Mount Hamster - climb with pleasure

Do you prefer outdoor activities to lazy lying with the remote control on the couch? Then you can plan for a day off admiring the beauties of the Carpathians, because this is one of the most beautiful mountain systems in the world. Mount Hamster is a very simple way to the top, even families with children are not afraid to go on this one-day trip.

Why is the mountain so popular?

Of course, the first reason for the high popularity of the mountain among tourists and local residents lies in its name. The ridiculous name beckons many people and especially children. In addition, the climb to Mount Hamster is accessible for people who do not have a personal car.

mountain hamster
The lift start is next to the public transport stop. It is very comfortable. The mountain is located near many settlements (Ivano-Frankivsk, Polyanitsa, Yablunitsa and so on). The tourist can choose the method of climbing the mountain on their own. Most choose a leisurely walk along the serpentine and enjoy the changing beauties of the Carpathians. If the weather is clear, then from the top you can see the Montenegrin ridge. If desired, you can visit the waterfall Zhenetskiy Guk.

Mount Hamster: ascent and descent route

A tourist can climb to the top along any of the five existing paths. Two trails lead from the Zhenetskiy Hook and the checkpoint, two trails - from the Polyanytsya village road and the beginning of the highway to Bukovel. The last trail begins the path up from Mount Sinyak, this route is for tourists who choose a longer trip (from three days). For beginners it is better to choose a climb from the checkpoint or highway to Bukovel. They are the most comfortable. It is easier to get here without personal transportation. On these paths there are no sharp changes in height and bumps that are difficult to get around.

It is better to go down the mountain at the waterfall or in the village of Polyanitsa. Doing this is until seven in the evening, then it will be more difficult to wait for the shuttle bus.

mountain hamster route
In the evening (and especially on Sundays), buses are usually packed full of locals returning to Ivano-Frankivsk to study or work. It will be advisable for a large group to break into subgroups. If you do not have time for the bus, do not despair. You can always rent a car in the village.

Climb to the top

Mount Hamster, whose height is 1542 meters, welcomes tourists. Ascent to it takes an average of 4 hours. You need to go up right along the river Prutets. Look around carefully, as there is no particularly bright marking of the rise. The way up opens picturesque places, tourists are constantly accompanied by noisy mountain waterfalls. Usually people are distracted by the collection of blueberries and blackberries, growing in abundance in the Carpathians. A very interesting path is also the fact that to the top you must visit Poloniny (mountain pasture). In the Carpathian meadow, cows graze peacefully with bells on their necks. The magnificent forbs are amazing, you can see wild violets, poppies and even edelweiss. What is not the answer to the Alps?

Mount Hamster in the Carpathians
But especially tourists are interested in huts.

Hut of the Hamster Mountain

Mount Hamster in the Carpathians attracts people's attention with huts. What is it? These are special buildings in which shepherds of cows live in the summer. By the way, they can be purchased at a low price the freshest cheese and feta cheese. At another time of the year, tourists who do not want to sleep in tents stop here. There are no furnaces for heating in these buildings, only rare huts have bonfires and a hole in the roof for smoke to escape. You should not use this method of heating in the winter. Mount Hamster is avalanche hazardous, since 2010 there are signs warning of danger in winter.

After the meadows, the path to the top is complicated. It takes about 40 minutes. The path is narrow, placers of boulders and bulging roots interfere with free movement.

Top of Mount Hamster

After a difficult journey, the peak appears before his eyes unexpectedly. Huge boulder stones overlap each other, as if the ancient Greek Hercules had visited here in great anger.

climbing a hamster
The statue of the Mother of God is looking at you from the top. The high pedestal with steps of stone inspires awe. The face of the statue is turned to Ukraine. Many tourists say that at the top there is a desire to be alone, to pray for thought. Mount Hamster pleases with the view from her. A chain of villages lies at the foot of the mountain, the peaks of the Pop Ivan, Petros mountains are visible, and Mount Sinyak is located very close by.

But what if you visit Mount Bruise?

From the meadow, the path can lie to any of the mountains. If you want to see both picturesque peaks, then extend your trip for a couple of days. The path to Mount Bruise will take more time. The path will pass along a rocky ridge, which is covered with greenish moss.

Many tourists are interested in the question of whether there is drinking water on the route. Yes, Mount Hamster will provide you with enough water. On any of the paths you will see a considerable number of sources and streams. Of course, water from them is better to use in boiled form. But if you draw water not at the foot, but closer to the top, then boiling is already an optional procedure.

mountain hamster height
Do not follow the example of Hollywood movie heroes who draw water into a flask, substituting it under a flowing stream. So in a flask can get trash that carries a stream. It is better to immerse the container directly in the water in the direction of flow, so the drink will be clean. Use a small container so as not to look for deep backwaters on the way to the mountain.

Having risen to the top of the Hamster and admiring the wonderful views of the Carpathian Mountains, you will certainly wish to continue your journey through the Gorgan. A variety of hiking trails can satisfy any wishes of a tourist.


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