Terms of registration of the newborn and the necessary documents

Each family sooner or later asks questions related to the registration of a newborn. What is necessary to remember about this operation? How to cope with the task? What is the deadline for registering in order not to face negative consequences? And what to expect for the delay in the operation being studied? Having answered all this, each family will be able to easily realize the idea.

Does baby need registration

Registration of a newborn child is a certain paperwork. It gives new parents a lot of trouble. Especially if you do not know how to act. Some people think: is it necessary to prescribe newborns at all, or is migration registration not so important for babies? By law, every resident of the Russian Federation must have a residence permit. Will have to register and foreigners who are in the country for more than 90 days. Otherwise, they will face a certain punishment.

What is needed for registration

The registration of a newborn plays an important role for a young resident of the Russian Federation. At a minimum, it is required to receive benefits, as well as a number of required documents. Neither children nor adults can live without a residence permit.

Types of Registration

The registration of a newborn child with the right approach to the implementation of the task will not cause any trouble. It is important to understand that you can register a baby:

  • temporarily;
  • permanently.

In the first case, the child will be registered in housing temporarily, in the second - permanently. It is better to use the baby’s permanent residence permit. In the future, she will give the minor the right to participate in the privatization of housing. Temporary registration of such powers does not give.

Where to prescribe

What documents for registration of a newborn child are required from residents of the Russian Federation? To correctly answer this question, you will have to study the legislative framework for registering babies.

Birth certificate

By law, citizens must register children with one of their legal representatives. To date, the following options for the development of events, depending on the age of the registered person:

  • up to 10 years - registration only with parents (with one of them);
  • 10-14 years - the possibility of registration with close relatives;
  • 14-18 years old - registration with the consent of the child himself.

Children can be registered in any suitable housing. The main thing is to follow a certain algorithm of actions.

In whose housing

The registration of a newborn for some property owners can be an unpleasant surprise. Why?

The thing is that before the child reaches the age of majority, he must be registered with one of the parents. In this case, the ownership of the apartment / house does not play any role. The consent of the homeowner to register a newborn is not required.

Nevertheless, if a person plans to register a child outside his real estate, it is better to immediately discuss this nuance with the landlord. This is due to the fact that parents of a minor may try to write out forcibly. And then you have to look for a new place of residence for both yourself and the minor.

Package of documents for registration

The discharge of children from the apartment to nowhere is impossible. So, the homeowner may have problems with the sale or other sale of real estate. And so citizens rarely agree to rent property to families planning children. These are certain risks.

Request deadlines

Once the place of registration of a newborn baby is theoretically determined, you can proceed with decisive action. Before this, you will need to find out how much time is allotted for the registration of the baby at the place of residence or temporary stay. This is a primary registration. Some believe that for a normal life, a child just needs to have a birth certificate. But this is not entirely true. A rather long period is given for the registration of the baby. It is 3 months. If during this time, the parents without good reason did not cope with the task, they will have to face punishment. Not the most serious, but it is not pleasant.

It is recommended to register a newborn in the first 30 days after birth. Then it will be possible to draw up the payments laid down by law as soon as possible, as well as to produce a number of mandatory papers for a citizen of the Russian Federation. All this is a lot of trouble.

Where do you accept applications?

If the place of registration of the newborn is determined, then parents can proceed with active actions to achieve the task. Where to go for help? It is possible to register a child at the place of registration or permanent residence through various organizations. Today in Russia there are a lot of bodies that help with the registration of children and adults.

MFC and newborn registration

You can handle the relevant statements and documents:

  • at the MFC;
  • through passport offices;
  • through passport and visa centers;
  • in the FMS;
  • by contacting the migration departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The service is also provided through the services of "Single Window". The main thing is that the registration of a newborn child is carried out on time.

Consequences of delay

What threatens the delay in registering babies? This is not the most serious violation. It is administrative in nature. There will be no serious consequences for parents. Usually you have to pay a fine for late registration. It is about 2.5-3 thousand rubles. In cities of federal significance, the payment rises to 5-6 thousand. Sometimes parents are simply given a chance to remedy the situation. They are warned and urged to fix the problem as soon as possible. This is a normal occurrence. Especially if you missed the registration deadlines for good reason.

Step by step about the process

What documents for registration of a newborn baby may be useful to parents? Where to get them? Answers to these questions will be presented below. First, we will figure out how to proceed when applying for a child’s registration. This is not so difficult, especially if you follow the instructions below.

Birth certificate

They look like this:

  1. Prepare the documents necessary for the registration of the newborn.
  2. Make an application for registration of the baby.
  3. Contact one of the previously listed bodies for the implementation of ideas.
  4. Submit a request for registration of the baby.
  5. Submit documents prepared in advance to the registration authority. They will be given back later.
  6. Pick up a finished copy of the document with registration at the agreed time.

That's all. As you can see, this operation does not pose any difficulties, especially if you prepare in advance the documents for the registration of the newborn.

Package of papers

A huge role in the issue under study is played by a package of papers required for registration of citizens. First, get acquainted with the list of documents, and then try to understand where and how to order them. Mandatory from the baby's parents to register a newborn are required:

  • passports
  • birth certificate of a child;
  • an extract from the place of residence of the second parent stating that the baby is not registered with him;
  • application for registration;
  • marriage / adoption certificate (optional);
  • the parent’s consent to the registration of the newborn is not with him.
Application for registration of the baby

If both parents are registered in one place, then a third and fifth document will not be required. When the legal representatives of the newborn are temporarily registered, they will have to present the corresponding forms. Without them, the registration of a minor will be denied, and quite legally.

ID cards

What documents are required for registration of a newborn in Russia under certain circumstances? We already got acquainted with the list of relevant documentation. Now we find out how and where to get these or other components. Parents must have their passports from their legal representatives initially. An identity card is issued at age 14, and then exchanged without fail at 20 and 45 years old. If at the time of registration parents do not have passports (for example, they are lost or stolen / damaged), you will have to either postpone registration or request a temporary passport in the FMS. At the time of applying for the registration of the baby, it is necessary to take with you only the original identity card. With copies, they may refuse to provide the service.

Birth certificate

What documents are required for parents to register a newborn? A birth certificate will come in handy. This paper is issued at the registry office. The document indicates the fact of registration of the child. It is written in full name. baby. This is crucial information. Without it, registering a person will not work.

To issue a birth certificate you will need:

  • a certificate from the hospital about the birth of the baby;
  • statement;
  • passports of parents.
FMS and registration of the child

The application of the established form is issued and filled out in the registry office by legal representatives and employees of the registering organization. There is no need to pay a fee for the procedure. Registration of kids in the registry offices is completely free. Typically, a document is issued within a few days. Sometimes you have to wait only a couple of minutes. Therefore, there are no problems with issuing a birth certificate. Unless parents can decide what to name the baby. But these issues, as a rule, should be discussed and resolved in advance.

Family composition certificate

Suppose the parents of a minor are registered in different places. Then one of them will need a certificate of family composition. What documents are needed to register a newborn? An extract stating that the child is not registered with the second parent. You can take it in the Criminal Code or passport office. The applicant must have an identity card with him. Typically, a document is printed and issued to the parent in just a few minutes. An application for a certificate can be written, but often verbal requests are enough. In order to confirm your intentions, it is recommended to bring along the birth certificate of the baby. Then, with the issuance of a certificate of family composition, there will certainly not be any problems.


Documents for registration of a newborn when registering a child with one of the parents include the consent of the second legal representative for the operation. Ideally, it is necessary to draw up the corresponding text of the document and notarize the paper. A certificate of family composition is attached to it. You can do otherwise - go to the passport office to register the baby with her spouse. Then permission to implement the task is allowed to write and sign on the back of the application for registration. A copy of the identity card is attached to the certificate.

How much do they provide service

And how long does the registration of babies at the place of residence or temporary residence take place? The answer depends on the specific authority. Usually, 1-2 days are allocated for the provision of the service. If you submit a request through the MFC, you will have to wait about 3-5 days. Do you want to use the public services portal? This technique is not in great demand, so we did not consider it. Filing applications for registration of registration takes 10-15, sometimes 30 days. As we already said, when filing inquiries, the birth certificate of the baby is taken from citizens. And during the issuance of a certificate with a residence permit, they give this document back. Worry about this is not worth it.

Registration Result

The registration of the newborn is behind. What's next? Now you can deal with the design of manuals and other documents for the baby. And what is the result of the service we studied? It all depends on the age of the child. Newborns and people with temporary residence permits are given forms of the established form. They are printed on plain paper. Children after 14 years old are given a stamp of an established pattern. This is the certificate of registration. The exception is temporary registration. She, as we have said, is expressed by a paper extract.


We found out what documents are needed to register a newborn. In addition, we were able to deal with the algorithm of actions to obtain the corresponding service. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems initially. The main thing is to decide with whom to register the baby. Sometimes this question makes parents conflict with each other. Usually children are prescribed with their mothers. Then with the design of benefits and child benefits will be much less problems.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22136/

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