"Golden Age" - the meaning of phraseology in history

How many humanity actually exist? None of the scientists have yet been able to precisely establish this term. Some argue that deadlines must be measured in millions of years, others in billions. But the question is still open. No matter how many years a person has lived on the planet, many beliefs and epics have survived to this day.

One of the beliefs says that world history is divided into three periods - centuries:

  • gold;
  • copper;
  • iron.


According to the beliefs that have survived to this day, the golden age is a period at the dawn of time when all people were absolutely serene and calm. Mankind did not suffer from wars, there were no crimes and hunger, no laws were needed, because in the world there was a complete order. People did not have to work. It looks like a utopia, which was often described by ancient poets.

The meaning of phraseology “golden age” follows by itself - this is the best time, the heyday. In fact, we are talking about the best times of mankind, the idea of ​​which was formed even among the ancient peoples. In some legends, this period is associated with the cohabitation of gods and people.

golden age meaning of phraseology

Winged expression in literature

The meaning of phraseology “golden age” in Russian literature is the definition of a period that was characterized by the flourishing of poetry and prose, a sharp rise in philosophy and social thought. The expression characterizes the first third of the 19th century, when Pushkin A.S. and Gogol N.V. lived and worked. Later, the whole century was attributed to this period, and the writers who worked then were: Turgenev I.S., Tolstoy L.N. and Dostoevsky F. M.

However, A. Pushkin himself, in his own way, related to the meaning of phraseology “golden age”: “The idea of ​​a golden age is akin to all nations and only proves that people are never happy with the present.”


The meaning of phraseology “golden age” still determines the almost two-century period of this country (XVI century, first half of XVII). At that historical period, the peak of great geographical discoveries came, the Middle Ages almost ended, the country had many colonies that enriched it. In addition, it was then that a breakthrough in the cultural and political spheres began, the great creators lived: Lope de Vega, Velazquez, Cervantes and others.

definition of golden age expression

Other uses of winged expression

The definition of “golden age” is applied to science fiction. It characterizes a very short period of time - from 30 to 50 years of the last century. Over these 20 years, science fiction has become the most popular genre in English-speaking countries. To date, many works have become classics. And these writers went down in history: John W. Campbell, Isaac Asimov and others.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22125/

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