Marianske Lazne resort (Czech Republic): photos and reviews of tourists

The Czech Republic is one of those happy countries that have their own balneological resorts. Marianske Lazne is the second largest spa city. By tradition, not only residents of the country come here, but also many foreigners, including Russians. The hospitals and hotels in Marianske Lazne (Czech Republic) offer traditional and modern therapy for various diseases. We will tell you about the specialization of the resort, what are the features of relaxation in this place, and what you can do there.

Marianske Lazne Czech Republic

Geographical position

Marianske Lazne (Czech Republic) is located in the Bohemia region near another famous spa town Karlovy Vary. Prague is 180 km from here. The city is surrounded on three sides by pine forests and rolling hills, which makes the landscapes very picturesque and suitable for walking. Marianske Lazne is located about 600 meters above sea level. Accommodation almost in the center of Europe makes it easy to get here from different places and airports. Although Karlovy Vary and Prague remain the most popular air harbor for vacationers. The area of ​​the city is only about 50 square meters. km, the local population is about 13 thousand people, but annually more than 50 thousand tourists come here.

Climate and weather

The resort of Marianske Lazne (Czech Republic) is located in the very center of the mainland, and this determines the local climate. It is soft and comfortable. The city is a year-round resort, and this is due to favorable weather conditions. During the year, there are about 1700 hours of sunshine. The region is characterized by a rather large amount of precipitation (700 mm), the largest amount of which falls in the summer months. But at the same time, the climate does not feel as humid, as the water evaporates quickly. Summer is the most comfortable time, the air at this time warms up to +20 degrees on average. Rain occurs about once every 3 days, but these are usually short periods, no prolonged rainfall. Winter in Marianske Lazne is quite warm and snowy. The average temperature at this time of year is minus 5 degrees. In winter, there are often fogs, which makes the city even more beautiful.

spas Marianske Lazne Czech Republic

Settlement history

The official date of the appearance of the city of Marianske Lazne (Czech Republic) is considered to be 1273. However, it is known that people lived here long before that, they were attracted to a convenient location among forests rich in water and food. Although the territories were swampy, but strategically it also turned out to be profitable - there was no need to build fortifications from enemies, they simply did not reach here. At the end of the 12th century, a monastery was founded here, which began to extract salt and tried for the first time to organize treatment with water from sources. But only at the beginning of the 17th century a hospital began to function here and patients began to arrive. In 1679, a large study of the features of local sources was conducted and a book about this was published, which contributed to the popularity of the resort. At this time, the monks carried out the first work to clear access to sources and began to pour medicinal fluid into bottles.

But the real life of the resort begins only with Empress Maria Theresa. At this time, the lands were bought from the monks and began to be inhabited by people who want to be cured of any diseases, as well as entrepreneurs. The city receives the name Marienbad in honor of the source of the Holy Virgin Mary. At the beginning of the 19th century, the settlement was undergoing a real construction boom. In 1865, the resort receives the status of a city, and in 1871 a railway came here, which ensures a steady influx of holidaymakers and contributes to the rapid development of resort infrastructure. At the end of the 19th century, the future king of England, Edward the Seventh, came here, and this immediately greatly raises the status of the resort. Luxurious hotels open here, and in the following years many aristocrats come to Mariánské Lázně and hold various summit meetings. In the second half of the 19th century, this place was also discovered by the Russian aristocracy, for which trips "on the water" to Europe were an important part of lifestyle. There was, for example, Nicholas II. At one time, the Russian writer I. Goncharov wrote the novel Oblomov, and the resort was also visited by I. Turgenev, N. Gogol. Marianske Lazne was also loved by European bohemians, R. Wagner, F. Chopin, G. Spontini visited here. At one time, the resort was visited by the German poet I.V. Goethe.

health resort marianske lazne czech republic

After the First World War, the resort experienced another breakthrough in development, many patients from Czechoslovakia come here, new motels and hotels are being built. A small period of oblivion for Marianske Lazne begins after the Second World War, when Karlovy Vary took away the glory of the “first resort”. The new dawn of the Czech health resort begins after 1989, when the active revival of spa traditions and the attraction of a large number of holidaymakers from other countries, primarily from Germany, begin.

Resort Specialization

The balneological resort of Marianske Lazne (Czech Republic), the treatment of which is aimed at the general improvement of the body, also helps to get rid of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and urinary tract, respiratory organs. Therapy is carried out using mineral water from local sources. There are more than 100 of them around the city, but only 8 keys are actively used in the resort. The temperature in them is about 6-8 degrees. Water has a different chemical composition, which allows it to be used for various purposes. Healing fluid is used for drinking, baths and inhalations, in addition to them, doctors use mud and peat from local marshes and natural healing gas, which has its own name - Mariin.

In addition to these diseases, local waters show proven effectiveness in the treatment of gynecological, urological and neurological ailments. Today, the sanatoriums of Marianske Lazne are modern, well-equipped complexes. They offer a wide range of services that are not only aimed at treatment, but also help to conduct preventive and healing procedures. Also today, many sanatorium programs have a cosmetology focus, there are many nursing services, as well as complexes that help reduce weight and increase the overall vitality of the body.

Marianske Lazne Czech Republic photo

Resort infrastructure

Numerous sanatoriums operate in the city to treat various ailments. Marianske Lazne (Czech Republic) is widely known for its luxurious hospitals, in which world celebrities and aristocracy often improve their health. There are about 20 large sanatoriums, and there are also countless spa hotels and hotels where you can go to the hospitals for treatments or take a range of services at the hotel. Mineral springs are open and free, anyone can drink water from them. But still it is recommended to do this under the supervision of professionals.

The city of Marianske Lazne is small, so it is easy to get to hospitals, as well as leisure facilities, shops and attractions.

Features of rest

Since Marianske Lazne (Czech Republic) is primarily a resort, the rest here is organized accordingly. It has all the conditions for a leisurely and comfortable pastime. The main contingent of vacationers are people of retirement age. Therefore, the city has noisy discos and extreme entertainment. However, there are many attractions and routes for walking. For treatment, according to experts, a minimum of 21 days is needed. In order to make patients comfortable, all conditions are created here: a cultural program, shopping, many restaurants, beautiful nature. But still, young and mobile tourists Marianske Lazne may seem boring. People come here to be treated.

Marianske Lazne Czech Republic treatment


The resort city itself is a tourist attraction. Its architecture of the late 19th and early 20th centuries is pleasing to the eye, cozy streets have a walk, graceful colonnades give a pleasant shadow. The main attractions (Marianske Lazne, Czech Republic) are three cathedrals. Catholic Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Goethe Square, the Orthodox Cathedral of St. Vladimir and the Anglican Church. Also, vacationers can visit the city museum, inspect the house of Chopin. In the vicinity of the city there are several natural attractions: the reserves of Kladsk and Smradeh, Forest spring, geological park. Also of interest are Tepla Monastery and Kinzhvart Castle. For mobile tourists, excursions are organized to Karlovy Vary and even to Prague.

marianske lazne czech republic reviews

Where to stay

Visitors have two main options for accommodation, these are sanatoriums or hotels. For high-quality treatment, it is better to choose special institutions. They offer a good range of services, they employ competent specialists who will develop an effective therapy program in accordance with the patient's condition. For those who want to relax and simply improve their health, the resort of Marianske Lazne (Czech Republic) is also great. Hotel "Krivan", for example, in the city center perfectly combines the capabilities of a sanatorium and a hotel. Many guest houses have a variety of medical equipment, doctors and cosmetologists work. Marianske Lazne is mainly a resort of a high price segment, although there are more modest places for accommodation that offer a decent level of service. There is also the possibility of living in rented apartments, which will be quite budgetary.

Things to do

Marianske Lazne (Czech Republic), whose photos are striking in the beauty of architecture and landscapes, offer a wide range of entertainment. First of all, this, of course, walks and excursions. There is also a theater in the city all year round, where you can watch performances and concerts. Music and theater stars often come to Mariánské Lázně with several major festivals. The city has several very good sports facilities where you can practice not only traditional fitness and tennis, but also horse riding, golf.

attractions marianske lazne czech republic

Practical information

The resort of Marianske Lazne (Czech Republic) is located within the Schengen area. Therefore, the Russians will need a visa, which is very easy to obtain. The city is connected to the major transport centers of the Czech Republic and Germany by good roads and railways. Therefore, getting here is not a problem. Since the resort as a whole is oriented towards a well-to-do public, prices here are higher than in other cities of the Czech Republic, although they are quite competitive in comparison with health resorts in Germany or Austria.

Tourists reviews

The city of Marianske Lazne (Czech Republic), vacationers' reviews of which abound in superlatives, pleasantly impresses with its comfort and coziness. Tourists note that the city has a special, very calm atmosphere. All visitors praise the local cuisine and excellent service. According to vacationers here, the resort is still designed for an audience of 60+, and this should be taken into account when planning a trip.


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