Buryan is an invader of fertile lands

What are weeds? It is a weedy grass. Read more about it in the article.

Meaning of the word

The most concise, succinct and clear meaning of any word is determined by the dictionary. According to Ozhegov, Dal or Ushakov, weeds are weedy grass. That is, wild grassy plants that can be found everywhere - along roadsides, in yards, in gardens, in the garden and in the fields.

general description

weeds it

Grass (weeds) can be very different: to have powerful tall stems, a well-developed root system, can grow in the form of a bush or be a creeping plant.

A common characteristic is excellent survival, high frost resistance, immunity to diseases and pests, the ability to reproduce quickly both by seeds and vegetatively.

Weed species

Types of weeds: creeping wheatgrass, sow thistle, field bindweed, purslane, woodlice (starlet), squid, quinoa, blackberry, bedding, shepherd's bag, field yarut, bluegrass, bluegrass, creeping buttercup. They also include filamentous veronica, nettle, field horsetail and dozens of other species.

Harm weeds

grass weeds

Weeds are a powerful pest in agriculture. It reduces the yield of cultural plantings, is a hotbed of disease. In its thickets spiders, ticks and other harmful insects start. Weeds greatly deplete the soil, sucking out all the nutrients from it.

Weed grass grows very quickly, outstripping the growth of many cultivated plants, obscuring them and preventing their normal development.

Weeds are also grass that clogs general-purpose lands - stadiums, parks, lawns, house adjoining territories, playgrounds.

How to fight him

weeds it

Since weeds are weedy grass, it is necessary to fight it, otherwise it will occupy the entire useful area in a short time.

There are a variety of methods to combat weeds:

  • Mowing. They try to mow it until the seeds ripen.
  • Chemical destruction by herbicides.
  • Burning out.
  • Spring digging of the soil.

One of the progressive and environmentally friendly methods of weed control is biological. Moreover, in the immediate vicinity of cultivated plants, plants are planted that adversely affect weeds.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22274/

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