Patterns for drawing in Russian folk art

From ancient times, weaving was used in the Russian folk tradition for embroidery of various coastal towels, towels and other elements of folk art. In addition, the canvases were made on old looms, which were the basis for men's and women's clothing. The ancient traditions of Russian weaving made it possible to accumulate rich experience in this area of ​​cultural heritage, as a result of which we today have a rich collection of various methods of decoration and embroidery, in which patterns for drawing occupy a significant part.

In Russian patterned weaving, mainly their two types of this art are used - branded and mortgage. The first was especially widespread in the north and was the distribution of the pattern in rows depending on the color of the thread - red or white. With the help of a special long plank, which was installed on the edge, a thick red thread was pierced from edge to edge, which went sequentially, first from the face, and then from the inside. The result was a beautiful branded canvas. This is a rather time-consuming process of patterned weaving, for which sufficient experience and skill of the needlewoman was necessary. As for the mortgage, the patterned weaving of this type was made of woolen threads with embroidery high gloss flooring.

In addition to the usual plain weaving, Russian craftswomen often used the method of weaving thread and cage, resulting in elegant towels and tablecloths. As the main tool for creating the canvas, a loom was used , which was called the mill.

Weaving art is an interesting field of applied art, which, unfortunately, is undeservedly forgotten in modern civilization. In addition to complex patterns and embroideries, this included simpler ways to create ordinary products in the form of ribbons, braids and belts. The patterns for drawing here are quite simple, since the basis is the use of such simple ornaments as a “scallop”, “circle” and “herringbone”, repeating along the entire length of the product.

However, the use of Russian folk patterns was not limited to weaving. Various ornaments are quite widespread in woodcarving and Khokhloma painting. To apply patterns on a wooden surface, a special device is used - an electric wood burner. Patterns for drawing on wood are so diverse and multifaceted that they represent an interesting sphere of art, which will be very useful for the development of children of secondary school age. The device for burning Russian patterns will not only help the child reveal his talents and show imagination, but will also contribute to a greater understanding of Russian folk culture and tradition.

Today, you can buy a wonderful burner on sale, with the help of which it will be possible to create various ornaments and artistic patterns. The composition of the device, in addition to himself, also includes instructions for its use, a board with patterns, a board without patterns and a needle for burning. You can learn the art of burning wood patterns from the age of 6, which also contributes to the development of fine motor skills and the imagination of your child. With it, children can make various products and gifts, which not only become excellent decorations for children's rooms, but also get to exhibitions of children's art. A board with an ornament can be painted with acrylic paints, felt-tip pens or colored pencils after burning.

In conclusion, it should be said that such national wealth as patterns for drawing should be preserved and transmitted as a great cultural heritage to future generations, ensuring the continuity of traditions and customs in generations.


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