Shocking news: the body of a dinosaur surfaced in the Persian Gulf

Dinosaurs and large foot and mouth disease have long ceased to inhabit our planet. But eyewitnesses are trying to provide pictures and suspicious videos showing prehistoric creatures. The latest news that has aroused the people are the pictures from the cell phone. It shows how the corpse of a dinosaur surfaced in the Persian Gulf.

corpse of a dinosaur surfaced in the Persian Gulf

36 seconds of weird video

A truly mysterious event took place in the territory of the United Arab Emirates . In 2013, giant foot and mouth disease was discovered. The corpse of a dinosaur surfaced in the Persian Gulf when local fishermen fished. They claim that they have never met such a creature, and can not even imagine how he ended up in these waters.

Eyewitnesses took out phones and began taking pictures of this ancient inhabitant of the deep sea. But it’s hard to determine what kind of object or creature it is from the frames. You can say for sure that its size is fifteen meters. But the public does not particularly believe in the credibility of these cadres. If the corpse of a dinosaur surfaced in the Persian Gulf, then why is this only the only recorded evidence? This question was repeatedly asked to the TV-3 channel, which showed the video in Russia.

the body of a huge dinosaur surfaced in the Persian Gulf

Sarcozuch - who is it?

Despite the fact that there were no explanations, some scientists proposed their own versions of the appearance of this mystical creature :

  • This is not the corpse of a huge dinosaur surfaced in the Persian Gulf, but the carcass of a huge prehistoric crocodile. Its scientific name is sarcosuchus, body length reached 15 meters. The skeleton of the ancestor of the modern crocodile was found repeatedly, most often archaeologists dig up the skulls of an ancient creature.
  • The find may be a clam unknown to scientists. Sometimes octopuses undergo a natural mutation and can take intricate forms. It is possible that this is one of such inhabitants of the seabed. Scientists have long assured that terrible fish of immense size inhabit the depths of the ocean.
  • A monster layout is a more plausible explanation. This is not a real dinosaur corpse surfaced in the Persian Gulf. It is possible that the layout was used to shoot a film with a fantastic plot.

Such inventive eyewitnesses

Developing the latest version, one can recall a lot of personnel who at first shocked the public, and then disappointed. Many people want to become famous with the help of the global network and enjoy filming staged videos, convincing viewers of the reality of the plot. At the same time, cameras and cell phones with low quality are used.

corpse of a dinosaur surfaced in the Persian Gulf

Every year, information appears about the monsters that are caught from the seas and oceans. Mermaids and strange amphibian people very often appear on amateur cameras. As a rule, this is a thoughtful plot, which was shot by a group of people with imagination. They are not only directors and directors, but also eyewitnesses.

Minimum evidence

If the corpse of a dinosaur surfaced in the Persian Gulf, then more evidence would appear. But the sensational news ended with the fact that only low-quality video appeared on the network with a selection of strange photos. In the modern world of computer technology, it’s easy to create a UFO ship or a Loch Ness monster. Such shots are needed to attract tourists and interesting television reporters. Local residents sometimes even agree with the manager of the settlement to create provocative cadres.

Scientists are in no hurry to visit such places, as they understand that a video of dubious content cannot be the basis for a scientific expedition. One can guess endlessly about the reliability of these frames, but one thing remains unchanged. Oceans are uncharted open spaces in which lies not only a mystery, but also danger.


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