Polyurethane foam insulation: reviews. Insulation with polyurethane foam for the attic, roof or walls of the house

Polyurethane foam is a unique material in terms of physical and mechanical properties, providing a high level of thermal insulation. It is widely used in various fields of construction, while polyurethane foam insulation receives exceptionally good reviews. What is the reason for this?

Excellent performance

polyurethane insulation reviews

Firstly, the use of polyurethane foam is effective, because by the degree of thermal insulation it can be compared with vacuum insulation. Moreover, our option is cheaper and simpler from the point of view of installation. Secondly, a coating based on this material is characterized by elasticity, wear resistance and resistance to deformation. In addition, polyurethane foam can be used in any climatic conditions, regardless of the temperature range. Polyurethane foam insulation received positive reviews due to the creation of a sealed impervious to water and air layer. It is also important that the insulation is environmentally friendly, therefore its use fully meets the requirements of sanitary standards adopted in the construction industry.

Many owners of private houses prefer attic insulation with polyurethane foam. Reviews say that due to the economy and accessibility of the material, the construction process can be significantly cheaper. High adhesion ensures that the polyurethane foam is well sprayed or laid on any material - glass, plastic, wood, frame or concrete, while it can be used for walls, ceilings and floors. Thanks to its excellent adhesion, the use of fasteners is not required, which also greatly simplifies the installation process.

Today, home insulation with polyurethane foam (reviews confirm that this technology is the most convenient) can be carried out using several of its varieties. In the most rigid version, this material consists of closed cells, which provide high rates of hydro and thermal insulation. Most often, this variety is used in the decoration of external walls, but it will require the creation of a ventilation system, since rigid PPU brands do not differ in vapor permeability. Thanks to this method of thermal insulation, several goals can be achieved:

  • provide high resistance to harmful substances, mold;
  • provide adhesion to any surface;
  • protect the building from ignition;
  • use in any climatic conditions.

Ease of use makes it easy to insulate walls with polyurethane foam. The reviews of many of those who performed thermal insulation on their own say that this process can be handled easily and simply.

Features of home insulation

home insulation polyurethane foam

To make your country house warm, reliable in operation and energy efficient, and at the same time reduce heating costs, you need to correctly approach the process of warming it. One of the simple ways is to warm the house with polyurethane foam, so that the supporting structures will save heat as much as possible indoors. Exterior finish is best to save floor space. Before decorating the walls, you need to do thermal engineering calculations to determine the minimum thickness of the polyurethane foam layer. The calculations take into account:

  • resistance of load-bearing structures to heat transfer;
  • wall thickness;
  • region of residence.

External insulation with polyurethane foam received positive reviews due to the fact that the work is carried out conveniently and simply. At the same time, you can finish the attic, loggia, balcony. Insulation from the outside requires a number of works:

  1. The surface of the walls is being prepared.
  2. It is sprayed with polyurethane foam.
  3. Reinforcement is carried out with a special screed.
  4. Finishing is in progress.

wall insulation polyurethane foam reviews

PPU is applied only on a clean surface, while its thickness depends on the type of wall and its condition. Reinforcement is carried out using fiberglass mesh with small holes. Warming a house with polyurethane foam has its own characteristics, which depend on the type of future decoration.

Siding or plastering?

If PPU is applied under siding, then the creation of a hinged facade based on the frame and brackets on the wall is required. When applying material, you need to ensure that it falls both under the frame and under the guide profiles. This will provide high protection and reduce heat loss. With this method, the frame should protrude above the facade for a couple of centimeters.

If the walls are insulated with polyurethane foam for further plastering, a slightly different technology will be required. When spraying, the texture and topography of the wall surface are partially repeated, therefore, the application of polyurethane foam must be carried out accurately and evenly.

Attic insulation

attic insulation polyurethane foam reviews

The warming of the house with polyurethane foam received positive reviews due to the fact that the materials can be used to decorate the entire country cottage. To reduce the level of heat loss, the attic or attic is most often finished using PPU. What is this method good for? Firstly, by the seamlessness of the coating, which is ensured by the use of a low-pressure apparatus, spraying the mixture onto an insulated surface. PPU freezes on the base for 10 minutes, while the operation is performed in several layers to achieve a smooth and neat surface. The material can be applied vertically and horizontally, while it is ideally attached to a surface made of wood, concrete, metal or plastic. It is no coincidence that attic insulation is often used with polyurethane foam. Reviews say that this is the easiest and most convenient way to provide additional thermal insulation.

polyurethane foam insulation

This process must be approached responsibly, primarily because the attic is a living room that comes in contact with cold air more than other rooms. Accordingly, in addition to insulation, additional waterproofing will be required, made in accordance with environmental standards and fire safety.

The use of mineral wool and other tiled materials is too long and time-consuming process, therefore, insulation by spraying polyurethane foam received positive feedback just for the simplicity and speed of the process. You can cope with the spraying yourself, while the service life of the coating will be about 50 years.

Features of roof insulation

home insulation polyurethane foam

PPU is widely used for finishing the roofing system, because thanks to the spraying, the material keeps excellently even on an inclined surface, repeating complex reliefs and shapes. Roof insulation with polyurethane foam allows to achieve high thermal insulation, and a thinner layer of material will be required, which will well protect the surface from cold. Due to its durability and good noise and thermal insulation, PPU will be a good solution for any roofing system.

PPU filling

Polyurethane foam is a unique material that fits on the basis of only two technologies. So, in most European countries, for many decades, polyurethane foam insulation has been popular (reviews about the technology are only positive), which is poured into cavities up to 10 cm wide. Gaps are left specially to fill them with foaming materials, providing a high level of heat and sound insulation. The whole process of insulation is reduced to the implementation of several types of work:

  1. Outside or inside the walls, holes are made having a diameter of up to 12 mm and an installed pitch of 60 mm.
  2. Polyurethane foam is poured through the openings under pressure, filling the cavity and rising along the height of the wall.
  3. Filling is performed until the entire cavity is filled.

This is a convenient way to warm the house with polyurethane foam. The reviews of many people agree that this technology allows you to make a seamless and tight heat-insulating layer using high-quality and environmentally friendly materials.

Advantages of pouring technology

This method of using PPU is most often used in the decoration of multi-storey buildings for various purposes. The main thing is that the material is laid evenly, eliminating the possible appearance of cold bridges. This method is good, firstly, with minimal time costs, since no preparatory work is necessary. In addition, the solidification of the insulating layer occurs gradually, so you can quickly fill.

Spraying: quick and easy

polyurethane foam insulation reviews

Warming with polyurethane foam can be done by spraying it. This technology is widely used in most countries of the world. The essence of the process is the supply of two components to the atomizer under the influence of pressure. By mixing, the mixture is removed to the surface and applied in a thin layer to the surface. After a few minutes, the foam increases sharply in volume, solidifies, after which a monolithic heat-insulating coating is formed. Depending on the type of components selected, polyurethane foam of various densities can be used.

The low density of the PUF will lead to the fact that the coating will not be too resistant to mechanical effects, and therefore only suitable for siding. Higher density allows the use of PUFs for finishing surfaces that do not need additional finishing. The main advantages of spraying technology are its manufacturability, economic feasibility and convenience. On the basis of this technology, attic insulation is often performed with polyurethane foam - reviews say that this is the fastest way to cope with the insulation of this room.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22116/

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