Dolls from kapron pantyhose with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions for making a doll from nylon tights

Conventional nylon tights can be an excellent material for the manufacture of interesting crafts. Recently, the implementation of children's toys, souvenirs and interior items from stockings, socks and footsteps has become a very popular area of ​​applied art. Many needlewomen create real "masterpieces" of kapron. Particularly charming, bright and elegant are dolls.

do-it-yourself nylon dolls
Kapron is particularly flexible, so with it you can create beautiful toys, with chubby arms and legs and cute, as if "alive", faces. The facial expressions of such textile dolls are striking in their realism. Textile toys are colorful and very funny. In this article we will talk about making dolls from nylon tights, share some simple master classes with you and reveal the secrets of creating frameless and frame toys. We hope you find our tips helpful.

Dolls from nylon tights: do masterpieces with your own hands

making dolls from nylon tights
In order to make a cute toy, you will need a set of materials, including:

  • nylon tights;
  • pins
  • two large needles;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • glue "Titan" ;
  • insulating tape;
  • two large buttons;
  • spool of beige thread;
  • acrylic yarn;
  • thread floss.

You should also prepare various fabric cuts for the manufacture of doll clothes and accessories. In addition, you will need a plastic container for drinking yogurt (or any other that resembles the shape of a human body) and a thick wire. We recommend using not too thick tights with a density of no higher than 40 den for the manufacture of this craft. Remember that too strong lycra products do not stretch well and can complicate your work. We also advise you to tear the sintepon with your hands into pieces, and not cut with scissors, otherwise the surface of the pupa may turn out to be uneven.

The technology of manufacturing frame textile toys

So, dolls from nylon tights with their own hands are made as follows. The frame is initially made. Two wire segments are inserted into the plastic bottle, which in the future will become the arms and legs of the doll. Next, small pieces are cut from the wire, which will be fingers. It is advisable to try to observe proportions, making them of different lengths. These segments are attached to the hands with electrical tape. So, the wire frame is ready. Next, we start working with sintepon. It will allow us to give the body of our doll a beautiful shape. We cut the synthetic winterizer into strips 2 cm wide. We lubricate the parts of the toy body with glue and begin to wrap the obtained strips of hands, legs, torso and even fingers.

Frame dolls from nylon tights: do it yourself with our own hands

After the body of the toy takes a realistic shape, you can begin to manufacture the head. We tear off a piece of synthetic winterizer and give it the shape of a ball.

to sew a doll from nylon tights
We make a small protrusion - the nose. We tear off another piece of padding polyester and wrap it around his head. Now we take kapron tights and cut out a rectangle from them. We wrap the synthetic winterizer ball into the resulting segment, collecting the material from above and below. We take two tailor pins and use them to mark the places of the hooks. Tighten the nose on both sides. Next, we need to form the nostrils: we pull them diagonally. We form the wings of the nose. Now outline the mouth and cheeks. We make two ducks, forming a smile. Ears can also be made if desired: two places are marked with pins. Ducks are made from the center of the ear down and up. We make doll eyes from two monophonic buttons. We draw the pupils with blue and black varnishes. Sew them on the face. If desired, glue cilia on the eyelids. Do not forget to make the eyebrows: we select them with two horizontal hooks. Here we have such a cute smiling face.

Transform the body of the doll and sew clothes

how to sew a doll from tights

Having made a charming face, you can begin to "pull" the skin on the body, arms and legs of the toy. We take a nylon stocking, make a pattern in the form of pants, cut and sew. It turned out "skin" on the legs. Pull the part on the toy. Now we will make a pattern for the hands. Cut out the details, sew and dress the toy. Well that's all, now you know how to sew a doll from kapron pantyhose with your own hands. All that was left for us was to come up with a beautiful outfit, make it from pieces of fabric, and also sew the head to the body. Clothing can be absolutely any - the one you like. You can sew a dress or suit. You can make hair out of yarn, thread or a piece of natural fur. Now you know that it is not so difficult to sew a doll from nylon tights. The main thing is to create with pleasure and joy. Good luck with your experiments!

Popeye dolls: an original souvenir “for luck” with your own hands

dolls priests from nylon tights
From nylon tights you can make not only a frame doll, but also a frameless one - of a charming “popik”. It is believed that this cute and funny toy attracts luck and is a happy talisman. Often it is presented as a souvenir, with wishes of well-being and good luck. Now we will tell you how to create these cute popeye dolls from nylon tights. You will need the following materials:

  • nylon track or sock;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • beige threads;
  • scissors;
  • two beads for the eyes;
  • yarn;
  • pieces of fabric;
  • ribbons, beads, sequins and so on. decorative elements.

dolls sewn from nylon tights
First, take a synthetic winterizer and tear off a large enough piece. Let's give it a spherical shape. Now we will form a small piece of synthetic winterizer and roll it up - this will be the nose of the doll. Next, make two more pieces for the cheeks. Roll up the material preferably denser. We form sponges from two small stripes. We also make from syntepon another two medium-sized balls, which later become the legs of the ass. Now we take a sock and wrap a head ball with a capron. Next, insert the ball for the nose into the capron and install it in the center. We also push the cheeks and two strips for the lips. We place the legs in the lower left and right corners of the sock. We tighten the edge and fix with threads (wrap and tighten). We cut off the excess part of the capron, leaving only a small "tail". We can easily hide it under the hair or headdress of the doll.

Making duckies on the face of a pop doll: we’ll form a snub nose

dolls from nylon tights instruction
In order to form a funny snub-nosed nose, sponges and cheeks, you will need to make tightenings. Beginners are advised to flash every detail using a new thread. So, we proceed to the design of the face of the doll from nylon tights with our own hands. First, we take a large needle intended for stitching knitted products, and we correct all the lumps with it, moving them to the right places. That’s it, now you can proceed to the immediate tightening of the face. To do this, use beige threads and a needle. First, make out the nose of the doll from nylon tights. The instruction is as follows: we take it, squeeze it and stitch it from above (between the eyes), and then we pull it down to the desired thickness of the nose bridge. Next, we sew the nose diagonally, forming the first nostril. After that, we raise the needle up to the starting point, and from there we pass the needle into the second nostril. Return the needle to the starting point. Now let it go down again, pierce a place just above the nostrils, make a stitch, and come back. We perform another stitch and send the needle up to the starting point of the nose bridge. Next, do the same with the second nostril. You should get a beautiful snub nose. It remains to slightly raise it. To do this, we take the needle up to the bridge of the nose, grab the fabric and pierce the capron a little higher, put the needle back (to the back of the head). Thanks to this, the nose rises. We fix the thread behind the head and make a knot. That's it, the pull is ready.

Popeye face muzzle: cheeks and sponges

How to make beautiful cheeks? First, we outline a point near the nose and drive a needle into it, make a stitch, return the needle back, but pierce the fabric not in the same hole, but select a new point, a little closer to the nose, go back and fasten with a knot. On the other side of the nose we make the second cheek by analogy. We pass to the lips. We take a thick needle, we adjust the synthetic winterizer to the nose. This is necessary so that the sponges are chubby. We take the needle and pass it to the working point on the left cheek. We make a stitch in the right cheek, letting the thread between the upper and lower lips. Tighten, form a knot. Now we launch the needle back to the point on the left cheek, laying the thread under the lower lip. The result was a charming mouth. Also, do not forget to make the legs on the legs. Now you know how to sew a doll from tights. It is not difficult to make such a mini-pop, the main thing is to work with pleasure.

kapron dolls

How to make eyes for an ass doll?

After the lips, nose and cheeks are ready, you can begin to make an eye. You can pick up two beautiful buttons or buy ready-made toy eyes. Attach them to the face of the priest. Cilia will help to make your look more expressive. They can either be embroidered with thread (floss), or made from ready-made false eyelashes. After the design of the face, you can start making hair. In your work you can use any materials at hand - fur, yarn, artificial strands. Hair can either be sewn to the head, or glued with a hot gun. In addition, you can come up with a charming headdress - a hat, cap or bandage. Hair popika- "girls" can be decorated with bright bows and hair clips. Also, a tape or braid needs to be sewn to the doll's head so that the toy can be easily hung.

Outfit for a frameless doll

Clothes for your toy can be any - the one you like. It can be an ethnic costume, a ball gown, and a full skirt. An outfit may reflect nationality. In our case, we restrict ourselves to openwork panties from a cut of white fabric. Do not forget about decorating doll clothes with beads, beads, sequins. They will give along with special beauty. Also think over accessories - these can be beads, and bows, and ribbons. Dolls made from nylon tights are an excellent way to make the decoration of your home more interesting and cozy. In addition, such unique crafts can be an excellent souvenir for both children and adults.


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