Installation of fire doors: SNiP and installation steps

Installation of door structures is usually carried out according to a standard scheme with certain and most often insignificant deviations from the general installation technology. There are a huge number of doors, so it is logical that in each case there will be its own nuances. And this is especially true for special models designed to perform special tasks of isolation and protection. These include fire doors, the metal structures of which, although they are implemented according to the standard scheme, but also include a number of additional operations. In addition, the implementation of such work can not do without the coordination of legal aspects, since fire safety structures have a high responsibility in terms of ensuring safety.

installation of fire doors

Is a license required for installation?

Everyone knows that the technical organization and, in particular, the installation of fire safety equipment must be handled by authorized specialists. But in this case, when analyzing the technical requirements for fire safety and the articles of the law on licensing, many also find many contradictions - for example, in the procedures for submitting this document. But it’s worth starting with the first question, which is especially interesting for privateers planning to install a fire door - do I need a license in principle? Yes, it is required, only those persons who have the appropriate permission can start installation. As for obtaining a license, it is provided in the departments of the Ministry of Emergencies. But for this it is necessary to take an appropriate training course, provide information about the equipment available and, in some cases, pay a state duty, the amount of which will depend on the region.

SNiP requirements for installation

metal fire doors

First of all, the requirements for the materials used are taken into account. Although metal structures are most often used, sometimes in conditions of inadmissibility of a heavy structure, wooden and glass analogues can be used. Another thing is that in each case the base must have a combustibility class of at least G3. The dimensions of the blade should also be kept in mind - it depends on them how durable the installation of fire doors will be. SNiP in this case indicate that the thickness should not be less than 4 mm, and the remaining parameters are adjusted individually under the opening.

Further, the structural requirements for which installation will be carried out are also fixed. For example, doors should open only towards the exit. Sometimes the use of constantly open canvases is allowed, but in this case, the automatic shutter mechanism should still be integrated if a fire occurs. Accordingly, the installation of fire doors with closers and drives should also include the installation of a backup power supply system.

Preparation for installation

fire door installation requirements

Preparatory operations can be divided into three main groups: ordering and fitting the canvas, forming the box and cleaning the mounting surfaces of the opening itself. As for the canvas, most often it is ordered on an individual project in accordance with the declared dimensions - while the deviation in the parameters should not exceed 5 mm. The following is the creation of a box that is mounted using small heat-resistant hardware and angles. The fittings are selected depending on the scheme according to which the installation of fire doors will be carried out - whether it will have a drive, auxiliary protective elements or other functional devices. The final stage of preparation involves working with the opening. The joints with the door frame must be carefully cleaned - paint, putty and other coatings that may support combustion or have insufficient reliability of adhesion to the base are eliminated.

Installation events

installation of a fire door do I need a license

Direct installation consists of the following steps:

  • Integration of the box into the opening. The block is embedded and fixed with a hard mount on the brackets or even reinforcing pieces that are welded. The main thing is that the symmetry of the gaps from different sides is preserved.
  • At the next stage, the installation of the canvas. It is fixed to the box with anchors and bolts, but with the ability to adjust the position.
  • Hinges, locking devices and other accessories are installed.

Not in all cases, but, for example, at production facilities, the requirements for installing fire doors include reinforcing the box with wedges. As for the reinforcement of fire protection, insulating heat-resistant coatings, thin panels and even spraying can be used.

Where is the use of a fire door justified?

It would seem that additional protection against fire always makes sense. Even if there is no high threat, protecting yourself from it will not be amiss. Nevertheless, such doors are not as convenient in use as ordinary metal doors. They are heavy, slow and require more space for installation. Therefore, in most cases, installation of fire doors is carried out where it is really necessary. In warehouses, industrial facilities, industries, in chemical laboratories, terminals, etc. Such a solution can be justified as part of a private house, but for this a good reason is needed - for example, if flammable building materials or other products without refractory properties are constantly stored.


installation of fire doors snip

The fight against fire is a responsible and difficult event, the success of which largely depends on what funds were prepared for it in advance. Windows, barriers, partitions and doors play a key role in this regard. Especially important is the quality of installation of protective structures, during which fire doors are also installed. Metal or heat-resistant glass cloths by themselves can hold fire outside the distribution for a long time, but for complete safety you need to think about the protection of accessories. It is desirable that all accessories be made of non-combustible materials, and if necessary additionally protected with heat-resistant coatings.


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