Health informatization: concept, goals and achievements, stages of development

The development of information systems inevitably absorbs all spheres of human life. The need for progress in the informatization of health care has long been spoken of. People who do not have special education do not quite understand what it is for and what problems it will help solve.

Health informatization goals

Earlier it was rather difficult to receive this or that medical information. Today, medical and scientific knowledge is in the public domain. But, despite this, the predominant part of the population remains dissatisfied with the functioning and structure of the existing health care system. The goal of informatization in this case is to satisfy the ever-growing demand for medical services and the quality of their provision.

There are only one way to solve a number of urgent problems in the healthcare sector - through the effective interaction of doctors with the public. The creation of a common information space plays a major role in this matter.

The priority task of health informatization at the present stage is to establish feedback with the patient. The reason for the urgent need for the introduction of innovative technologies is the mass transition of the population to home treatment, which involves monitoring the well-being of the patient through the Internet channel and providing medical care on an outpatient or home basis. The main goal of healthcare informatization is, as you might guess, the creation of a mechanism for providing high-quality specialized services through the introduction of unique electronic developments.

Who is responsible for the implementation of this program

The Central Institute for Organization and Informatization of Healthcare under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, established in 1999, is the responsible organization for the implementation of the strategy on the implementation of modern programs and telecommunications infrastructure in this area. This institution, carrying out its activities, is engaged in scientific and educational work, international cooperation in solving problems associated with the launch and configuration of this technically complex process.

Institute of Informatization and Health Organization

The objectives of the Central Research Institute of Informatization and healthcare organization are:

  • substantiation of the health system strategy from a scientific point of view and preparation of practical recommendations;
  • organizational and methodological support of the process of education and the launch of a single system;
  • conducting demographic, social and sanitary-hygienic studies of the problems of health and reproduction of the population in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • the study of public opinion about dissatisfaction with existing medical care programs.

In addition, this institution is directly involved in the development of bills and other documentation to make rational changes to legislation on the health system. As a rule, the institute performs these actions on behalf of the Ministry of Health.

Health informatization also involves the development and practical implementation of a comprehensive program for monitoring the health of Russians. To this end, the Institute maintains cooperation with domestic and international organizations in order to carry out common research and exchange experience.

What is medical information?

The Institute of Health Organization and Informatization focuses on the correct perception of this term. It should be understood as a unique type of resource, the qualitative criteria of which can be improved an indefinite number of times. In a broad sense, medical information is information about the health of the population, the health care system, medical sciences, and the social and biological external environment.

Outdated, but still a valid example of informatization of the medical industry are medical libraries. Turning here, a person could get the necessary background information, publications on a particular topic, factual and abstract works.

What are the pros and cons of online informatization

With the advent of the Internet, the speed and effectiveness of the dissemination of various information has reached a new level. The work of the Central Institute of Informatization and Health Organization is aimed primarily at eliminating the shortcomings of electronic sources.

Central Institute of Health Organization and Informatization

Compared to traditional publications, information on the World Wide Web generally does not go through a review process, which means that any material written with errors will be distributed. Large and professional publishers have a strict system of verification and review of work.

At the same time, the content posted on websites is much easier to make changes: you do not need to wait for the next release to indicate typos in a previously published article. A huge advantage of electronic systems is the easy and affordable search organization. And this applies to any form of information storage - in a web storage with private access or on your computer’s hard drive.

In European countries and the United States, the Institute of Health Informatization was introduced into the work of doctors in the early 2000s. In Russia, the task of developing specialized resources in medical systems is underway. Despite the fact that it has not yet been possible to achieve the set goals 100%, the first positive results can be seen in the effect of the computerization of medicine. Thanks to the introduction of information technology in the medical staff’s workflow, the likelihood of errors in making an appointment, compiling medical records, prescribing treatment, etc. has decreased. Health informatization involves the creation of a single information space that unites all medical systems.

The role of the Internet in the healthcare system

In studies of the Central Research Institute of Health Informatization, special attention is paid to the use of the Internet in medical science and practice. Telecommunication technologies allow each user to receive the necessary information in accordance with the content of the sent request.

The main sources of information on the Internet are specialized websites on which review works are published for educational purposes. They may contain illustrations, reference medical information. Information from the World Wide Web is used not only by patients, but also by doctors. Doubting the diagnosis, some specialists turn to medical portals for help, as if checking their knowledge with published material. Thus, healthcare informatization indirectly affects the correctness of diagnoses and the choice of therapeutic tactics for patients.

central institute of health informatization

Initially, advertising information related to the provision of medical services was distributed on the Internet. Today, thanks to the network, you can, without leaving your home:

  • conduct financial transactions, for example, to pay for medical insurance;
  • receive doctors' prescriptions based on the results of the study (by the way, some laboratories send e-mails of analyzes);
  • purchase medicines and medical equipment for home delivery;
  • process and store unlimited amounts of information in external repositories.

Disadvantages of informatization and harm to patients

The thing is that with the advent and active use of materials published on various resources, the ratio in the amount of knowledge available to physicians and patients has changed. Previously, patients trusted doctors more and thought less about their competence. Today, having previously received an idea of ​​their illness from the Internet, patients are trying to take a more active part in establishing a diagnosis and prescribing treatment. Thus, the authority of the doctor, who was previously considered unshakable, is now often inferior to medical informatization.

The priority task of healthcare is not only to increase the performance of medical institutions, but also to provide timely information support to the patient. His right to free choice of extensive and comprehensive information cannot be limited, but the doctor should conduct explanatory work, informing the patient, for example, about the dangers of using one or another alternative treatment method, what consequences could be if an analogue is taken, and non-compliance with prescriptions doctor, etc. Thus, referring to web resources sites, the patient must remember that the published information is not always reliable, in the treatment should be guided by the recommendations of specialists.

However, it cannot be said that the passive form of online learning is all too bad. Research by the Scientific Research Institute of Health Informatization suggests that the well-educated patients allow the doctor to conduct a dialogue with them at a more accessible level and influence the clinical process. In other words, the web space provides almost unlimited opportunities for ordinary citizens to participate in the process of their own treatment, helps to increase their level of education and makes medical information available.

Another important aspect of the impact of the Internet on the healthcare system is the formation of the correct understanding of what qualified medical care should be for patients. The system of reviews and recommendations about doctors who are admitted to medical institutions makes them more attentive to their work and minimize the likelihood of error. Public opinion and the dissemination of information for comparing the quality indicators of medical services increases the responsibility of medical institutions and encourages staff to improve production and qualification indicators. Commercial clinics and medical centers that underestimate the degree of influence of the Internet on the education of the population risk losing their competitiveness and their niche in the market of medical services.

Health Ministry Health Informatization

Benefits of Online Medicine

The main and primary goal of healthcare informatization is to provide affordable care for patients and their families in planning treatment of diagnosed pathologies. In addition, the patient has the right to independently choose one of several possible treatment options. This will increase the chance of a person being satisfied with the treatment process, reduce the frequency of invasive interventions, and save money on treatment. Thanks to the current institute of health informatization, each of us has the opportunity to use the following types of medical services on the Internet:

  • take part in a teleconference, forum;
  • View the contents of online directories
  • gain access to the information support service for patients and their family members;
  • learn from advertisements about new pharmaceutical products;
  • view telemedicine consultations;
  • consult doctors online.

A separate category is the provision of so-called telemedicine services, which involve eye contact with specialists from anywhere in the world through the Internet in order to obtain an opinion on the diagnosis and treatment prescribed. By conducting live broadcasts through the network, you can broadcast procedures and operations with a general educational or educational purpose.

Problems of informatization in medicine

Despite the fact that the process of introducing communication technologies by the Central Research Institute under the Ministry of Health started back in 2011, health informatization is still imperfect. According to unofficial data, every third person, entering the search engine, drives in a request to find the necessary medical topics. In fact, the Internet has become a tool for transforming the culture of medical practice, the organization and informatization of healthcare. A research institute operating under the Ministry of Health should take into account that the process of implementing universal informatization is impossible for the following reasons:

  • there is no well-prepared management link;
  • health care managers cannot always boast a decent level of computer skills;
  • lack of necessary financial support;
  • inability to guarantee copyright protection;
  • low technical level of web pages and sites created by amateur freelancers.
Institute of Health Informatization

By the way, the last moment is of particular concern, since a significant part of medical sites is supported by enthusiasts, most of which, as a rule, do not even have specialized education. But even doctors or representatives of the so-called near-medical specialties do not always fill the content of their web pages at the proper level due to lack of finances, time, desire or other reasons. That is why the Central Institute of Health Informatization has a number of requirements for the quality of specialized medical Internet portals. Of paramount importance is:

  • the availability of general information about the web page, including the purpose of creation, a brief description, the structure of the site, founders, editorial board, staff, etc.
  • quality of the posted content - medical information must be relevant and reliable, comply with ethical standards, contain a minimum of advertising;
  • information about the authors of published articles (F. I. O., profession, length of service and place of work, experience, position, biography, contact details and other information);
  • confirmation of information by references to sources or an indication that the material is an expression of the personal opinion of the author;
  • compliance of the information provided with the criteria of official medicine;
  • literacy, lack of spelling and grammar errors;
  • selection of hyperlinks to other web resources;
  • the presence of an indicator showing the date of the last site update;
  • interactivity and user-friendly interface of the Internet portal;
  • unobtrusive, relevant and relevant graphics.

Health informatization systems used

This category includes e-medicine tools - information products, services and solutions that go beyond standard web applications. They are intended for the prevention, diagnostic examination, treatment of the disease, rehabilitation and monitoring of health status.

E-health systems include medical information networks, electronic health and medical history cards, telemedicine services, web portals of appointment with specialists, etc.

Health informatization tools come in several forms. Distinguish systems for use by heads of institutions, staff doctors, as well as personalized pages for patients and citizens.

Electronic medical history is an important tool for electronic informatization of the medical industry. It is used to store personal information and records of specialists on electronic or virtual media. Paramedics have access to the material. To get the necessary information from your medical history, you just need to contact the clinic’s medical staff.

Institute of Health Informatization

The electronic medical history accumulates records obtained from various sources, as a rule, from different information systems of hospital units (laboratories, in-patient departments, functional diagnostics departments, pharmacies, etc.).

About medical ethics on web pages

The use of web technologies in medical practice has given rise not only to problems of a technological or scientific nature, but also makes us face violations of medical ethics. To prevent such violations, the Internet Code of Ethics for Runet Doctors is in force on the territory of the Internet. The essence of this set of ethical rules and norms is as follows:

  • In carrying out medical activities, the specialist (site owner) should be guided by moral principles, considerations of humanism, integrity and mercy.
  • Like a doctor in a regular clinic, the author of an article on a specialized medical portal is responsible for his activities.
  • An Internet portal specialist must treat the patient with respect for honor and dignity. The doctor has no right to disclose medical confidentiality.
  • An online doctor does not have the right to diagnose or prescribe treatment. It is not forbidden to express your assumptions about the illness of the patient who has applied and to give recommendations regarding diagnosis and treatment.
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Institute of Health Organization and Informatization

To summarize

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  • timely detect outbreaks of epidemiological morbidity;
  • optimize the transportation system for patients with emergency care;
  • reallocate resources and make changes to the procedure for the provision of medical services;
  • avoid duplication of medical procedures;
  • name the preliminary cost of the examination and treatment;
  • carry out primary prevention of a number of diseases;
  • motivate patients to strictly follow medical recommendations;
  • increase the coefficient of confidence in the quality of medical services;
  • the ability to access a personal medical record, being anywhere in the world.

Informatization in the field of medicine is a high-tech element of the general healthcare system, which provides the integrated use of information and communication technologies in the provision of primary, specialized and emergency medical care. To implement the e-health system at the proper level, coordinated actions by the country's leadership and continuous funding are required.


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