Summer kitchen in the country - some features of the design and creation of a unique interior

It is difficult to argue that the summer kitchen is such a necessary building in the country, however, it will not be possible to convince the opposite of those who can appreciate coziness and comfortable living. It is she who will make it possible to move out of the premises a zone for processing products, their preparation and cooking for every day. In addition, the cozy space of the summer kitchen that you created is a great place for a family dinner or for gatherings with a cup of tea with guests.

summer kitchen
Before deciding on a project, you should decide how your summer kitchen will be used: whether it will be a place for a pleasant stay or if the room will be exclusively for household purposes. The best option may be the option providing for the possibility of combining those and other functions.

Project selection and some construction features

If the summer kitchen in the country will play the role of a cooking zone and lunch in the bosom of nature, then special attention will have to be paid to its comfort, water supply. Also, do not forget about the arrangement of the ventilation system. An ideal option would be a summer kitchen with a basement. Today it is customary to equip these premises with barbecue or barbecue. But paying tribute to fashion, you should decide for yourself how often you will use it, is it very important for you to cook on an open fire. Perhaps a more acceptable option would be a summer kitchen with a veranda, which will be a great place for dinners and receptions.

summer kitchen with veranda
After solving the problem with the project and choosing the material from which the kitchen will be built, you can go directly to the implementation of construction work. The first step will be laying the foundation. It is an indispensable element of the structure, no matter what material for the walls you prefer: brickwork, wooden lumber or a modern structure made of aluminum and polycarbonate.

How to create an attractive summer kitchen interior

Since you have to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, its comfort and attractive design will be an important point. The spectacular appearance of the room will largely determine the project you have chosen, but even the most modest building, if desired, can be turned into a paradise, you only need to show a little imagination and ingenuity.

Flowers will be an appropriate part of the summer kitchen interior, you can use pots or plant climbing plants directly near the walls. When choosing furniture, you should pay attention to natural wood or wicker. An interior decorated in a country style with bright curtains and kitchen utensils made of natural ceramics and wood, hand-painted walls, and rustic rustic furniture will look interesting.

kitchen in the country
The actual option for today is a summer kitchen in the "euro" style, with a simple and functional design. It can be decorated in the form of a fabulous house made of bright brick with a high tiled roof, snow-white curtains on the windows with painted shutters, with blooming violets in flowerpots.

Creating a summer kitchen design will largely depend on your preferences and imagination. It will be important for someone to create a comfortable, modern space filled with practical things, and someone will prefer to create a corner that is not entirely justified in terms of functionality, but so comfortable and homely.


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