Lobularia - growing flower carpet

Lobularia, the cultivation of which is carried out on an industrial scale, captures ever new areas and wins the hearts of an increasing number of amateur gardeners. White, pink, purple color flowers create a vibrant wavy carpet.

Lobularia is notable for a long flowering period (from early May to November, until the first frost). Lobularia, the cultivation and care of which are not difficult, is very unpretentious in conditions. This crop grows in open sunny places, tolerates light shade well and prefers moist soil. The soil should be moderately heavy, preferably loamy with an admixture of peat and sand, well-drained. Otherwise, water will stagnate and rot. With excessive moisture, the flowers are affected by fungal diseases (powdery mildew). To combat the pathogen, diseased leaves are removed, and the flowers are sprayed with a solution of green soap, thinning alissum thickets (this is another name for lobularia).

In March, the lobularia seeds are sown in greenhouse soil, without seeding, but just crushing them, since the change is very small. Seedlings are watered and the soil is loosened. After 10 days, seedlings appear, and after 35 days, lobularia blooms. Young growth is thinned and dive. They are planted in a permanent soil with a lump of earth after 15-20 cm.The distance must be observed to prevent crowding, because when growing, the bush will spread along the ground, and if there is not enough space, the shoots will stretch up, which will deprive them of decorativeness and reduce flowering. During the long growing season, it is necessary to feed the plants with minerals once a month. To obtain early seedlings, you can sow lobularia in November, but due to overwintering, the stems are stretched and the plant is more susceptible to disease. Lobularia, cultivated in autumn or early winter, is already blooming in March. It is worth noting that when harvesting lobularia from the lawns in November, it itself dissipates remarkably.

The shoots of lobularia after the first flowering wave must be cut to 5-7 cm, especially shortening the lateral shoots, which will definitely stimulate apical growth, and rapid flowering will begin again in 10-15 days. A week after pruning, when the stress for the flowers has passed and they have taken root again, it's time to carry out a comprehensive mineral dressing.

These flowers are cross-pollinated, so lobularia, the cultivation of which requires keeping the lines clean, needs to be planted from each other with a gap of at least 200-250 m.Otherwise, after such pollination hybrids that are less sensitive to fungal diseases and with less decorativeness can grow. Lobularia, which is grown widely and universally, is suitable for landscaping roadside lawns. They also adorn alpine hills, rockeries. They are suitable for decorating loggias and balconies. Lobularia flowers are well combined with other flowers in a lawn composition: often they can be planted as the first tier at high peduncles, to mask soil errors, they are used as ampelous plants.

Mylnianka flower, similar in appearance to lobularia. Shoots up to 50 cm in height, but the inflorescences are larger. The most decorative terry varieties of soap dish. Mylnianka, the cultivation of which is not too difficult, is a good peduncle. It is sown in March in greenhouses for seedlings, which in a month is ready for planting in open ground. It is better to transplant young shoots 20 days after germination, as older bushes respond poorly to this procedure. It is cold-resistant, so it is not afraid of spring freezing. Perennials of soapwort breed by division of rhizomes, in contrast to annuals. It settles well on poor soils, in rocky clefts. It reacts poorly to fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers. Otherwise, care for a soap dish is the same as for lobularia.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22123/

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