Consumer rights: return of goods of various quality

Many have heard of the law of consumer rights. But in reality, few can imagine what it is, what to refer to and what to demand. Moreover, sellers themselves are not always in a hurry to observe consumer rights.

Defective Product Return

It happens that the purchased product is defective. Unfortunately, it is impossible to insure against this: the parts may be defective, the goods could be damaged during transportation, and the human factor has not been canceled. Marriage (or non-compliance with quality) means products that do not meet the requirements applicable to it. The transfer of such products to consumers is prohibited. Therefore, as guaranteed by the law on consumer rights, the return of goods upon detection of marriage is allowed throughout the warranty period of use. Defective products can be:

  • return;
  • to repair at the expense of the seller;
  • exchange for an equivalent product;
  • repair at their own expense, but with reimbursement by the seller of the costs of examination and repair;
  • keep it for yourself, having received a discount from the seller for marriage.

In the event of a marriage of technically sophisticated funds, the buyer can return the products and return the money to himself within 15 days from the date of purchase. However, this rule does not apply if the defect belongs to the category of unrecoverable or reappears after repair, if the goods were in repair with a cumulative record of more than 30 days or more than 45 consecutive days. It should be borne in mind that in the case of equipment being found in repair, the warranty period is extended for its entire duration.

There are other restrictions on consumer rights. Return of goods is possible only in the following cases:

  • if the buyer was not warned about the shortcomings of the goods in advance;
  • if the buyer has not violated the rules of operation of the product.

Thus, if the buyer under the signature was aware that the product is defective, or if a malfunction in the product occurred due to the buyer's fault, he will not be able to return money or receive new products in return.

Consumer rights: return of goods without claims to quality

If with the exchange of marriage it is usually more or less clear, then with the return of products of good quality, problems often arise. Meanwhile, it is legally established that even if the buyer paid in the store for a product that has no flaws, but did not fit in style, shape, dimensions, configuration or size, then it takes 2 weeks to return it to the seller, starting from the date next after the date of purchase.

As established by the law of consumer protection, the return of goods without marriage requires the following conditions:

  • safety of presentation, integrity of seals, factory labels, seals;
  • availability of a sales receipt or cash receipt;
  • the presence of at least two witnesses (relatives - you can) confirming the fact of purchase, if the check is not preserved.

There is a list of non-rejected goods that are not refundable. These include:

  • medicines, prophylactic and therapeutic agents;
  • attributes of personal hygiene;
  • animals and plants;
  • books
  • Perfumes and cosmetics;
  • sewing, textile and knitwear;
  • household furniture;
  • cars;
  • weapons;
  • complex technical household appliances.

How to defend consumer rights

Sellers often do not want to follow the law, sometimes without knowing it, sometimes just being safe, and sometimes out of harm. In this case, you must act confidently, showing your legal literacy. In extreme cases, you can threaten to appeal to the Office or Department, the purpose of which is to protect consumer rights. Returning the goods will be morally easier if you bring along Federal Law No. 2300-I purchased or printed from the Internet. As a rule, an unscrupulous seller gives in to a savvy buyer, not leading up to scandal.


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