"Advantage" (drops at the withers): instructions for use, reviews. Flea drops for cats

Fleas are a serious problem for both pets and their owners. Their bites not only exhaust the cat with an unbearable itch, but also cause another concomitant disease, which often has to be treated additionally - dermatitis. Therefore, it is important to take measures in time in order to rid the pet of unpleasant parasites. To this end, many people prefer to use "Advantage" - drops at the withers. The instruction reports that this tool effectively destroys skin parasites, including fleas, already a day after use and, moreover, retains its effect for the next thirty days. What are the features of the drug? How effective is it as a flea remedy for cats? This will be discussed in this article.

adventage drops at the withers instruction


The main active substance of the drug is imidacloprid. Other additional substances that make up the drops are benzyl alcohol, butylhydroxytoluene and propylene carbonate. The preparation is a solution of yellow or pale brown color, packaged in tubes-pipettes, which are hermetically closed with a special protective cap.

Indications for use

The “Advantage” (drops at the withers) instruction recommends use in relation to warm-blooded animals (which means it is suitable not only for cats, but also for dogs) to combat a variety of skin parasites, namely fleas, lice, lice-eaters and others. Also, the drug is effective for the treatment of dermatitis that occurs as a result of parasite bites.

adventage for cats

Operating principle

At its core, drops are a specialized tool for the destruction of various types of harmful insects. They also effectively affect insects that are at the time of application of the drug in the larval stage of development.

The mechanism of action of drops is an active violation of the transmission of nerve impulses in the body of parasites, their paralysis and subsequent death.

The drug practically does not penetrate the blood, spreading over the skin of the animal and accumulating to the skin tissues and hair follicles. This provides direct contact of the parasites with the active substance.

from fleas for cats

Mode of application

There is a certain mechanism that helps to quickly open the tube of the drug in question. To do this, remove the protective cover and, turning it over with the back side, tear the protective film to prevent the product from escaping from the pipette.

Properly apply the product on the skin of the animal as follows. Firstly, it is necessary to carefully spread the hair in the area of ​​the shoulder blades (the application area should be chosen so that the cat can not lick the drug). Next, by clicking on the tube with the product, apply “Advantage” (drops) to the withers. The instruction emphasizes the need for direct contact of the drug with the skin of the animal. It is this method of application that will achieve the expected effect.

As a rule, one serving of the drug is enough to completely rid one animal of fleas. It is in the next twelve hours after application that the substance is most actively affected by parasites exposed to its influence. However, for the next thirty days after application, the protective properties of the drops are preserved.

Do not ignore the signs of the disease in your pet. If you do not take the necessary measures on time, the number of parasites that torment the animal can increase many times. This will not only add suffering to the cat, but will significantly complicate its further treatment. The more parasites (including new larvae) on the body, the more difficult it is to fight them. If the animal has too many fleas, most likely, it will be necessary to conduct a course of treatment several times. It should be borne in mind that the use of Advantage (drops at the withers) is recommended by the instruction no more than once every thirty days. Therefore, the treatment regimen for parasites in advanced cases should be made by a competent specialist, whose recommendations will help to avoid overdose and other unpleasant consequences of independent treatment accompanying it. A therapy scheme developed independently or from other people's experience can not only prove ineffective, but also cause serious harm to the health of the pet.

adventage Price


Store the medication in question should be in places protected from direct sunlight, the temperature in which does not exceed twenty-five degrees Celsius. At the same time, Advantage also does not recommend freezing Advantage.

Do not use drinks, eat food or smoke at the same time as the animal is processing to prevent the entry of substances hazardous to humans into the gastrointestinal tract.

It would be most reasonable to use personal protective equipment (in particular gloves) when treating a pet. In order to protect yourself from possible negative consequences, after the procedure for using the Advantage drug (drops at the withers) is completed, the instruction advises you to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and plenty of clean water. If a certain amount of the product does get on the skin or mucous membranes, it should immediately be washed off with a significant amount of water in order to remove all traces of the drug.

The next day after using Advantage, fleas will be absorbed into the cat's skin, and its coat will dry out. In order not to disturb the mechanism of action of the drug, during this period the animal can not be bathed and should not be stroked.

flea adventage


It is important not to use Advantage for cats that are sick, weakened after a previous illness or during rehabilitation. Also, the product should not be used in relation to those animals that are extremely light in weight. This mainly relates to the use of Advantage for kittens. The main contraindication is traditionally considered the individual intolerance to any constituent component of this drug.

adventage instructions for use


According to reviews, the drug is effective for both kittens and adult cats. The “Advantage” (drops at the withers) instruction strongly recommends using it exclusively at the recommended doses. Reviews confirm that under this condition, the tool is absolutely safe for pets, while an overdose is fraught with unpleasant consequences (we will describe more details about the possible consequences of an overdose below).

Another factor that attracts buyers in drops of Advantage is the price, which is not too high for a high-quality antiparasitic drug (about 160 rubles).

Side effects

Like any substance from fleas for cats, the drug in question in the event of an overdose or individual intolerance to animals of the individual components that make up the drug can cause some adverse reactions. So, for example, skin irritation may occur or an allergy to the components of the drug may develop; an overdose can cause general poisoning of the body or intoxication of the fetus (in the case of treatment of pregnant females), and can also have a mutagenic effect on cells and tissues of the body.

adventage for kittens

Features of handling containers

In no case should you use containers in which “Advantage” was stored (for cats the drug is used for fleas quite often), for any household needs or to store any other substances in them, for whatever purpose. Such containers should be immediately disposed of immediately after the use of the drug.

It is important to notice the signs of the disease in your pet in time. Parasites worry not only those cats that regularly visit the open air, but also those that are always or almost always at home. This is due to the huge number of ways of the distribution of fleas and eaters. Therefore, the fact of living in an apartment cannot protect the animal from infection. Each pet needs attention and care that will allow its owner to notice disturbing signs and rid his pet of all health problems.

Being a person, among other things, means with dignity to take care of those who are committed to the responsibility of people. Sometimes it takes a little more to do this, but the gratitude of the beloved animal will not keep itself waiting, and the pet will continue to bring the most joyful emotions to its owners. May your pets always be healthy!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22203/

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