Museum-estate of Pirogov Nikolai Ivanovich (Vinnitsa): address, history of the estate

The existence of both external and internal tourism will last as long as there are unique attractions. Many tourists believe that everyone should visit the amazing museum-estate of N.I. Pirogov. The cozy nest of the legendary surgeon preserves the spirit of mystery and fascinates with ancient expositions.

A little about N.I. Pirogov

Pirogov Nikolay Ivanovich is a native of Moscow. Born on November 25, 1810, and died on December 5, 1881. You can list his achievements endlessly, but he is known to the world as a skilled surgeon and an unsurpassed anatomist. The most striking and important achievements for science were the creation of the world's first atlas on topographic anatomy, work on the practical application of military field surgery and, of course, the opening of the Russian school of anesthesia. Books are written about him, legends are compiled and thanked for such great discoveries.

museum estate pirogov

Native Penates

The longest and most fruitful period of time Pirogov Nikolay Ivanovich lived in the village of Cherry, Podolsk province, the Russian Empire (now it is the city of Vinnitsa, Vinnitsa region of Ukraine). He moved here in the prime of life, which allowed him to devote enough time and knowledge to build a free hospital. This place was so dear to Pirogov that he did not want to leave it even for a short period. But there were 2 cases when he had to part with his native penates for a long time. In 1870, the reason for this was his participation in the Franco-Prussian war, and from 1877 to 1878 he, at his venerable age, was involved in the outbreak of the Russo-Turkish war. And after each, even a very long journey, Nikolai Ivanovich always sought to return to his village, which became not only his native home, but also the place of death. Now there is the national museum-estate of N. I. Pirogov.

pirogov nikolai ivanovich

History of the museum

After the death of the legendary surgeon, the scientist’s widow looked after the estate, then the children and grandchildren. But the October Revolution of 1917 made adjustments. All relatives emigrated abroad, and a period of decline began for the estate. It even reached the sack of the burial. But the story of the estate did not end there.

In 1944, by decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, the estate was transformed into a museum. It was decided to combine all the facilities located on the estate in a single complex. October 27 of the same year, the start was given to the release and repair of premises, as well as the improvement of the park. From May 5 to June 5, 1945, work was carried out to rebalance the body of the scientist. This case is attributed to a number of unique ones, since after 65 years, without leaving and necessary conditions, the body was completely restored. Pirogov's body was dressed in the same suit and sent for storage in a perfectly restored coffin.

Museum estate Pirogov Vinnitsa

Opening and successful work to date

On October 9, 1947, the Pirogov Museum-Estate opened its doors for tourists. The opening was timed to the 100th anniversary of the first in the history of the use of ether anesthesia in the field. This day is also remarkable for the opening of a monument to the legendary surgeon in the format of a bust, located on a granite pedestal.

During its existence, the Pirogov Museum-Estate (Vinnitsa) was constantly improved and refined. So, by 1960, a thorough reconstruction of the scientist’s office and pharmacy located on the estate was carried out. In addition, the property of the museum received some things of Nikolai Ivanovich. Post-Soviet time is characterized by restoration work on the interior of the necropolis church, as well as the completion and conversion of the operating room, reception room and pharmacy. The laboratory was fully equipped, which allowed to periodically rebalance the body. Since 1995, the facility has been in state ownership and under the order of the Vinnitsa region. By decree of the President of Ukraine, the museum was awarded the status of National. And the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine assigned the status of an environmental facility.

museum Pirogov estate entrance cost

12 sections of the exposition

The exposition that underlies the national museum consists of 12 cognitive sections about the life and scientific activities of the skilled surgeon. Each of them describes a specific period, the first of which, of course, is childhood. The following sections are devoted to youth, studenthood, the Dorpat and St. Petersburg stages, participation in the Caucasian, Crimean, Franco-Prussian and Russian-Turkish wars, activities as a trustee of educational districts and leadership of a professorship abroad.

The section on the life of a scientist in the village of Vishnya is considered the most voluminous. In accordance with the time sequence, the sections reveal the development of the medical, scientific, pedagogical and social activities of Nikolai Ivanovich. The Pirogov estate museum demonstrates in most detail his contribution to the development of science both at home and abroad. To implement the ideas of the scientist created a separate section. In addition, part of the memorial complex is the embalmed body of N.I. Pirogov, which any guest can look at. Also, tourists are given the opportunity to visit the museum pharmacy with a reception and operating room of that time. For inspection, pharmacy utensils and utensils used in those days are presented.

museum estate pirogov address

Stock collection

The museum stores more than seventeen thousand units of memorable values. The most interesting of them are the untouched manuscripts of the scientist, his famous works, as well as personal items. In addition, tourists are given the opportunity to examine the medical instruments used by doctors of those times to perform their medical manipulations. By area, the Pirogov Museum-Estate is quite extensive and occupies more than one thousand two hundred square meters. The number of exhibits of national heritage totals 1.5 thousand. The museum management is pleased to provide all the values ​​of the stock collection for its use as a base for new scientific discoveries. This scale and variety of exhibits attracts the attention of tourists from different countries and various kinds of activities.

national museum estate n and pirogov

Scientific activity

Materials stored in the national museum are a source of valuable information for modern scientists. Based on the results of their study, many equally important works were written for science. In addition, documents are the basis for a number of documentaries and feature films. The museum is used in the educational practice of Vinnitsa National Medical University. On its basis, various meetings and conferences of the scientific student community are held. Together with the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the Medical University of Vinnitsa and the University of Health, the Pirogov Museum-Estate took part in organizing and conducting a number of important scientific forums in memory of the legendary surgeon and great scientist Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov.

manor story

Address and schedule

Absolutely everyone is welcomed at the Pirogov Museum-Estate. The address of the national treasure is st. Pirogova, 155, metro Vinnitsa, Ukraine. The museum is open from 9:00 to 17:30 every day except Mondays. The museum has a separate schedule for the summer period (May 1 - November 1). On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, it works as before, and on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays - from 10:00 to 18:30. The cash desk is closed thirty minutes before the end of work. Monday remains a holiday regardless of the season.

Cost of visiting

Adults, schoolchildren and students are always glad to see the Pirogov Museum-Estate within its walls. Entrance fees are different for everyone. This is influenced by what kind of object the tourist plans to go to. A visit to the house of N.I. Pirogov will cost an adult forty hryvnias, and for schoolchildren or students - twenty hryvnias. To visit the museum-pharmacy, an adult must pay 15 UAH., Pupils or students - 7 UAH. A look at the embalmed body of a doctor costs 20 UAH. from an adult and 10 UAH. from a schoolchild or student.

If guests do not want to visit the facilities of the complex, but just want to walk around the territory, then it costs 6 UAH. and 3 UAH. - from adults and schoolchildren or students, respectively. There are privileges for certain categories of visitors. To confirm your status, you must have a supporting document with you. For photographing and filming, you will have to pay from ten hryvnias to two hundred. These services are very popular because beautiful landscapes on the estate attract lovers and honeymooners.


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