Artifacts of The Elder Scrolls: Namira's Ring

The ring of Namira belongs to the Daedric Princess Namira - the lord of the dark side, shadows and all the vile. The one who wears this jewelry receives an amazing ability to reflect the damage received and return it to the enemy. If the Daedra acts against the player, then only half the blow hits him, if undead, then the damage is doubled. In Skyrim, this ring has a slightly different effect - its owner will have to become a cannibal who can replenish vital energy through eating human corpses.

In two parts of the "Ancient Scrolls" (in Oblivion and Skyrim), the Namira ring is given to the player after completing special quests.

"Taste of Death" - a quest from "Skyrim"

How to find the ring of Namira

The city of Markart was filled with strange rumors about what was happening in the local tomb. Detailed information is available at the Silver Blood Tavern from the innkeeper. Another way is to meet Brother Vereliy, who will be waiting for us in the Hall of the Dead inside the Rockstone Fortress. Verelius will tell us that someone (or something) has begun to eat the dead and that a strange situation should be uncovered.

We go to the tomb, where we meet with Aeolus - a follower of Daedra of Namira. We understand that, besides Eola, there is someone else in the hall, and this someone is the voice of Namira herself. She offers Dovakin to become one of her followers and arranges a meeting near the Rock Cave.

Main walkthrough

If this proposal does not suit us (we are talking about turning into a cannibal), then we can safely deal with Aeola. In this case, the quest for the Namira ring in Skyrim will end without a final reward. If the prospect of becoming a cannibal does not seem so bad, then we go to the cave and clean it - from the entrance to the altar of Daedra. After that we will be asked to bring Verelia here. We can do as ordered, or we can tell Verelia the whole truth about Namir and her cult.

Skyrim: Namira's Ring

If the player decides to bring his brother to the Cave of the Rock, then he will be offered a sacrifice to the cannibals. At the last moment, you can change your mind and deal with the servants of Namira instead of eating Verelia. Note that the ring of Namira we can get only after the sacrifice. Otherwise it will not work.

Quest for the Namira Ring from Oblivion

Daedric quests were available in the previous, fourth part of the "Old Scrolls". To find the sanctuary of Daedra Namira in Oblivion, you need to explore the southeast of Bruma. You will have to act on your own, as this quest is not given by anyone and is not marked on the map.

Having reached the place, we are talking with the character of Holfrodi. She will tell us that we are too nice to join the followers of Namira, therefore we need to worsen our appearance. To do this, we will have to reduce our Charm by twenty units - we get drunk with cheap wine and return to the sanctuary.

Quest completion

namira skyrim ring

After our Charm has become disgusting, the followers of Namira will be more than happy to accept us in their ranks. We approach the statue and activate it - the daedric princess herself will speak to us. She will order us to go to the Ayleid ruins of Anga, where her fanatical followers have now settled. The fact is that they are threatened by the priests of Arkei, who want to bring light to all the Forgotten who live in the dark. Namira will share with us the spell Pokrov, which can defeat opponents.

Ang is a place where darkness reigns, and the followers of Namira cannot stand even the slightest source of light. During the passage of this part of the quest, it is recommended to use items, elixirs, and spells that allow you to see in the dark. Our main goal is to send the β€œProtection” spell to each priest (there are four in all) in Anga. Using the spell, we can put out all the burning torches, and the followers of Namira will have the opportunity to attack their opponents and deal with them. The main condition for getting the Namira ring is to stay away and not engage in battle. If a player accidentally (or intentionally) hits one of Arkei's priests or followers, he will not receive the final reward. Moreover, the new task of yet another Daedric prince Hermeus Mora will not be revealed to him .

Namira's Oblivion Ring

After the last priest dies, the player can return to the sanctuary of Namira. If everything was done correctly, then he will receive a reward in the form of a ring of Namira with a reflection effect.


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