Do-it-yourself gazebo made of wood: step-by-step instructions, drawings, sizes

After the construction of a country house, you need to begin the ennoblement of the territory. After all, rest is also necessary somewhere. And where is it nice to spend time in the summer in the heat or in the rain? Of course, in a cozy gazebo. And you can make it yourself from almost any material. Many prefer metal. And this is partly true, since it is much easier to process, and the service life is longer than for some types of wood.

But in our article we will talk about how to make a gazebo for a summer house with your own hands from a tree. Why we settled on wood, you will learn from the material. And most importantly - we will consider all the actions that you need to perform to build a cozy gazebo for a wonderful pastime. Just keep in mind that it is not recommended to install the brazier inside.

Design Advantages

So, let's start with the best - with positive qualities. And there are quite a lot of them:

  1. Mass - installation is easier, you save a lot of money in the manufacture of the foundation.
  2. A high indicator of environmental friendliness of the material is a weighty argument. Wood is completely safe, when exposed to water or high temperature, it does not emit harmful substances. Therefore, in such a gazebo, you can eat, play with children. If you wish, you can even gnaw a wooden partition, you need to be afraid only for catching a splinter.
  3. Wood is very easy to process. Even the most daring design ideas can be translated into reality. Moreover, you do not need to have rich experience working with material.
  4. The cost of wood is quite low. Softwood, birch, oak are ideal for construction.
  5. The wooden structure harmoniously fits into any design of the yard.

Pluses, as you can see, quite a lot. But do not flatter yourself, there are also flaws. We’ll talk about them now.

Negative qualities of wood

Wooden garden arbors

Fortunately, there are only two drawbacks. But you can get rid of them if you use special tools. Such disadvantages are in wood:

  1. Low degree of fire resistance. In order to prevent a fire, you can not put gazebos next to open barbecue. Be sure to process all the details with special impregnations.
  2. Wood is exposed to moisture. If there is a source of water nearby (lake, river, even a fountain), then the material begins to rot. Therefore, to increase the service life, it is necessary to apply bituminous mastic or other waterproofing material on top of the wood.

That's all the disadvantages that I would like to separately note. If you perform thorough processing, then all the cons will go away and only the pros will remain.

Preparation for construction

During construction, you can use any design, and you need to immediately determine what type of roof you will be installing. If the gazebo with a rectangular base, then the roof can be made as a four-slope, and gable. Gable, it turns out, is much simpler, it can be done even by a novice builder.

Summer arbors from a tree

So, let's estimate what size it is necessary to maintain during construction:

  1. At the base, you can make a square, the side of which is 2 m 10 cm.
  2. The support posts should be about 2 m long.
  3. From the base of the roof to its uppermost element - about 66 cm.
  4. At a distance of 0.7 m from the floor surface, you need to make an average piping.

When implementing the project of a gazebo with a casing of opaque materials to an average trim, it is necessary to apply jibs. With their help, you can increase the strength of the structure. The length of the jib should not be more than 15 cm.

Structural features

On one side of the gazebo, it is necessary to provide a kind of β€œdoor” opening. It is through it that visitors will enter and exit. It must be installed in the middle, stepping back from the uprights in the corners of about 60 cm. The width of the opening should be about 80 cm (additional beams must be taken into account).

Rafters should have a length of about 2 m. If you are making a protruding roof, then the area occupied by the gazebo will be approximately 2.5 x 2.5 m (or 6.25 sq. M). This parameter must be taken into account when decorating the space around the gazebo.

DIY roof gazebo

Such sizes are most optimal if you plan a vacation for a family of 4-5 people. However, a larger number of people can fit in a gazebo for a summer residence. But if you plan to carry out large-scale events, then be sure to consider this when designing. It is possible that you will have to increase the size of the structure.

Choose material

Before choosing a material, it is necessary to pay attention to the technology by which a wooden arbor will be built with its own hands. Step by step, you need to perform the actions that will be described in the article below. Typically used wood species:

  1. Pine is a rock resistant to decay, it is able to withstand large mechanical loads due to its strength. But there is a drawback - it is susceptible to fungus.
  2. Spruce is less susceptible to bacteria and fungi. It is hygroscopic.
  3. And the strength of larch is about 30% higher than that of pine. It is also very resistant to moisture. But there is a drawback - the processing of the material is quite complicated.

What material to choose - you decide. But, in any case, it is necessary to process the wood with antiseptics in order to increase the service life of the gazebo.

Construction Methods

Arbor construction

You can make a separation according to the method of erecting garden arbors from a tree with your own hands in this way:

  1. For the manufacture of chopped arbors, you can use logs. They are attractive in that they are not subject to any processing. You can create the illusion of naturalness, a kind of reunion with nature. If you are engaged in construction for the first time, then it is best to choose just such a material. After all, assembling a gazebo from it is as simple as making a house from a designer. It is necessary to prepare all the elements in advance and put them in their place. But there are also disadvantages. The material gradually shrinks and becomes covered with cracks - this is a normal phenomenon, since all excess moisture leaves it. As a result, mold and fungus begin to appear.
  2. Very often glued timber is used in construction. This is a very convenient material, there is no need to apply paint on top of it. Among the advantages, one can distinguish one significant one - the level of humidity in the timber is constant. And the construction takes place quite quickly and without any nuances.
  3. Board is a very light and easy to process material. It can also be used in the construction of arbors.

A little bit about boards

In the construction of garden gazebos made of wood with their own hands, a board is most often used. There are two types of boards, from which you can build a gazebo:

  1. Grooved - it is even on both sides. Fasteners are made using grooves and spikes.
  2. A block house is an imitation of a log, the outside is convex.

If you are engaged in the construction of a gazebo yourself, and no one helps you, then it is best to use a board. The weight of this material is quite low, so it is very convenient to work with it.

How much material is needed?

Arbor table

And now let's decide how much material you need to make a gazebo. Suppose you are planning to build a summer arbor from a tree with your own hands in the following sizes: 2.1 x 2.1 m, height without a roof - 2 m. Provided that a gable roof will be built, you will need:

  1. 27 m of timber for the manufacture of racks. You can use the board, but it will have to be bought twice as much - 54 m.
  2. 10 m boards for rafters.
  3. For the upper harness you need 8 m of board.
  4. For an average strapping also 8 meters.
  5. To cover the floor will require about 40 meters of material.
  6. For the manufacture of the roof you need 8 square meters. m. of roofing material.

Which tool will be needed?

Before you begin, make sure that you have all the tools available:

  1. A circular saw.
  2. Saw for corner cutting.
  3. Electric Planer.
  4. Hammer.
  5. A set of chisels.
  6. Electric jigsaw.
  7. Building level, tape measure, corner.
  8. Step-ladder for installation of a roof of an arbor from a tree. With your own hands, all roofing work is done quite quickly.
  9. Workbench.
  10. Drills for wood and drill (you can screwdriver).

Do you need a foundation?

DIY gazebo step by step

If the gazebo is being built near the reservoir, then one big mistake is often made - the type of foundation is chosen incorrectly. Be sure to consider at what depth groundwater lies. It is recommended to use for arbors not monolithic foundations, but columnar ones. Firstly, you will save time. Secondly, the gazebo will be more stable. You can use almost any construction of a columnar foundation when building a gazebo made of wood with your own hands. You can step by step describe all the actions:

  1. Mark the site according to a pre-compiled plan. Stakes need to be installed around the entire perimeter, pull a strong thread between them.
  2. Check if the stakes are installed correctly. Measure for this diagonal the quadrangle. They must be the same.
  3. Dig holes for the installation of supporting poles. The depth of the pit should be about 40 cm. The width should be greater than the diameter of the column by 15-20 cm. In the event that the gazebo has a large area (more than 8 sq. M.), It is recommended to install additional supports.
  4. Before installing poles, treat with bitumen or tar.
  5. Install the supports in the pits and fill half with soil, but better with large gravel. Be sure to carefully compact this material, make sure that the columns are installed vertically. It is best to use a plumb line for this purpose.

Then, when everything is ready, you can fill the supports with concrete. Before starting further work, you need to wait a couple of days for the solution to freeze. Decoration of pillars is allowed. You can use bricks - this will not only ennoble the appearance, but also significantly increase the strength of the base.

Civil Engineering: A Step-by-Step Guide

When building a simple wooden gazebo with your own hands, you need to start with mounting the base. First you need to position the previously prepared timber at a distance of 10 cm from the ground. Maintain horizontal position. Fasteners are made to supporting pillars using self-tapping screws. Conduct all these works as carefully as possible, because what determines the quality of the entire structure will depend on them. If you make a slight indentation, then ensure high-quality ventilation.

Pergolas for a summer residence

It is recommended that the floor be made of the same material as the walls. In order to improve the strength of the frame, a lag is installed. A distance of about 40 cm must be maintained between adjacent supports. Fasteners can be made using screws or angles.

The connection with the help of the corners will be stronger, in addition, it is faster. The next steps for making a gazebo with your own hands from wood (drawings are given in the article) are as follows:

  1. Laying boards on top of the crate. Nail them with a gap of about 1-2 mm, this will improve ventilation. All elements are fixed with screws. In that case, if you are installing using nails, you need to make holes for them in the upper board - this will avoid cracking.
  2. Treat all wood elements with a waterproofing compound. But if a terrace board is used, this does not need to be done.
  3. Install the support legs. Place the timber vertically on the supporting supports. Check the verticality and fasten with the help of jibs.
  4. To increase the strength of the structure, make an average strapping of the structure. To do this, use a board. In it, all the necessary holes are drilled and cut. To the boards of the base, the board is attached using self-tapping screws.
  5. Using the upper harness, the support posts are connected. In addition, it is the basis for laying roofing material. The boards are screwed to the top of the posts using self-tapping screws.
  6. Next, install the railing, make cuts in the risers and make fasteners with the corners. Then you need to fix the crate in order to install finishing material on it.
  7. To improve stability, it is necessary to use a timber for tying.
  8. Now you can start assembling the roof. It is best to make a frame on the ground, after assembly, the finished structure can be mounted on the gazebo.
  9. The rafter system consists of several identical triangles made of boards. In advance, you need to make a template and cut small sections on the boards to fasten to the harness.


If you plan to make stationary furniture, then be sure to consider this when designing. Buy material for the manufacture of benches and tables for a gazebo made of wood.

Simple do-it-yourself gazebo

With their own hands, making them is as simple as the arbor itself. But let's talk about how to make the finish. You can choose the following options:

  1. The first is the installation of balusters. It all depends on what kind of imagination you have. In construction stores you can find a large number of options. If desired, you can make them to order.
  2. The second is a β€œclassic” wall paneling. This is a board that has connecting elements on both sides. Boards are joined and connected. Installation is quite simple, the material has good thermal insulation qualities.
  3. The third option is for interior decoration. It is best made from a pine board. The cost of the material is not very high, when compared with cedar, oak, larch.

Perhaps this is the end of the story about how to build an open or closed gazebo with your own hands from wood. No pitfalls, installation of all structural elements will not take much time.


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