The role of language in the life of society and each person

The importance of language in the life of man and society, the functions that he carries - this is a very important aspect of the existence of society. It contains the spiritual and cultural values ​​of people. Through language people express their thoughts, expresses emotions. The words of prominent people cite and transform them from personal to human, creating the spiritual wealth of society.

Language can be expressed in direct or indirect form. Direct - directly in contact with a person, people in real time, and indirect - this is communication with a temporary gap, the so-called space-time communication, when the values ​​of society are passed down from generation to generation. Thus, the spiritual heritage of mankind is formed - the saturation of the inner world of people with ideals.

The role of language in society is truly great. It performs the function of transmitting social heredity. With the help of language, people can represent the world, describe various processes, receive, store and reproduce information, their thoughts.

Speech is a business card of a person, as well as the most reliable recommendation in his professional activity. In the labor sphere, language began to help in management (give orders, give an assessment), and also became an effective motivator.

the role of language in society

The importance of language in the life of society is enormous: with the help of it, the development of science, art, technology, etc. The peoples speak different languages, but one goal is pursued - to achieve mutual understanding.

But so that society does not degrade, everyone must abide by the rules of good form - the so-called culture of speech. It helps people competently and correctly communicate. And here the significant role of language is reflected in the life of society.

the importance of language in human life

There are 3 aspects of speech culture: normative, communicative and ethical. The normative includes various rules and norms of human speech: the way people should speak. Communicative is the correct interaction with other people - participants in communication. And ethical is the observance of certain rules: "Where, with whom and how to talk."

Over time, the role of language in society is only increasing. More and more need to be transferred, saved. Also, language has become a kind of science that needs to be comprehended. There are certain rules, systems of concepts, signs and symbols, theories and terms. This all complicates the language. Therefore, the "seeds" of the degradation of society are manifested. More and more people want to be free and not pay enough attention to the language.

the importance of language in society

Therefore, recently there has been increased vulgarization of speech practice. Society goes beyond the limits of the literary language; more and more people use jargon, thieves, profanity.

This is an urgent problem for today, because without the established speech culture it is impossible to solve general social, cultural and economic issues.

There is a criminalization of humanity, which is expressed in speech. The role of language in society is usually underestimated - this is not considered the highest good that we have. But you need to be aware of the following: as a person speaks, so he acts and thinks.


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