Beginner workshop: bead apple tree

Beautiful decorative trees made of beads are in great demand. These artistic compositions play the role of amazing interior decorations. They ennoble any home, and also, according to popular belief, bring good luck and joy to their owners.

bead apple tree
In this article we will tell in detail how to make a delicate and elegant apple tree from beads. It is easy to make such a blossoming miracle, you just need to devote enough time to this occupation. A beaded apple tree with a lush crown strewn with white and pink flowers looks simply amazing. Be sure to try to create a similar decorative tree. It will delight the eye with its bewitching beauty and create special comfort in your home.

What will be required to complete the crafts?

In order to make an apple tree from beads, it is necessary to prepare some materials and tools. Of course, you will need beads in several colors (including green (50 g), white (40 g), pink (10) shades). We advise you to purchase Japanese or Czech beads. Cheap Chinese and Taiwanese bugles should not be used - it is not of high quality. In addition to beads, you will need two types of copper wire: 0.4 mm thick (for twigs) and 1 mm (for the trunk). To decorate the tree, you will need a floral tape, thick woolen threads, gypsum, a wide pot with low sides and decorative pebbles. After all the necessary materials have been prepared, you can begin to implement the product.

Beaded apple tree: master class. Getting started

apple bead workshop
Our tree will be dotted with small delicate flowers. We will begin the manufacture of such a craft as an apple tree made of beads from weaving white-pink inflorescences. We take a piece of thin wire about 40 cm long. String five white beads, shift them to the center, make a loop. We get the first petal. By the same principle, we carry out three more petals at the free ends of the working wire. From three pink beads we make the middle of the flower. The remaining ends of the wire are twisted well. The first flower is ready. According to the same principle, it is necessary to carry out another 90 similar buds (three for each branch). We need such a large number of inflorescences to create a beautiful magnificent crown.

Create apple tree twigs

After making all the flowers, you can begin to perform leaflets. For this we will use the technique of circular weaving. We take a thin wire and cut a piece about 65 cm long from it. How is an apple tree made from beads? The scheme is as follows: we string seven green beads on a wire. Then we form a loop and we collect another sixteen beads. Now let the working wire around the first small loop. You get the first leaf. Now, at one end of the working wire, we perform another exactly the same leaflet.

blooming apple bead
Twist the ends of the wire several times. We take a white flower and gently screw it to the workpiece. We weave two more leaves on the wire (by analogy with the first). We attach the second bud. Create two more leaves and attach the third flower. So, the very first branch of our apple tree is ready. In order for the tree to look magnificent and rich, another twenty-nine such blanks will be required.

Start assembly

After completing all the branches, we proceed to the assembly of parts. We take three blanks and fasten their ends together, and then fasten the thick wire. We fix the resulting branch with a dense brown woolen thread. It will not only securely fasten parts, but will also give the workpiece additional volume. By analogy, we fasten all the other branches. The resulting ten blanks are formed into several large branches, and then we decorate them with a thick thread.

Apple tree trunk decoration

After making large branches, you can assemble them into a single whole, also fixing them with a thick wire, and on top with a thread. When creating a barrel, remember that your main task is to create a harmonious and as realistic image as possible. Branches should smoothly move away from the trunk, and not bend at unnatural or right angles. Their span should be approximately equal to half the height of the tree. After making the barrel, decorate it with a brown floral ribbon. In the same way we make out branches. That's all, the blooming bead apple tree is almost ready.

apple bead pattern
It remains only to place it in a pot and decorate the finished composition with decorative elements. We make a gypsum mortar. We place the trunk of the apple tree in the prepared container and fill it with alabaster.

We recommend that you install the tree as evenly as possible in the pot. A strong roll can make the thing unstable and, of course, significantly worsen its appearance. Now leave the tree to dry. When the gypsum sets, we cover it with glass pebbles or sea pebbles. That's all, our amazing craft is ready. Now you know how to create an apple tree from beads. A master class on making this charming tree, we hope, turned out to be useful for you. Success in creative work!


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