The owner of the magic of the Spirit Adrian Ivashkov in the books "Academy of Vampires"

Reichal Mead - a famous American writer, screenwriter of five films, the author of several series of books, one of them is “The Vampire Academy”, according to the first book of which the film of the same name was shot. This is a story about the adventures of a seventeen-year-old dampiric girl, Rosa Hasevei and her sea friend, Lissa Dragomir. The secondary character of the books, appearing in the second volume of the series, is Adrian Ivashkov, the beloved grand-nephew of the Queen of the Moroi. Due to the fact that his family is one of the most influential and wealthy, he is sure that they are all allowed, that he can get any benefits of civilization.

Adrian Rose's Eyes

For the first time, Rosa meets Adrian at a ski resort. He is tall, insanely beautiful, hot (even for a sea), pale, like all vampires, he has emerald green eyes, and dark brown hair is always disheveled as if he got out of bed.

Pros and Cons of Adrian's Magic

Adrian Ivashkov is trying to get an education, but he always has force majeure circumstances that prevent him from completing his work, due to the fact that he is the same holder of the Spirit as Vasilisa Dragomir. The possession of the magic of the Spirit gives Adrian the gift of healing, the ability to read auras and “walk” through dreams: he can enter the person’s subconscious during dreams. Due to the thoughtless use of the Spirit, Adrian’s mood jumps from one extreme to the other, at one moment he is sociable, cheerful, at the other he is depressed and prone to suicide. To drown out the influence of power, he smokes and drinks a lot.

The best quotes from the Vampire Academy from Adrian Ivashkov are:

“Rose only has guys and psychopaths,” Mia said.

“Well,” he said cheerfully, “since I am both a psychopath and a guy, this explains why we are such good friends.”


- So. It seems our Vasilisa put my dad in his place.

“Yours ...” I looked back at the group I had just left. Silver still stood there, gesturing excitedly. - This man is your dad?

- So mom says.

Adrian Ivashkov has a difficult relationship with his family. His father, Nathan Ivashkov, insults him, criticizes everything that his son has ever done in his life, so Adrian uses sarcasm and humor to hide insecurity and mental pain. Despite doubts, low self-esteem and the belief that he is a “failure” for the family, Adrian wants to prove to everyone that he is worth it.

What is Adrian really?

Throughout all the books about the Vampire Academy, Adrian Ivashkov reveals his character. Despite the reputation of a bad guy, self-confidence and a penchant for extreme sports, he quickly proves that he is a sweet, brave, impulsive, selfless vampire with a broad outlook.

Rosa Heseway

Ivashkov fell in love with Rosa at first sight and tried to attract her attention by constant flirting. To understand what his magic is, he decides to study at the school of St. Vladimir and work with Vasilisa to discover his gift.

Vasilisa Dragomir

With the development of the plot, it becomes obvious that Adrian sincerely cares about Rose. When the strigoi capture the students of the school, he uses his abilities to penetrate dreams in the hope of finding out the location of the captives. Another time, Ivashkov gives Rosa money to search for Dmitry Belikov, who disappeared after the attack on the school. Mora continues to love Rosa even when she returned to Dmitry. In order not to see the happiness of the couple in love and protect the half-sister of the new queen, he moves to Palm Springs, where Vasilisa’s sister will study.

Adrian and Sidney

Adrian and Sidney

In the second series, “Blood Ties,” Adrian Ivashkov is the main character along with the alchemist Sidney Sage. They first met in the Moroi court, where Rosa was tried for the murder of Queen Tatiana and the escape from custody. While searching for the source of illegal tattoos, the meetings between Adrian and Sidney gradually develop into friendship and mutual sympathy. With the support of the alchemist, Ivashkov becomes a student, and then a student of art classes at Carleton College. To meet with Sydney more often, Adrian bought a Mustang with an automatic transmission and asked him to teach how to drive this car. And although not only love, but also the friendship between the sea and man - taboos, Sidney and Adrian overcame this barrier.


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