How to make a flower from a ball: instruction

Girls love flowers. Everyone knows that. But not everyone is sure for sure which flower a particular girl will like. Or, for example, they know, but it’s bad luck - the yard is completely out of season for these plants! What to do in this case? Please your beloved with a luxurious bouquet of ... balloons!

how to make a flower from a ball

Of course, the easiest way is to contact a company specializing in the sale of such things. But it is not without reason that they say that the best gift is one that is made by oneself. Try to make a flower from a ball as easy as shelling pears. And to catch a whole bouquet - it’s just a matter of half an hour or an hour of work.

How to make a flower out of a ball? For starters, it would be nice to buy the "details". For a bouquet, not ordinary round balls are needed, but special elongated balls designed for modeling. It is from them that the clowns in the circus make animals and birds in their performances. In general, two balls are needed for one flower: green for the stem and red, yellow or any other for the corolla.

How does a workshop entitled "How to make a flower out of a ball" begin ? With the inflation of one of them. Let's start with a whisk. We take a colored ball, inflate it so that there remains a tip about three centimeters long, and tie it to a knot more tightly so that it does not deflate. If you have well-developed lungs, you can cope with this task without much difficulty. If not, do not take the risk, buy a pump - it will go even faster with it.

ball flower

The next step in our task, how to make a flower from balloons, will be the formation of petals. Tie the beginning and end of the ball into two knots and bend it in half. The place of inflection should be twisted, and then both halves should be folded tightly and pressed against each other. Then we divide each into three equal parts and in the folded form we twist. As a result, we get a design similar to a bunch of sausages, where the products are also connected in pairs. We fold these pairs with an accordion, after which we take it with the thumb and forefinger in places of torsions and twist three of the six petals. We get a six-petal daisy-type flower.

how to make a balloon flower

In the continuation of the workshop "How to make a flower out of a ball", we will take up the stem. We inflate the green ball to the end, but we make sure that it does not turn out too tight - so it can burst from twisting. We retreat from the knot about 10 centimeters and twist the ball. Then we bend the knot to the place of torsion and twist again. It turns out the middle of the flower. Then we insert the stem into the corolla so that the middle is above the petals, bend the stem in a zigzag with a good indentation and twist the two leaves. So, our flower is ready.

Little conclusion

Now you know very well how to make a flower out of a ball, which means the problem of choosing a bouquet for a girl you like, but not yet very familiar, is a huge gift from such products, in any case, will make her pay attention to you, because it’s unlikely that she was presented with such original surprises. You just have to watch that your darling is not blown away by the wind along with your amazing and unique gift!


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