Brita filter. Water filters

Water has a significant effect on the human body. The latest cleaning systems are necessary to eliminate possible health hazards. They also improve the taste of water and the food derived from it. There are many different devices that make a liquid usable. The Brita filter is one of the practical options because it performs quality cleaning. Read more about it in the article.

Selection options

To choose a high-quality cleaning system, you must focus on the following parameters:

brita filter

  1. Water quality: it is necessary to determine what exactly the water should be filtered from (for example, scale in the kettle confirms the need to remove salts, and the pungent smell of bleach indicates the purification of the chemical composition).
  2. Productivity of the device (the right amount of purified liquid).
  3. Operating mode (cyclic or continuous).
  4. Duration of service without maintenance.
  5. Cost.


The main types of cleaning systems include:

  1. Filter jugs.
  2. Stationary
  3. Cartridge
  4. Devices connected to the crane and nozzles.
  5. Reverse osmosis systems.

brita water filter

The Brita water filter is an elegant plastic jug with a replaceable cartridge. Products differ in volume, design, but their common property is considered excellent filtering quality, convenience, reliability.

How to choose?

Before choosing a cleaning system, you need to familiarize yourself with their pros and cons. If it is necessary to improve the quality of water for drinking and domestic needs, then you can choose a filter jug. A great option would be a desktop fixture, presented in the form of a bulb with a small faucet, which is installed at the source of water, connected to it using a flexible hose. Such a device purifies the liquid from large particles, heavy metals and impurities.

Filter nozzles are installed on the crane. With their help, running water is cleaned of large particles, organic components, chlorine, unpleasant odors. There are stationary and removable filter nozzles.

When it is necessary to eliminate large particles from the liquid in the form of sand, rust, then a stationary system is needed. If you need clean water for bathing, it is better to choose filters that soften the water. They will help remove harmful salts and heavy metals.

Reverse osmosis devices purify the liquid at the molecular level. This is how it is sterilized. There are some disadvantages of such cleaning, for example, you need a lot of running water. If the house has central water supply, then household filters are the best choice. With them, it will be possible to eliminate various impurities. When choosing any device you need to consider the features of plumbing.

Pitcher Features

The Brita filter is a jug. It is perfect for a family of 2-3 people. This type of device has an affordable cost, does not take up much space and is convenient to use. Moreover, the water quality is not worse compared to the results of other products.

brita filter reviews

Brita water filter is useful for those who often leave for the cottage. The device does not need to be connected to the water supply, so you do not need to call a specialist for installation, maintenance. You can replace the cartridge yourself. Another advantage is that the cartridge is always commercially available.

Many people worry that the jug-type device will not do its job, but this is not the case if you buy a device from a reliable manufacturer. The Brita filter will be an excellent choice as the brand has been producing quality products for many years. They do an excellent job cleaning any complexity.

Benefits of Brita

The Brita filter bottle allows you to get quality water that is similar to natural. This function was created due to the presence of such an important element as a cartridge. It includes silver-treated activated coconut charcoal and ion-exchange resins. The device eliminates chlorine, nitrates, nitrites, heavy metals from the liquid. It also purifies water from phenols, oil products.

brita maxtra filter

Jugs with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters are convenient to use. Thanks to the original design and a variety of colors, the product will be a decoration of the kitchen. It is only necessary to fill the container with liquid and wait for its filtration, which takes 1.5-2 minutes. The used filter component is easily changed to a new one.

Cartridge device

The cartridge case is made of food grade polypropylene. Inside the case there is a mixture of granules of ion-exchange resin and activated coconut carbon. Coal is coated with silver so that the cartridge has bactericidal properties.

Ion exchange resins are used to remove metals, including heavy ones. This is a solid, insoluble compound, in the molecule of which there are active groups containing hydrogen ions.

First, the duration of the filtration is 1.5-2 minutes. Then, as it becomes soiled, the procedure increases to 5-6 minutes. But since the company advises that the cartridge be constantly immersed in water, the owner of such a device will always have 1.3-4.5 liters of clean liquid. To replace it, you need to perform the same operations that were done in preparation for a new job. The cartridge must be soaked in cold water for 15-20 minutes, install it, pass a portion of water through it, and then drain it. After that, the device is ready to work.

Work jug devices

Although tap water is recognized as safe, it still has components that adversely affect its quality and therefore human health. Chlorine, pesticides, and organic impurities may be present. Affordable and effective tool are filter jugs. Depending on the type of cartridge, they can eliminate harmful components, heavy metals, such as lead, aluminum, copper.

brita water filters

Filter jugs are different in shape, volume, color, cost. It should be borne in mind that each manufacturer has its own cartridges that are suitable only for its products. If you purchase a Brita water filter, then you need to choose all the details of this particular brand. This will extend the work of the device. At home there will always be clean and high-quality water.

Features Brita

The Brita filter confirms high German quality. The company was opened more than 40 years ago, in 1966. Products have become in demand all over the world. After treatment, people get clean water. Today the brand is a professional in this field. New liquid purification systems appear that have a more perfect action. The Brita Maxtra filter has a 20% improved water hardness reduction function.

filter bottle brita

All component parts of fixtures are tested at the factory. An independent quality control is also carried out. With the purchase of such a device, you can be sure of the reliability and safety of the liquid. According to reviews, the Brita filter is considered the best choice for those who do not save on health.


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