Crochet Hats: Tips for Beginners

The openwork and airiness of weaving, the original texture and the beauty of the patterns - all these qualities are inherent in knitting hats with a hook. Thanks to this, such products always capture the attention of people around. In order for the headgear to look attractive and neat, you need some work experience and the presence of required skills, because you can’t master the knitting of a hat with a lapel straight off.

There are several rules to consider when starting to crochet a hat.

First, you should carefully consider the choice of color of yarn from which knitting will be performed. The hat should not only fit the face, but also in harmony with the color of the clothes. It can be composed of a multi-colored range of threads.

To make a hat such as a cap or a round shape, it is better to take thick wool yarn and knitting needles 5-6. This will give the product the desired shape. A pattern made of thick yarn looks more impressive than a thin one. An exception is berets, which are knitted from thin threads, which gives them a soft shape. Crocheting a hat from a mohair is done using a knitted lining or, during knitting, a woolen, denser one is connected to the mohair thread.

Caps are usually made from the rim of the rim, and elastic knitting is used. Calculating the number of loops is not so simple, because the elastic has high elasticity. The bezel also has the ability to quickly stretch. Therefore, it is more practical to start knitting a hat with a crochet top on top, and at the end to finish the bezel, while you can pull the fabric to the required size. The edging is best knitted with a crochet in a column, while the hook should be inserted under the back (far) wall of the loop.

Caps made with a hook keep their shape for a long time, as the result is a very dense canvas that practically does not stretch. Often the question arises, when does the knitting of the hat end, how to finish the job. This must be done, starting from the center from above and then continuing in a circle until the headgear assumes the necessary volume and size.

Having decided on the style of the product, you should take measurements. The starting point is the line of the rim: it should have a head circumference, for example, 54 cm. The measure should pass above the level of the eyebrows along the frontal part and behind the most convex point of the nape. The measuring tape must be tight. Then determine the distance from the edge of the cap in front, behind and on the sides. The last mark is removed along the temporal part, starting from the crown. And at the end, you still need to determine the distance from the middle of the nape to the earlobe.

According to the data received, it is required to make a base pattern. This element should match the style of the headgear. The diameter of such a cap is one third of the volume of the head. This is a very important indicator that must be taken into account when creating a cap from the crown. If you are crocheting a hat from a thick thread, then you should add one and a half centimeter of the allowance for free fitting to the size of the head volume. And when using threads of medium thickness, you can do without an allowance.

When making a hat of arbitrary shape, care should be taken in advance about the base pattern, on which the necessary style should be applied. This technique is used in sewing. So, for example, for a hat of spherical (round) shape, you will need to add 8 cm to a free fit, this allowance should be evenly distributed over the width of the canvas, and the height should be increased by 3 centimeters.

In order for the upper part of the future product to have a rounded shape and not contain assemblies, when crocheting the cap, it is necessary to reduce the loops by 8 cm, starting from the crown. This should be done through a series in which it is necessary to reduce no more than 7 loops in a single pass.


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