Choosing a water pump for a well

In the private sector, the issue of water supply at home is often fundamental to ensure a comfortable stay. Constant interruptions in the supply of water, or even its complete absence, is far from a complete list of the problems that a person may encounter in this case. But if you decide to spend money on a well, then you can safely forget about most of these troubles.

well pump

But at the same time, you need to choose the “right” water pump for the well, on which the stability of your home-grown water supply system will largely depend. What are the nuances of this choice? How to choose such equipment, focusing on your needs? You will learn about this from our article.

To begin with, it must be said that today the industry produces many types of pumps, so there is no need to wait for the problems of their choice from this position.


Of course, there are a huge number of models, but all of them can be divided into household and professional. We will talk about everyday varieties, since the cost and functionality of professional models at home are often not in demand. In addition, a water pump for an industrial well is distinguished by its large dimensions and “appetite” in terms of electricity consumption.

water pump for well Price

If we talk about wells, then in such a situation, most often you have to perform a water rise from a depth of more than a dozen meters. In this situation, an injection water pump is ideal. Without any consequences for its resource, it can pump water even from great depths, while others (external and submersible types) often simply burn out from the load.

Note that each water pump for a well has in its kit a detailed instruction that you need to focus on when choosing. Note that all the numbers that are given in it are the indicator "spherical in a vacuum." Simply put, they show performance in ideal conditions, so when buying, give a 10-15% discount to get more real-world information.


It is from this basic information that you can judge whether the water pump is suitable for the well in your home. The volume of water that can be pumped by him in a minute is indicated as l / min or m³ / hour.

water pumps for aquarius wells
The pressure of the water is also important, which just shows the height to which water can be raised by a particular pump model. Both of these indicators depend on the pressure that a water pump can provide for a well. Its price also largely depends on this indicator (the simplest injection pump can be purchased for about 15 thousand rubles).

The final determination of the capacity you need comes from taking into account the number of members of your family, the characteristics of the well, the absence or presence of the need to irrigate the site, and other factors. For example, let's say that a family of 3-5 people will be provided with water in a normal volume, using water pumps for the Aquarius wells with a productivity of 3-4 m³ / hour. If we are talking about a summer cottage, where you live only from time to time, it makes sense to buy equipment whose performance is two times lower.


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