How to install a battens under a professional flooring?

Nowadays, more and more developers and just private builders choose corrugated board. This relatively inexpensive roofing material has a long period of operation, reliably protecting the building from the effects of harmful environmental factors. It is not difficult to mount it, but some rules must be observed. In particular, you will need to learn about how to install a crate for corrugated board.

sheathing under a professional flooring
Its installation must be given special attention. For example, you need to clearly understand the parameters of the roof, since otherwise it will not be possible to construct a really high-quality base. The lathing under a professional flooring is most often made of wooden bars, the price of which is low. If you do not save on the quality of the material, then such a frame without special problems can withstand the severity of snow cover in winter.

Varieties of wireframes

In the construction of industrial or large retail facilities, a metal profile is most often used . This is due to the fact that the roof on such buildings rarely has the correct angle. Because of this, in the winter season, it experiences enormous loads due to accumulated snow, which only metal can withstand. But in everyday life, it is much more often necessary to encounter the fact that the lathing under the corrugated board is made of durable wood treated with an antiseptic composition. Remember that it can only be installed after installing the waterproofing layer.

decking step under the corrugated board

How to install

First, on the extreme rafters, the position of the crate elements should be marked. Carefully measure and inspect all places of their future attachment. Everything superfluous is shrunk, and when deep recesses are detected, a ruberoid is laid under them.

Laying the crate must begin from the ridge. Note that the step of the crate under the corrugated board should not be less than 20 cm and more than 40 cm. If the bars are not too long and they have to be spliced, make sure that the joints are on the rafters, and not hanging in the air. In addition, in different rows, the joints should in no case coincide. At the ends of the roof must be placed wind boards. In height, they should be greater than the height of the rest of the crate, and the required size depends on the thickness of the corrugated board itself.

how to make a crate for corrugated board

He himself is attached to the bars with self-tapping screws with zinc coating. Be sure to use rubber washers as a layer between the self-tapping screw and metal. For each “square” the lathing for corrugated board requires at least five connection points. Do not forget to use rivets to connect the sheets of material together.

Use profiled flooring with the expectation that with a greater thickness it is able to withstand a large load. So, in the construction of private houses most often use material with a thickness of 0.6-0.7 mm. If this parameter is less, you will have to mount it on the crate with a smaller step. In this case, the weight will be evenly distributed over it.

For chimneys , ventilation systems, various parapets, you need to make a separate crate. If we are talking about a chimney, then the gap between it and the beam should be at least 15 cm.

So, you learned about how to make a crate for corrugated board!


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