Why carry out cadastral work, how to choose a cadastral engineer

Rivers, forests, fresh air, the ability to grow environmentally friendly products, the developed infrastructure of many villages, convenient transport links make land plots an excellent place for individual construction, gardening and trucking, investment.

Since 2018, plots must be registered with the USRN. To register a site, you must have a boundary plan, which is obtained in the course of cadastral work.

Expansion of boundaries in kind

Land surveying helps to improve the accounting of available land, to clarify the boundaries of plots, areas, the correct determination of the cadastral value and ultimately affects the calculation of taxes.

Land surveying by cadastral engineers

To register a site in the USRN, you must have a cadastral passport. It indicates the site plan with coordinates, a description of the characteristics, an act of coordination of borders is attached.

Entrusting land surveying is not possible for everyone. Land and cadastral work can be performed by an enterprise that is a member of the SRO, and its cadastral engineers (CIs) are certified, have registered forms and stamps for work, are included in the CI Register of the country.

Often, allotment owners want to save on land surveying and do not check the credentials of firms and engineers who undertake to make it inexpensive. As a result, the documents received in the event of a dispute with neighbors are not accepted for consideration in court, you have to perform the procedure again.

Clarification of the boundaries of the site

In the course of land cadastral work:

  1. Conduct a geodetic survey of the site in order to obtain its coordinates.
  2. The neighbors sign the act of coordinating borders.
  3. They make borders in kind, that is, put up new boundary signs on the ground.
  4. An engineer prepares a report and a site plan during office work.
  5. The finished land surveying plan and description of the site is submitted in electronic form to the Civil Code.
  6. The customer can receive the report in electronic or paper form.
  7. Owners of adjacent lands should be present at the land survey.

In what cases is land surveying necessary?

Without land surveying and registration of a cadastral passport, documents in the USRN for the registration of property rights are no longer accepted. If the site does not have a cadastral number, first of all it is necessary to conduct cadastral work.

In the case of combining land from neighboring plots, a land survey is carried out to obtain a new plan. According to the law, the owner can add 10% of the adjacent free land to his plot, in which case cadastral work will be required to legitimize the increase in allotment. A similar procedure should be carried out when dividing the plots.

Scheme of division of plots with new coordinates

Previously, land was registered without requiring a boundary plan. Those who find themselves in such a situation should know that the ownership of the owner is still preserved.

But since 2018, land surveying is necessary if the owner plans to perform the following actions with the site:

  • make a gift;
  • to sell;
  • combine with the adjacent allotment;
  • divided into several owners, etc.

Surveying a summer cottage may be required when restoring rights to it, if it was canceled. In this case, the cadastral engineer is responsible for resolving the issue. If the plan is in the archive, then the coordinates indicated there will be used. In his absence, you will need to write a statement on the registration of land on cadastral registration, order cadastral work, during which a survey will be carried out.

Plot on the Public Map

When placing a land plan on the Public Cadastral Map, bordering may occur. This means that in one of the neighboring or given sections, the coordinates or area are not defined correctly. It is possible that in this case it will be necessary to sue to review the borders of neighboring allotments.

Aerial photography sites

In case of legal disputes with neighbors, the municipality, the conclusions of cadastral engineers certified certified in the Register of CIs have probative value in court proceedings.

When choosing a company, you need to pay attention to the technical base, tools used by surveyors, especially if the site has a complex landscape. Some companies already use unmanned aerial vehicles for aerial photography.

Factors affecting the cost of work

The cost of land surveying depends on the following factors:

  • area;
  • urgency;
  • landscape;
  • distance to land ownership from settlements and KI office.

Some lands are located on hilly terrain, in river bends, which increases the complexity of calculations, time and technical costs. The price of cadastral services includes the preparation of a report, a land plan, a cadastral passport and registration with the State Civil Commission. You can order a range of services under the "key" or individual services.

The operating mode of the Cadastral Chamber by region is presented on the website of the Federal Registration Service.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22349/

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