Door installation "Dorkhan": step-by-step guide, installation and configuration, photo

Manufacturer "Dorkhan" is considered one of the leading developers of garage doors with automatic control. The main and most promising direction of his activity can be called sectional designs, which take up little space and are characterized by high ergonomics in use. Having the necessary set of tools on hand, it will turn out to realize the installation of the Dorkhan gate with your own hands without professional help. But to obtain a high-quality result at each stage of installation operations, you must follow the instructions of the instruction and do not forget about the nuances of the working process in terms of connecting electrical devices.

Requirements for the installation site - what to consider?

Section gate "Dorkhan"

At the stage of preliminary calculation of the garage door installation scheme, it is necessary to evaluate what the specific design parameters will be. The dimensions of the opening are of key importance - not only its height and width, but also the characteristics of the lintel, if it is planned to install an electric drive. For example, a chain electric motor with a Dorkhan gearbox requires that the distance from the top of the opening to the ceiling surface is at least 150 mm. The depth of the garage is also taken into account. The Dorkhan gate installation experts recommend that, in calculating this parameter, a minimum of 500 mm should be added to the height.

In addition to the size of the opening, attention is paid to the condition of its surfaces. They should be smooth and even. Deformations, kinks and various kinds of curvature are not allowed. For floor surfaces, level differences should be no more than 1 cm over the entire length. Installation should only be carried out in an empty garage.

Tools and fixtures for installation

The quality of the installation and especially the convenience of the implementation of installation operations also depend on how complete the set of tools recommended for installing the door structure will be. In the instructions for installing the Dorkhan gates with your own hands, it is desirable to have the following technical equipment and devices in service:

  • Electric drill.
  • Sander.
  • Tool for working with rivets.
  • Hammer.
  • Pliers.
  • Sets of screwdrivers and wrenches.
  • Marking tools - tape measure, level, pencil.
  • Stepladder.
  • Knife.

It will also be useful to take care of your own safety and prepare safety glasses, gloves and a helmet.

Set of parts and accessories for installation

Complete set of gate "Dorkhan"

The kit of the gates themselves may vary depending on the specific model. In the basic set for the installation of the Dorkhan gate, the following elements are usually provided:

  • Mounting plates with supporting profiles.
  • Canvas gate.
  • Guides and rollers.
  • Torsion gear.
  • Racks and pillars.
  • Platforms and supports.
  • Mounting kits, including several groups of bushings, nuts, bolts, spacers, etc.

Installation activities are recommended to be performed with a partner. On average, a team of 2-3 people completes work in 4-5 hours.

Installation instructions for sectional doors "Dorkhan"

Installation of the gate "Dorkhan"

Before commencing work operations, it is necessary to check the completeness of the kit and the condition of the parts. Installation with defective or inappropriate format elements is not allowed. The same applies to the electrical kit. The integrity of the cable, plug, insulation and drive mechanism is checked. If the components and the working tool are in good condition, then you can proceed with the installation of the Dorkhan gate with your own hands. A step-by-step installation technique is as follows:

  • Assembly of panels. Upper, lower and side profiles (usually made of aluminum) with rubber gaskets are mounted on the door leaf.
  • Installation of guides. From above and below, C-profiles are mounted on which the rollers will move. Fasteners are carried out to the walls, the floor base and the upper part of the opening using self-tapping screws or dowels, depending on the base material.
  • Installation of support brackets. These are U-shaped corner elements, the presence of which is due to the need to increase the reliability of joints between profiles coming from different sides.
  • Mounting the torsion gear. A key part of the working mechanism responsible for the movement and assembly of web slats. This part is also mounted to the corner brackets in special grooves with a pair of bolts.
  • The web is being assembled and integrated into prepared niches with further adjustment.

Installation instructions for sliding gates "Dorkhan"

Installation of sliding gates "Dorkhan"

The design is less technologically advanced compared to sectional doors, although it also provides for the possibility of connecting an electric drive. The main feature of sliding gates from the installation point of view can be called the need for a foundation foundation, on which the entire structure will be based. If the same sectional doors are held at the expense of the upper and side panels with a torsion mechanism, then in the sliding model all the load falls on the lower base. So, the step-by-step instructions for installing the Dorkhan gate with your own hands in this case look like this:

  • The foundation pit device . A pit is digging along the line of passage of the gate with a depth of 70-100 cm. Then it is lined with concrete slabs or poured with cement mortar, together with bearing pillars from the gate set.
  • Assembly of the canvas. In some modifications, the sliding doors “Dorkhan” do without a solid shield. But in any case, it will require the assembly of power frames-profiles, which ultimately form the frame. You should get a rectangular shape with stiffeners along the diagonals.
  • Mounting guides and rollers. On a foundation basis is a platform with guides and running infrastructure for rail. The gear rack will become an active link in controlling the mechanics through an electric drive. It is installed in a special profile cornice, which is attached to the platform at the place of foundation pouring.
  • Installation of the frame. The frame structure with or without canvas is attached to the pillars and embedded in the chassis through special brackets. A tight coupling of two profile groups with blocking components is made.

Electric drive installation

The drive for gate "Dorkhan"

As part of a drive mechanism, the Dorkhan company usually supplies photocells for recording the fact of passage through an opening, a control unit and a signal lamp. Installation activities involve two basic operations:

  • The mechanical installation. Installation is carried out on a prepared base. If the “Dorkhan” gate was previously installed on the basis of the sections, then the device is mounted in the influx area. In the case of a retractable structure, the block is fixed to one of the side posts with bolts or anchors. In any case, it is important that the drive is at least 150 cm from the ground.
  • Electrical connection. Usually, a 230 V AC cable in a protective corrugation is supplied. Its laying is carried out so that the wiring in principle could not fall into the zone of movement of the gate. Connection to the power supply network is done separately for the photocell transmitter, gearbox and lamp.

Gate setting

Installation of sectional doors "Dorkhan"

With regard to sectional structures, it is necessary to adjust the tension of the cables. This is done by twisting the nuts on the metal sleeve of the torsion gear. Use a wrench to adjust the force until the blade comes in contact with the lining and the floor. Again, an important condition for the proper adjustment of the cable tension is the evenness of the base of the floor, which must be ensured even before the installation of the sectional door “Dorkhan”. With your own hands, you can adjust the sliding gates of this company. In this case, the extreme positions of the web should be adjusted. They are installed according to the following instructions:

  • The gearbox is unlocked. At this point, the door leaf should occupy the desired position in terms of tuning.
  • The upper cam on the drive shaft rises until the switch trips. The shutter closes and the cam is secured with a screw.
  • The gearbox is again unlocked, after which the blade is closed, not reaching 20 cm to full stroke. The cam rotates again until the switch is activated.

Gate Maintenance

The Dorkhan company notes a high degree of reliability of its products, therefore, additional efforts to maintain the gate’s efficiency on the part of the user are minimized. Nevertheless, it is necessary to periodically clean the surface of the structure, check the condition of the protective and decorative coating and adjust the functional organs. Also, at the stage of installing the garage door, Dorkhan will not be out of place to foresee opportunities for future structural improvements. For example, as part of the modernization, the gates can be supplemented with lighting devices, motion sensors, security means and other accessories associated with the home security system.


Sliding gates "Dorkhan"

As high-tech mechanisms enter the construction of garage doors, their installation methods become more complicated. Today, simply hanging the metal wings on the hinges and tapping the locking mechanism is not enough. Even in the basic version, the installation of the Dorkhan gate is a multi-level and technically complex process in which every little thing is important. On the other hand, trying to facilitate the tasks of end users, the manufacturer optimizes the door sets as much as possible from the point of view of installation. Therefore, following the instructions, even a home master inexperienced in installation operations will be able to provide his garage with Dorhan gates without outside help.


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