Omsk, Pushkin library. Library named after A.S. Pushkin

In one of the major cities of Russia (Omsk), the Pushkin library was opened in 1907. This event happened due to the decision of the local city Duma, in the building of which the information institution was located. Two rooms were allocated for the library: for the distribution of literature and for the placement of the reading room. The institution totaled in the first year of opening a little more than four thousand books.

In 1919, the library held its first exhibition. It brought books, magazines and newspapers brought from Moscow.

A separate library building began to be built in 1986. Architects G.I. Nirtsyna, Yu. A. Zakharov and sculptor V.A. Trokhimchuk worked on the unique design of the building, on its monumental design. The facade of the Pushkin Library is decorated with eight sculptures of Russian enlighteners.

Omsk State Regional Scientific Institution named after A.S. Pushkin - a free library. It is always open to visitors. Responsive staff will gladly help everyone find the necessary literature.

Omsk Pushkin Library

Library name

The name of the library was not accidental. A.S. Pushkin is recognized throughout the world as the greatest Russian poet, the standard of the Russian literary language, a genius. No one will argue with this. From the second half of 1820, he began to be considered the first Russian poet, so the question of whose name the library will be named was decided by itself.

Events held in the institution

free library

Library named after A.S. Pushkin, like other similar institutions, conducts various events aimed at attracting new users. For what purpose? This demonstrates the importance and importance of the library in the modern world, despite the general availability of information on the Internet. For this, employees of the institution arrange thematic events, discussions, debates. Also for this purpose, presentations, conferences, quizzes, exhibitions, press conferences, meetings are held.

Every week, any events, webinars, visiting exhibitions, ideas contests are held. Before they begin, library staff constantly monitor user requests. This is done in order to study the needs of visitors.

Library staff conduct training for municipal workers in legal reference systems. Internships, training courses and master classes are held in the hall of the institution.

Thanks to cooperation with the supplier of the Consultant-Plus reference and legal system, legal Olympiads in the field of knowledge are held annually. Participants in these competitions are students of secondary specialized and higher educational institutions.

Thanks to informational support, library staff conduct thematic exhibitions of social and political events, and make stands.

An interesting and unusual event was invented by the staff of this institution - the opening of an archaeological school in the summer. What is its purpose? Everyone can participate in archaeological excavations. This is exactly what the students of the school are learning, who are interested in this event. Later they try to unearth an artifact.

The library is visited by foreign delegations to discuss various issues.

Institution modernization

The library named after Pushkin

Electronic catalogs, computer classes with the Internet, a center for foreign languages ​​- this is not much that the Pushkin library can boast of. By September 1, Omsk plans to open a cafe and a mini-cinema in the territory of this institution for active youth, who liked the idea. Even a competition was announced among designers for the best project of a cafe and a mini-cinema. Three Omsk designers won the competition.

Library staff is trying to introduce new modern technologies designed to support research and training, access to world knowledge and information.

Thanks to the help of teachers and researchers, the foundation of the electronic library fund was created.

Campaign "Cultural enlightenment"

There were unusual events that Omsk saw. The Pushkin library held an action called "Cultural enlightenment." The idea was to visit the news agency in the evening and at night. Various events awaited amateurs of entertainment, and a quiet and comfortable room for those wishing to read. Visitors were provided with a collection of artifacts, virtual trips were conducted around the old city. Omsk has not seen this yet. The Pushkin Library provided costumes of literary heroes to its visitors so that they could participate in an exciting photo shoot and fashion show. Exciting quizzes and contests were organized for the smallest. Also, employees of the institution presented scientific achievements and experiments of scientists. At twelve nights, the evening ended with a laser show.

Pushkin library Omsk

Famous guests of the library

In addition to the richest collection of literature, the Pushkin Library is famous for the famous guests who visited it. In 1996, the President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin came to the institution. He even left an enthusiastic entry in the book of honored guests, saying that this library stands out from other similar institutions. Two years later, the library was visited by President of the Republic of Belarus A. G. Lukashenko. In 2001, the President of the Republic of Korea, Kim Jong Il, paid a visit to the institution. The famous poet E. A. Evtushenko, who spent his creative evenings throughout Siberia, also visited the library. And this is not the whole list. During the International Scientific Conference on the Omsk Cadet Corps, the head of the Romanov Imperial House, Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna , was an honored guest of the institution .

And the city of Omsk is famous not only for these events. The Pushkin Library is the largest of all such institutions in Siberia. It is famous for its many halls containing millions of books. She was visited by tens of thousands of readers, including famous scientists, politicians and poets.

library named after Pushkin Omsk

City Business Card

Undoubtedly, one of the main attractions in the district is the Pushkin Library. Omsk is proud of this architectural structure located in the city center. Residents of the city, Russian and foreign guests consider the White Stone Palace a visiting card of Omsk. The library is one of the places of interest in the city. Near the establishment there are flower beds, a square and a fountain, which organically fit into the surrounding landscape.


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