Turnip. What is it: feed turnip or a healthy product?

In different historical eras, dishes were served on the table from products that were not known before or were forgotten after. A striking example of the former is potato: for many decades, this plant aroused only suspicion and distrust, and then became a familiar ingredient in daily dishes. As for the second, turnip and turnip can be called here. At one time, not a single table could do without them (and not only the common people, but also very high-ranking officials). Nowadays, turnips are mainly remembered for the tale for the youngest children. What then to say about such a plant as turnip! "What is it?" - Asked, perhaps, 90% of the population. Meanwhile, these root crops are completely unjustly forgotten!

turnip what is it

Close relatives

We can say about the same turnip that it is a relative not only of an abandoned turnip, but also of beetroots or radish, beloved to this day. And with kale, he is able to have “children” who are named rutabaga. Which, however, is now also very few people in our country know that its appearance, its inherent taste. But, for example, Scandinavian, Swiss and German farmers willingly cultivate it, and housewives in these countries indulge their households with a variety of dishes from rutabaga we have forgotten.

Useful properties of a despised root crop

turnip photo
Everyone knows that many vegetables and fruits are a storehouse of vitamins, and therefore health. The same applies to such a root crop as turnip. What does it mean? And the fact that the mentioned fruit is very rich in nutrients. Among them, the most important can be called vitamin K, which is responsible for blood coagulation. True, those who are strongly interested in it will have to turn their attention to the tops: it is in it that it contains most of it.

The root crop contains vitamins C and A and the most valuable folic acid, so necessary for the formation of red blood cells. And all this on such a scale that the product in question will need only 70 grams to make up for the daily consumption of the compounds mentioned. For comparison: to get the same amount of vitamin C, radishes will have to use at least 200 g, and it tastes much nastier!

You can also say about turnip that this is a preventive "grater" for the intestines. There are a lot of coarse fibers in it that are digested tightly; so, passing through our digestive system, they clean out everything “stagnant” and stimulate the digestive tract to work more intensively.

The right choice and proper storage

turnip photo
If you didn’t grow the root crop yourself, but buy it in the market or in the store, be able to choose one. It is better to buy a young vegetable - it is easy to determine by a thinner skin. From everything that is offered to you, choose a solid and not cracked specimen, on which there are no wounds and defects. It is desirable that the tops were green and fresh. And most importantly - do not confuse what you are looking for with a radish! The easiest way is to determine what exactly turnip is in front of you (we study the photo carefully!) On the white-lilac peel - this is not the case for the radish.

It remains to learn how to properly store the vegetable. If you intend to use it, you need to cut the tops, put them in water (like flowers) and put them on the refrigerator door. The vegetable itself needs to be washed, dried and stored in a cool and dry place.

Tasty Eating

They eat fodder turnips mostly fresh - in salads it is simply delicious! To make you happy with the result, dip the vegetable before adding boiling water to the dish, and season the salad with a little lemon juice - it blends wonderfully with this root vegetable, reveals its taste. For example, a composition of turnip, leaf lettuce, parsley, cranberries and a green sweet and sour apple will be wonderful.

turnip salad

Want to get a healthy turnip? Follow the rules!

However, far from any store you will find fresh turnip. Growing in this case remains the only way out. Especially if you have a summer cottage nearby. Culture itself is resistant to cold, not coddled, loves water, but does not require too much of it. Seeds are sown in early spring, as soon as the soil dries. A cool summer is not an obstacle to a chic crop. Turnips are quite suitable for areas where beans, cucumbers, onions, winter crops, or tomatoes used to grow, that is, it is very flexible with respect to seeding.

So, if you have livestock (sheep, goats), turnip will become your reliable assistant in its feed. And if not, grow it a little, for your table. And you won’t regret it!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22245/

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