What is the reason for the emergence of economic science? Important in brief

What is the reason for the emergence of economic science? Social science answers this question using a special research method of cognition, that is, it refers to the treasury of world history and philosophy. The roots of most modern sciences with their rigorous methods go back to it. In the modern world, the normal functioning of society without an understanding of economic processes is impossible to imagine.

George Soros

What does the economy do

When answering the question about what the emergence of economic science is connected with, it is worth starting with the fact that ancient scientists considered it to be natural knowledge. And they were not mistaken in this, because the theory of management deals with the description, classification and research of any relevant activity of both an individual person and the whole society.

In addition, processes related to the production, exchange, consumption and distribution of material goods fall into the sphere of economic science. However, recently they are not the only ones interested in scientists. Spiritual production, which includes culture, art and knowledge, also raises questions.

world economy infographic

Short story

For the first time as an independent field of knowledge, economics was mentioned in the IV century BC, that is, during the period of the High Greek culture. It was the Hellenic philosopher Xenophon who called it "natural science."

Of course, already in ancient times, people understood that no matter how rich the surrounding nature was, a person has extremely limited material wealth. Thus, it is necessary to assume that the emergence of economic science is connected with the desire of people to satisfy their own and social needs in conditions of finite resources.

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Science Development and Specialization

Concern for the public good, which is the reason for the emergence of economic science, ultimately led to significant differentiation within theoretical knowledge. In addition, the modern global world with eight billion people is enormously different from the ancient Greek policy, which was a small community with close personal ties.

In modern science, there are several levels:

  • the microeconomic is limited to an individual household, market, or industry;
  • the macro level deals with national or regional issues;
  • international involves the study of relationships between entire states;
  • global, which appeared relatively recently, encompasses the world community in all the variety of different ties connecting countries, peoples and transnational corporations.

Thus, economic theory, which arose in antiquity, today covers a maximum of spheres of human activity. She answers a lot of questions related to managing and rational distribution of limited resources.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22127/

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