The lagoon is an amazing creation of nature. Features of the formation of new lagoons

The lagoon is an amazing work of art created by nature itself. It is difficult to convey in words all the delight that you feel during a trip to one of these places. Sometimes it even seems that all the paradise landscapes were painted in these parts. But how are lagoons formed? What is behind this process? And where are the most picturesque lagoons of the planet?

the lagoon is

Meaning of the word β€œlagoon”

A lagoon is a shallow part of the sea or ocean, fenced off from the main body of water by a strip of land, a scythe or a coral reef. A remarkable fact is that in the old days this word was used only for the bay on which Venice is located. It was only in the 20th century that this concept was extended to the rest of the world.

meaning of the word lagoon

How do lagoons form?

It all starts with the fact that the sea current raises solid sedimentary rocks from the bottom, such as sand, pebbles, particles of coral, and so on. Then all this is carried by a rapid stream along the coast until the force of the whirlpool begins to fade. Consequently, when the flow is completely weakened, all the raised dust particles will again settle to the bottom. At first, a small rampart is formed in this place, which later grows into an underwater bar, cutting off part of the sea from the main water.

The more time passes, the higher the embankment becomes. Ultimately, a narrow sandy shore forms, which is the border of the lagoon. Thanks to such barriers, these reservoirs often become unique biotopes, giving shelter to many species of fish, birds and even animals.

the lagoon is

The most beautiful lagoon plans

Any lagoon is a place of amazing beauty. But even among them there are those who more than surpass their competitors both in the quality of landscapes and in the diversity of flora and fauna. Therefore, let's look at the top three most remarkable lagoons of our planet.

  • First place deservedly takes New Caledonia. This lagoon is a unique natural structure, surrounded by the largest coral reef in the world. Consequently, a huge number of fish and shellfish live in its waters, which attracts tourists from all over the globe.
  • In second place sits Bora Bora. The main feature of this lagoon is crystal clear water. Therefore, everyone who dreams of diving and underwater shooting, wants to come here.
  • Mar Menor or the small sea closes our small top. The Spanish lagoon is a successful combination of the pristine beauty of the sea and a developed tourist center. That is, having arrived here, a person can not only enjoy the water landscapes, but also experience the charm of living in a civilized world.

Now you understand the meaning of the word "lagoon" and you know what are the most beautiful lagoons on earth.


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