Polikarya waterfall - a landmark of the Krasnodar Territory

Polikarya Waterfall is one of the highest ledges in Europe, the most picturesque among similar natural sites of the Krasnodar Territory. Located in the natural national park in Sochi.

The source of the waterfall is located on the Aibga mountain range, consisting of 4 peaks. Its height is more than 2 thousand meters. The peaks of the ridge - Aibga I, Aibga II, Aibga III and the Black Pyramid - are covered with eternal ice at their peaks. Glaciers from the Black Pyramid Mountain, melting, fill the local rye stream, which, having reached the cliff, drops sharply down. Water falls from the top along the northern slope with an icy noisy, elastic flow and breaks into stones at the foot of the slope. The watercourse continues its course and flows into the river. Mzymta. On the river, downstream, 10 km from the Aigba ridge, is the famous resort village of the Krasnodar Territory - Krasnaya Polyana.

Polikarya waterfall

Waterfall Characteristic

The height of the Polikarya waterfall is 70 m. Among the local, it is better known as Pants. This name was given to the natural object due to the fact that at the top the waterfall is divided into two identical streams resembling two legs. In addition to the Polikari Falls, there are about 20 such attractions in the national park.

The northern slope of the peak is Black Shadow Pyramid and in the winter season the Polikarya waterfall freezes. At this time, it’s dangerous to get close to it, since there is a high probability of breaking off an ice block. And in summer, snow often lies on the banks of the waterfall. The water throughout the year is very cold, swimming under the stream is almost impossible. The most favorable time for visiting a natural site is spring-early summer. During this period, Polikarya Falls is the most full-flowing and picturesque. The weather in the region is unstable. The bright sun can sharply tighten with heavy clouds, it often rains heavily.

Polikar waterfall how to get

Path to the pond

To get to the waterfall, you need to tune in to a simple walk of 10 km. The path leading to the waterfall is very picturesque, immersed in a shady beech forest. The climb will end at an altitude of 2 thousand meters above sea level, where subalpine meadows already dominate. The duration of the walk will take about 4-5 hours. Special equipment for the hike is not required, but it is worth taking care of comfortable shoes and clothes. It’s not so easy to get to such a place as the Polikara Falls. The route can be difficult, so it will not be superfluous to bring a bottle of drinking water with you, since there is nowhere to make supplies along the way. For the return journey, drinking fluid can be dialed already at the waterfall. On the way, travelers enjoy breathtaking views of the Achishkho, Dzitaku mountain ranges and the Chugush and Pseashkho peaks.

Nature reserve

Off the coast of the waterfall, picturesque views of the main spurs of the Caucasus and the national reserve from above open up. More than 50 species of animals listed in the Red Book live in the territory of the National Nature Reserve. Of them: Caucasian forest cat, Caucasian otter, leopard, Asia Minor newt, Dinnik viper. And in the waters of a stream flowing from a waterfall, a rare species of salmon family fish, trout, is sometimes found.

Polikarya waterfall route

Polikarya waterfall - how to get there?

For those who are going to visit this attraction, the main question is how to get to these places. In addition to a walking tour, you can drive up to the ledge on a rented SUV for half an hour or climb the Mountain Carousel cable car. You can reach the summit of 960 m along the latter, the rest of the distance you still have to overcome on foot. The cable car starts working from 9 o’clock in the morning.

All excursions start from the Alpika-Service ski base. The journey to the waterfall itself is simple, even unprepared tourists can handle it. This is what attracts the Polikari Falls. How to get there by car? Unfortunately, driving directly will not succeed. You can use the method described above.

Often this road is crossed by bicycles, the rental of which is offered in Krasnaya Polyana. As for personal transport, from here you can only drive to your Altpika-Service ski base by car. But there is no road to the very top. However, this does not spoil the impression of traveling to this area.

Entrance to the territory of the National Park and Polikarya Falls is paid. The cost of a ticket for an adult is 750 rubles. If you want to order a guide, then you will have to pay extra for the service.

Polikar waterfall how to get there by car

How to get there by public transport?

You can get to Polikarya Falls in another way, not along hiking trails. In addition, as in a private car, you can also get by public transport. Buses No. 105 and No. 135 to the stop go to this area. "Krasnaya Polyana". And from here, only on foot or by bicycle can you reach attractions such as the Polikarya Falls.

Also, the desired route is easy to overcome on the electric train "Swallow". To do this, you need to get out at the Esto-Sadok station, and then take the bus to Rosa Khutor. The bus station is just opposite the train station.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22233/

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