We learn nature better. What is the temperature amplitude, what are the temperature records and how many glaciers remain?

All the time we hear on TV that global warming is coming, the glaciers will melt, the temperature will rise and the water will flood most of the land. And the greenhouse effect, which destroys the ozone layer that protects us from the scorching sun, is to blame.

Scientists are still arguing on this topic and cannot come to a single solution to the problem. There are those who claim that the average air temperature is changing all over the planet Earth. This explains both the ice age and the times of severe drought.

what is the temperature amplitude

After reading this article, you can easily answer the question of what is the temperature amplitude , you will know interesting facts and temperature records of our planet. The material also contains some predictions of scientists for several decades to come.

What is the temperature amplitude

Studying the weather in the world, you need to know some concepts that are used by meteorologists and other scientists involved in the analysis of weather phenomena.

We will understand what the amplitude of temperatures is - the fluctuation of the average temperature over a certain amount of time. Commonly used are days, months, and years. Using this tool, scientists figure out changes in the climate of the planet.

Speaking of what the amplitude of temperatures is, for clarity, the following example can be given. There is a village in the Yakutsk region called Oymyakon. In winter it is very cold, and in summer the climate is noticeably warmer.

In January, the average temperature is -46 degrees Celsius, and in July - about 14.5 degrees. That is, the difference between summer and winter temperatures is about 60 points. Moreover, if we take into account the minimum and maximum, which is recorded by scientists, then this difference reaches 98 degrees (-65.4 in 1973 and +32.6 in 1989). It is quite difficult for an ordinary person from another region to survive such a temperature fluctuation.

average air temperature

World temperature records

Consider several weather achievements that have been recorded in different parts of the world.

It's hard to believe, but in Antarctica at the Vostok station in 1983, the temperature reached -82.3 degrees Celsius. Even the well-known antifreeze, which is often used in modern expeditions on glaciers, begins to freeze at 40-50 gr. below zero.

At this temperature, 99% of modern technology will not work. Even ordinary wires will instantly freeze and fall apart. At the same time, the earth’s orbit, according to scientists, is heated to 4 degrees above zero. So there are places in space where it is warmer than on Earth.

Russia is also famous for the cold winters in the north. In Ust-Shchugor in winter, the temperature reaches minus 55 degrees.

Unbearable heat

The highest temperature ever recorded by a person is +57.8 degrees. It was observed in Libya, the city of Al-Aziziya. In second place is the Death Valley in the United States. In 1913, a temperature of +56.7 degrees was recorded there. And on June 21, 1942, in the Israeli city of Tirat Swi, the highest temperature in history was +53.9 degrees.

highest temperature

It is worth noting that the protein begins to fold at a temperature of 46 degrees above zero. That is, you can fry eggs directly on the asphalt, which is heated slightly more than air.

So did some residents of this same Death Valley, posting photos and videos on social networks. Subsequently, to restore order, the authorities issued a law prohibiting the preparation of food in this way.

New records are coming

Meteorologists around the world record an increase in average annual temperature throughout the planet. And this is confirmed by real facts. There are studies by Japanese scientists who clearly show an abnormal increase in average temperature over the past 120 years. In their opinion, the most harmful is human life.

Through his activities, man several times increases the strength of the greenhouse effect, thereby triggering irreversible processes of climate change on the planet. Carbon dioxide is the main destroyer of the ozone layer.

If mankind does not stop and does not limit the total amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, then the likelihood is close that after a few decades the picture Amphibian-Man will not seem fiction. An increase in the average temperature on Earth by only 3 degrees will lead to complete melting of the glaciers.

temperature fluctuation

If this happens, then about 80% of the entire planet will be under water, which will affect the life of the entire human race. According to experts, this will happen only after 2 thousand years.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22252/

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