What to make an unusual and original mother-in-law gift for March 8?

They say a person has one mother. But this is not entirely true. Rather, biological, of course, one. However, it often happens that relatives of the second half - a wife or husband - also become very close and even relatives. In this article, I want to tell the girls how to prepare a mother-in-law gift for March 8th.

mother in law gift for March 8

Passion and hobbies

How can anyone be pleased? Everything is very simple, to give something of what he is fond of. You just have to learn about hobbies and hobbies. So, it is safe to say that a great gift for the mother-in-law on March 8 is a figure for replenishing the collection, material for sewing - if the husband’s mother likes to sew, good paper or paints - if she likes to draw. And so on, the list here goes on and on.


Of course, the mother-in-law's always necessary gift for March 8th is the flowers. It is worth noting that such a gift will appeal to every woman. The only thing is that you first have to find out what her preferences are, she loves her mother-in-law roses or tulips, carnations or gerberas. It is worth noting that flowers can be not just a supplement, but a gift itself. So, you can give a woman some unusual and expensive flower. This will not be superfluous.

As an alternative to my husband’s mom, give a flowerpot. Of course, if she likes to care for plants. So, you can choose something unusual or just beautiful. Today, for example, orchids are very relevant. Most women are crazy about them. What is not a great gift?

If you are as practical as possible, you can give your mother-in-law a set of flower seeds for a flower bed under the windows of the house. After all, it is not uncommon for very few to afford expensive and exotic varieties. And so, the gift will delight the husband's mom for quite some time.

original mother in law gift


A very good present from my mother-in-law on March 8 is various cosmetics. But here one must be extremely careful, because each person has his own preferences. Do not give lipstick or shadow. But choose perfume or eau de toilette with a pleasant aroma - why not?


To congratulate the mother-in-law on March 8, you can give your second mother some kind of household appliances. Again, much will depend on the financial condition of the daughter-in-law's married couple . You can, of course, fork out for a new mobile phone or a vacuum cleaner. But you can buy a coffee grinder, a toaster, an iron - smaller, and therefore cheaper gifts.


Everyone knows that a book is a great present. If you don’t know which genre of fiction my husband’s mother prefers, you can give her, for example, a cookbook. Many women from such a gift will be crazy. If the second mother is fond of domestic plants, you can buy her a corresponding book with tips and practical advice as a gift.

Congratulations on March 8 in-law


A very original mother-in-law gift is photographs. Here it is already possible, as they say, to let your imagination dance. You can give your second mother a beautifully designed photo of your beloved grandchildren or make a collage of photos that illustrate the main moments of the mother-in-law's life.

As an alternative, you can give a woman a photo shoot. Any lady will like this, since almost all of them like to be photographed.

Gift for the soul

Congratulations on March 8 to my mother-in-law will turn out to be very successful if you present her with a gift for the soul, rather than practical, as is most often done. In this case, you can purchase a gift certificate at the spa, for manicure or makeup. You can send your husband’s mom on a short trip or give a parachute jump (and there are ladies who dream about it). There are actually many options: it can be a theater or ballet ticket, a trip on an excursion, or just a trip to a good restaurant with your loved ones.


do-it-yourself mother-in-law gift

Naturally, you can give your mother-in-law something edible. So, most often these are sweets. This can be a custom-made and originally decorated cake or baking made by yourself. You can even order an ordinary chocolate bar, only its cover will be unusual: a photo of mom or just a nice inscription for her. By the way, today it is not difficult to do. In addition, there are many agencies that provide printing services of any format and content.


But still, the best gift of the mother-in-law is a do-it-yourself make. In this case, you can create almost anything. So, you can connect your husband to this business. Variations are huge. If you have a talent for sewing, you can sew a beautiful and original pillow, if a girl embroiders - embroider a picture. Together with her husband, you can do something in the yard or in the apartment of the second mother (to restore the dresser or decorate the balcony).

If you don’t have any special skills, you can just make a wish card, arrange a bottle of wine beautifully with ribbons, or make a small doll-amulet of strings. Both original and from the heart. It is worth noting that such gifts are always pleasant and dear to the heart.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22139/

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