When do they plant onions before winter? Of course, in October!

Every gardener knows how valuable every hour is in the spring. After all, you need to dig up and plant so much. And time is running out. Therefore, part of the landings can be moved to autumn. Onions can be planted in October.

when they plant onions before winter

Why do you need to plant onions in the fall?

Speaking about when to plant onions in the winter, it is important to note some nuances. Before the onset of frost, this culture should take root, but not have time to release a green arrow. The best planting season in the Moscow Region is mid-October. If the gardener did not manage to meet these deadlines, then at the end of October this procedure is also not too late to carry out.

Another good argument in favor of autumn planting concerns the storage of onions. Those who grow onions from seeds know how small heads of sevka are difficult to preserve until spring, and then plant them on a garden bed. At home, he strives to dry, and in the basement to rot. If you know when to plant onions in the winter, then you can plant it in the fall on the site, and it will be perfectly preserved until spring. It is recommended to study the nuances of landing.

The subtleties of autumn planting sevka. Bed preparation

It is especially difficult to keep at home sevka bulbs up to 1 centimeter in size, as they can dry out. Larger specimens will also feel good in the ground, but for this it is important to properly prepare the bed. Having decided on when to plant onions in the winter, you can choose a place to plant. The beds should be neither too low nor very high. In the lowland, the onions will chill out during thaws and spring floods. On a very high ridge, it can freeze during severe frosts.

what onion to plant before winter

A well-lit place is selected, the soil is dug up and poured on both sides of the bed. An elevation of 70-80 cm wide should be obtained, then the ridge will warm up and light up well in the summer. Its height is 20 cm. In such a "house", planted onions in winter will feel fine. When should you not plant it? On the full moon.

"Dressing" beds with organic and mineral fertilizers

Before gardening, it is better to look into the lunar calendar and choose the most favorable day. From it, the summer resident learns when it is better to fertilize. If the heavenly body is in a suitable position, then it should be disinfected on that day with a solution of copper sulfate at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water. Two liters of solution using a watering can irrigated 1 square. square meter. 3 kg of humus, the same amount of peat and 2 tablespoons of superphosphate are added to the same area. All is well mixed with a shovel. After that, the surface is leveled and compacted. The bed is prepared a couple of weeks before sowing so that it settles a little.

onions in the winter when to plant

Planting Sevka

So, we figured out how to prepare the garden when planting onions in the winter, so you can start planting. Grooves are made on the surface of the soil at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other and a depth of 5 cm. The dried sevka is decomposed into these depressions after 3-5 cm (depending on its size) and is covered with light soil.

In conclusion, it remains to answer the question: "Which onion to plant in the winter?" It can be almost any sort: Ellan, Arzamassky, Bessonovsky, Myagkovsky-300, Odintsovets, Danilovsky-301, Chalcedony or Stuttgart Riesen. Strigunovsky and Bessonovsky are especially good, as these are early ripening and shoot-resistant varieties.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22143/

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