step. The steps on it are divided in half and have different heights. These types of stairs are today non-standard, but still they are gradually gaining popularity among the population. It is worth noting that it will be difficult to build such a ladder with your own hands. In this case, the angle of inclination can increase up to 60 degrees.

The calculation of the optimal value of the angle of inclination of the stairs is not difficult, but this process must be completed. the success of future work and the comfort of residents depend on it.

If you want to have a spiral staircase in your house, then in this case we are not talking about corners. but she also has her own peculiarity. In this type of staircase, more attention is paid to the distance between the steps. Both comfort and appearance directly depend on this indicator.

If we talk about the staircase for outdoor use, then it belongs to a separate category with its standard requirements according to GOST. Optimal angle calculations are also important in this case. As for the standard indicators of the slope, then it varies from 60 to 65 degrees. But it is worth noting that such stairs should have handrails and railings, which are necessary for the safety of movement.

angle of inclination of the stairs calculation of the optimal value

Also in the world there are portable types of stairs. The main difference between them and the previous ones is that they are not used in houses and certainly not subject to installation. But for them there are certain rules.

For example, the angle indicator for such a ladder is much higher: from 75 to 90 degrees.

The most suitable angles for your home and stairs

Instructions on how to calculate the angle of inclination of the stairs are quite simple. First of all, you should remember that it is important to have data on the width and height of one step. In order to carry out all the calculations, it is very important to consider a number of parameters. These include:

  • distance from the first step of the ladder to the last;
  • distance from the second floor to the first. In this case, the measuring tool must be held at a right angle.

Instructions on how to calculate the angle of inclination of the stairs

Next, you can calculate the optimal angle of inclination, using the Pythagorean theorem familiar from childhood.

stair tilt angle how to calculate

First of all, you must determine the meaning of the so-called flight of stairs. You can do this using the data of calculations that you performed earlier. The length of this march in this case will be a hypotenuse.

After you determine this value, you must calculate the sine of the angle of inclination of your future staircase. And the value you get will be the optimal type of your angle.

If your knowledge of mathematics is weak, then you can use the calculator online on the Internet. It will help you to calculate and find the right values ​​for your corner of the stairs. You will calculate the angle that will be as comfortable as possible for you and your family.

Indicators for calculating the angle

As we said earlier, in order to calculate the optimal angle of inclination of the stairs for your room, you need to have a number of indicators.

To calculate the depth or the distance between two steps, you need to know the width of your immediate step. If you follow the instructions and adhere to all values, then your staircase will be not only comfortable, but also safe for you and your children.

Before you start the production of stairs, you need to prepare all the materials that you need. These include various boards that need to be processed with a special machine, as well as tools that will help you build it yourself.

In order for the design to be not only comfortable, but also of high quality, it is necessary to attach it to the so-called load-bearing beams. When you install the main beams, you can proceed to the steps and other other components.

ladder angle optimal angle calculations

How to build a beautiful and comfortable staircase

In order for your staircase to be the most beautiful and comfortable, you must follow all the rules of the instructions for calculations and assembly. Then everything conceived will come true.


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