Do-it-yourself designer flowerbed at a summer cottage.

By purchasing a summer cottage, all summer residents seek to decorate and ennoble it. The easiest way to decorate the garden is flower beds with flowers. How to make them yourself, so that no one else has such a flower garden? We will tell in this article.

How to make a flowerbed yourself?

Do-it-yourself flower bed at the cottage for beginners done as follows:

  • Mark the boundaries of the future flower beds.
  • We remove 10 cm of external soil.
  • We prepare the surface: we ram, lay out broken bricks or gravel.
  • We decorate the border of the flowerbed, you can use the same broken brick, or cobblestones. Simple plastic bottles are also suitable for these purposes. Only they need to be laid with the neck down. You can create a barrier from wooden boards of the same size, and then paint them in different colors, it will turn out bright and beautiful.
  • Soil with fertilizers for flowers and sand pours onto the surface.
  • The soil must stand for 2 weeks.
  • You can plant flowers.

To create a design flowerbed, you need:

  1. Complete all previous steps.
  2. Choose material for design, for example, unusual driftwood, iron stairs, near which to plant curly flowers, simple logs.
  3. From logs you can create a gnome or a goblin.
  4. Using snags, you can create a flower meadow.
  5. And, of course, flowers will help to complete the design.

Automobile tire beds

To create flower beds from tires You don’t have to be a designer or a professional gardener. In order to make a beautiful flowerbed from a tire, you must:

  • Decide on the place of the flowerbed.
  • Make a sketch of the future design. It can be just a tire or a beautiful swan is made, a plain little frog or a bright parrot. You can cut a flower from the tire.
  • Before starting work, the tire must be cleaned of debris and washed, given time to dry.
  • If a flower is created, then you need to paint its petals using oil paint or enamel.
  • After the tire dries, soil is poured into it for planting flowers.
  • With the help of tires, you can create a multi-tiered flowerbed.

Types of flower beds

There are other more complex types of flower beds:

  • Irregular flowerbed - has no clear boundaries. Most often planted with perennial carnations.
  • Multi-level raised flowerbed - suitable for creating unique compositions. It will attract views from anywhere in the country.
  • Monoclumba - several types of flowers and various shapes are planted in it at once.
  • Vertical flowerbed - a support is made, near which climbing plants are planted, it turns out like a flower wall. With its help, the garden can be divided into separate recreation areas.
  • Arabesque - suitable for professional summer residents. They are made in the form of animals, or insects or geometric shapes.

There are many options for creating flower beds, you just need to choose the appropriate option and start creating.


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