Metal for Roofing

In the process of arranging the roofing, various materials are used. They differ in a set of characteristics, pricing. One of the materials demanded today is metal. It is easy to use, practical and relatively inexpensive. Even an unprofessional installer can mount a coating of this material.

To finish correctly and efficiently, you need to learn how to choose and install metal for the roof. The advice of experienced builders will help to understand this issue.

general characteristics

Metal has been used by mankind in the construction industry for many centuries. Sheets of this material are subjected to special processing. The result is a strong, durable and light finish. For this reason, metal is often used to equip the roof.

Metal roofing

Today, sheets of this material are processed in various ways. As a result, roofing the roof with metal with your own hands does not cause great difficulties. The sheets bend well. This allows you to use them on the roof of almost any form.

Finishing can be done using metal corrugated board , metal, rolled or sheet steel. The last two varieties have many advantages. When using such materials, the finish is airtight. The sheets in this case are connected in a special way. You do not need to use special materials.


Any type of metal for the roof has a number of positive characteristics. First of all, it should be noted its durability. With proper processing, the finish will last several decades. It slightly aggravates the construction of the building, unlike heavy ceramic tiles.

Roofing Dome Metal Calculations

The cost of metal finishes remains consistently acceptable. This is a versatile material. It is suitable for decorating almost any type of roof. For flat, inclined, curly structures, it is metal that is used. It can be mounted quickly enough.

The presented material provides high rigidity of the joint with the crate. Also, metal, when properly processed, is well resistant to adverse weather conditions. It has many types, design options. The roof trimmed with the presented material looks stylish and impressive.


Metal roofing is a relatively simple job. The choice of materials in this case can be any. There are sheets of various types of metal. The customer can choose both simple and noble materials.

What are the sizes of metal on a soft roof

Roofing with copper or an alloy of zinc with titanium is more expensive than other varieties. Also, sheets of galvanized steel or aluminum are characterized by high efficiency. For such materials, a special polymer coating is used. It additionally protects the metal, and also gives the surface the desired decorative effect.

Finishing the roof is much cheaper when using tin. This material necessarily has a protective layer of aluzinc or zinc. This option is most often used when arranging the roof of a garage or an outbuilding. For finishing the roof of the house, it is recommended to use metals treated with a polymer substance.

Steel sheets and coils

If it is necessary to calculate the roof of the dome with metal, roofs of complex configuration and other objects, consider such an option as sheet or roll materials. Their thickness can be from 0.6 to 1 mm.

Roll metal for seam roofs

Sheets are produced with a width of 1 m or 1.25 m and a length of 2-3 m. They are laid apart. Adjacent sheets are offset relative to the previous layer. In this case, the finish resembles an old roof. Installation is quite time-consuming. The number of seams in this case will be significant.

Roll materials vary in width from 57 to 1 m. The length of the roll can reach 16 m. Such material is used for large slopes that have a uniform slope. Also, this material is suitable for roofs with a steep slope. Joints in this case are connected using a special technology. In this case, installation is faster.


The use of corrugated board is another popular material for a metal roof. Profiles in this case belong to the carrier category. It has a special capillary groove. In addition to roofing, the supporting corrugated board can also be used for wall decoration.

Metal profile roofing

When choosing corrugated board, you must correctly select the thickness of the material. If it is insufficient, the sheet will be too soft. The groove in this case may be deformed. And the roof will not qualitatively remove excess moisture.

For the decoration of the roof, several varieties of profiled sheets are used. The S-21 brand is characterized by sufficient rigidity. It is mounted on a crate, which has a pitch of up to 80 cm. The corrugated board of the RN-20 brand is characterized by large dimensions. The width of such sheets is 110 cm. It is also quite rigid material.

The most durable varieties are considered professional sheets of the S-44 and NS-35 categories. They have additional ribs. The material is very durable.

Mounting Features

Having become acquainted with the information about what sizes of metal are on a soft roof, a hard type of finish, you should consider the features of installation of the materials presented.

Metal roofing

It should be noted that sheet and roll varieties do not have high rigidity. This is a soft type of roof. Decking is more rigid. However, the installation principle for the different metal finishes is similar.

The elements from which the roofing is assembled in this case are called paintings. To connect them together, special seams are created. They are called folds. These seams create a tight connection. They prevent moisture from getting inside. It is the folds that create a special pattern on the roof surface. Therefore, such a roof is called rebate.

Soft roof base

Sheet or rolled metal for the folded roof is mounted on a prepared base. If the roof is sheathed with soft material, a hard floor is prepared. For these purposes, a continuous crate of boards is used. In some cases, it is allowed to use a base made of chipboard or plywood. These materials must be moisture resistant. If necessary, the base is treated with special water-repellent compounds.

Metal for Roofing

Metal must not be laid on materials based on bitumen (roofing material). There should be a small distance between the metal and the base of the roof. This allows you to create the necessary ventilation. For these purposes, a special mat of interwoven polymer fibers is laid on the crate.

For the same purpose, a membrane can be used. It is distinguished by the presence of truncated cones. The use of such materials not only contributes to the creation of ventilation, but also serves as sound insulation. The noise of rain, wind will be heard less.

Lathing under a professional flooring

Rigid types of metal for the seam roof can be mounted on a slightly different type of base. In this case, a continuous crate is used only for slopes with a small angle of inclination (up to 15ยบ). If a metal of low rigidity is mounted, slopes are also created from a continuous crate.

If the angle of the roof reaches 15-30ยบ, you can apply a step of boards of about 45 cm. This will be enough to ensure sufficient strength of the system. For steeper slopes, you can increase the pitch. The crate in this case can be about 60 cm. It is very important to consider the rigidity of the corrugated board.

For brands such as NS-35, NS-60, NS-75, the angle of the roof does not matter much. For them, you can apply the crate with the widest step. In some cases, this indicator reaches 3-4 m. This type of material is used at large facilities. For private construction, less rigid materials are often used.

Mix of paintings

The presented varieties of finishes are connected using special seams called folds. They provide a reliable, waterproof joint. Therefore, the presented type of finish does not need sealants. For a metal roof, paintings are laid perpendicular to the eaves. They are connected using double or single folds.

The height of such seams is most often about 2.5 cm. The step between the folds is determined by the size of the paintings. Most often it is about 50-70 cm.

Pictures are also joined horizontally. Such seams run parallel to the cornice. This mounting option is suitable for long slopes that cannot be covered with a single layer of metal sheets. Such joints are performed by the method of lying fold. It makes junctions less noticeable.

It is extremely rare that paintings are fastened with nails, self-tapping screws or screws. In this case, the metal has to be drilled. The material cannot expand and contract freely with temperature fluctuations. It is also not a tight seal.

Varieties of rebate

The metal for the seam roof can be joined in various ways. Seams differ in configuration. Standing folds are recommended to be double. In this case, a strong, reliable connection is obtained. Such seams are used for roofs with an inclination of up to 25ยบ. For areas with frequent heavy snowfalls, it is recommended to make a high fold.

In some cases, if there is water on the roof for a long time, special gaskets can be used to seal the seam.

The standing type of a fold connects sheets of metal by means of special clamps. They are set between metal paintings. With their help, you can make longitudinal seams.

If the angle of inclination of the slopes exceeds 25ยบ, you need to connect the paintings with an angular fold. It resembles the letter "G" in its configuration.

Metal coating

The metal for the roof must be of high quality. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to its finish. Metal is most often treated with various polyurethane materials. The most popular are roofing sheets treated with polyester, pural and PVDTF.

Polyester belongs to the category of the cheapest materials. This layer looks aesthetically pleasing. However, it is inferior in strength to other varieties.

Pural made on the basis of polyurethane. It has a higher cost. But the roof covered with the presented material is less susceptible to mechanical stress, chemicals. It is a durable, durable finish.

Polyvinyl difluoride (PVDTF) is the most durable, strong type of coating. This is the most expensive finish for metal sheets.

What to look for when choosing?

Metal for roofing can differ significantly in a number of characteristics. For each type of roof, it is necessary to choose the right finishing material. In this case, the slope of the slopes, the features of the climatic zone, the configuration of the structure and other nuances must be taken into account.

When choosing it is important to pay attention to the thickness of the sheets and the type of coating. Before purchasing materials, you need to make a calculation. You can order the necessary metal paintings directly from the manufacturer. In this case, their dimensions will optimally correspond to existing conditions.

You should not buy products that are cheaper than market prices. In this case, the roof will not be strong enough. After a short time, the work will need to be redone. This will require additional costs. To avoid this, you need to purchase products from trusted manufacturers. When buying, you need to require certificates for the submitted metal sheets.

Recommendations of specialists

When buying, it is important to pay attention to a number of issues. Experts advise visually inspecting the metal. It must be of sufficient thickness. Too thin varieties are not suitable for arranging the roof. The material will be constantly exposed to various adverse effects. Therefore, its strength should be high.

Need to view the outside. It should not have defects, rust, peeling of the coating. It is also important to pay attention to the inside of the sheet. It should be a uniform color. There should be no stains on the metal. The coating should be uniform in color over the entire area of โ€‹โ€‹the material.

Having considered the features of the metal for the roof, you can choose the best option for each type of structure.


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