What to look for when choosing a beach? Genoa and local resort features

When a person goes on vacation to one of the warmest countries of the world, first of all, he wants to find an ideal and very beautiful beach there. Genoa is one of the cities that are located in the western part of Italy, near the French border. The area is washed by the Ligurian Sea, and the city itself is simply buried in verdure. Of course, there are city beaches and remote desert bays. Therefore, below we will consider in detail all the recreation areas of this wonderful region.

Briefly about Genoa itself

Summer, sun, sea, greenery and the beach - Genoa boasts each of these natural assets. In addition, the city is considered a cultural monument of architecture, since there are many cathedrals, palaces and just old houses that were built in the Middle Ages. In the twentieth century, Genoa became the industrial center of Italy - here, shipbuilding was actively developing. Later, numerous ports began to open, in which ships and submarines arrive today. All water modes of transport are oriented to the famous lantern of La Lanterna, near which every tourist should take a picture. Also, be sure to get here, you need to try a truly Italian pasta with Genovese sauce. You can order it by visiting the local city beach. Genoa is a city where most of the national dishes are usually served to the sound of the surf, in seaside restaurants.

Genoa beach

Recreation areas: Genoa, beaches

Reviews of tourists about this area can tell us about the following. City beaches, alas, are not very clean. This is due to the fact that there are many ports, factories and factories. However, despite this, in the central part of Genoa, a lot of tourists gather who are sunbathing on the local small pebbles, renting sun loungers and beach chairs. All of them are free for any vacationer. However, not every recreation area is equipped with showers and places for changing clothes. The beaches of the city itself are divided into Western and Eastern. The first are in the areas of Pegli and Voltri, along the coastline. It is always noisy, there are a lot of people and music. The eastern coastal strip is much longer, cleaner and more spacious. It is divided into many bays in which locals already have a rest. Note! All beaches are rocky.

genoa italy beaches

Genoa Country Bays

The best recreation areas in the region are located outside the city. The beaches near Genoa have long been chosen by tourists from all over Europe and Russia, and are even conditionally divided into two categories: pebble and sand. Rocky terrain extends east of the city. The nearest beach is in the village of Balyasco - it is small, but clean and very picturesque. Further east is the city of Pieve Ligure, where there are many beaches with excellent infrastructure. Here, discos are organized, and water sports are available, and restaurants are constantly working. Sandy wide beaches can be found in the village of Santa Margherita Ligure, 30 km from Genoa. Here a golden sand sparkles underfoot, the sea pleases with its purity, transparency and blue, and on the other hand you can see mountains covered with lush green vegetation. In the summer months, local beaches take in a huge number of tourists.

the best beaches of genoa

On the way to Portofino

If you go by car or bus towards Portofino, you can see a gorgeous long and very picturesque beach. Genoa remains behind, but we don’t have time to reach the final point. It is in this place that there is a fairly large recreation area, which is divided into many beaches. Among them there are private, which belong to hotels, and public. You can also find quiet and secluded bays, where nobody but you will be. If you purposefully drive to Portofino, then do not even hope to find there beautiful beaches with fine sand. This area is covered with pebbles, and there are very few recreation areas within it. All you can enjoy in Portofino is the beautiful scenery and the Ligurian Sea itself .

beaches near genoa

Climatic features of Genoa

In order to be able to visit the best beaches of Genoa at the right time, it is important to know what weather the region has in different months. Despite the fact that the city lies in the continental climate zone, winters are very warm here. In the colder months, the temperature does not drop below 12 degrees Celsius. In the summer, the sun thoroughly warms up local beaches, and the feeling of stuffiness and heat is reduced due to a large amount of greenery and sea waves. So, in the summer the Genoa thermometer rises to the level of 30-32 degrees, which is quite enough to enjoy the summer, warmth and how to sunbathe in the sun.

Beaches of Genoa

What else to forget on the beaches of Genoa?

This historic city is now an Italian pasta center. There are over a thousand different types of local national pasta, and each of them differs not only in form, but also in the type of flour or recipe. This Italian dish is served here mainly in beach restaurants. In the city or in the surrounding recreation areas you can find an excellent institution where the pasta will be prepared according to an exquisite recipe, and it will necessarily be accompanied by a spicy sauce, and if you wish, then real Italian wine.


It remains to be noted that Genoa (Italy), whose beaches are so diverse and, unfortunately, not always ideal, attracts a large number of tourists. There really is something to see here - architectural monuments, museums, squares ... And huge shopping opportunities. Well, in order to wallow in a warm sand, sunbathe and swim in the clear blue sea, you just need to take a ride a little outside the city, where you can see gorgeous wild bays and spacious public beaches with their endless parties.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22332/

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