Intertesting interval of electric meters. Classification of electricity meters

Calibration of electricity meters

Each month, each family receives a receipt on the need to pay for electricity consumed. It is charged to one on the basis of the indicators of an individual meter, to the other according to a common-house electricity metering device . When people buy housing for themselves, especially when it comes to the secondary real estate market, as a rule, they do not think about the fact that the meter is installed in their apartment or house, how long it can be used. And sooner or later, the order of the energy sales company comes that the deadline for the inter-calibration interval of the electricity meter has come, or that it needs to be replaced.

And then a lot of questions arise. Where to begin? Where to go? Whom to call? If you purchase a new device, which is the best variety on the market for goods and services? Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

What is an electric meter

This device is designed to measure consumed by the owners of residential, industrial, factory, office premises AC or DC electricity. After many experiments were carried out by scientists from different parts of the world, the first electric meter for alternating current was put into mass operation in 1888.

Classification by design

It is customary to distinguish between induction, electronic, electrodynamic counters.

Induction, it is also electromechanical, the device takes into account the active energy of alternating current. The device of the electric meter is a current coil and a voltage coil, the magnetic field between which drives the disk element. The higher the current strength and voltage in the network, the faster the plate rotates, counting the electricity speed. The device is single-phase and three-phase. It is issued single-rate. More suitable for low energy living spaces. Many houses still have old electricity meters of this type. And I must say that they are very reliable - their service life exceeds fifteen years! Due to the fact that there was no alternative to them, there are about 50 million installed induction devices in the country. Among the negative sides of the device is that it can give readings with an error, and is also poorly protected from unauthorized use of electricity.

Electric meter device

Instead of induction steel, a more compact electronic meter was produced, which is also static. Such a device directly measures the current strength and voltage, transmitting data to a digital indicator and to the device’s memory. More suitable for apartments, enterprises, offices with high energy consumption. It can be installed in cold rooms, outdoors, as it tolerates well low temperature conditions. Allows you to produce electricity consumption in different areas of the day: produced single-rate and two-rate. That is, a person can program the device for different periods of time. Compared with the induction version, the static device has reliable protection against theft of electricity, and also has a higher cost. But at the same time, the electronic meter is less reliable.

Electrodynamic, a hybrid, the device is rarely used. It is relevant for electric trains, electrified railways.

Each device has a verification interval. It ranges from 6-16 years. After the expiration of the verification of electricity meters is required.

Classification by type of measuring variable

Distinguish single-phase and three-phase counters. The first - 220 V, 50 Hz, the second - 380 V, 50 Hz. Three-phase devices with a transformer can be installed in high-voltage circuits. Modern three-phase devices are available with support for single-phase operation.

Connection Type Classification

It is possible to connect the meter to the power circuit directly (this is a direct connection) or by means of measuring transformers specially designed for this purpose (this is a transformer connection). For single-phase devices, the first option is characteristic, for three-phase devices, both methods. In apartments, as a rule, they use a direct connection.

Accuracy Classification

Electronic meter

There are different classes of electricity meters with an accuracy of 2.5; 2.0; 1.0; 0.5; 0.2. This indicator informs about the possible permissible percentage error in the measurements. As a rule, it is registered on the dial by the manufacturer.

Parameter 2.5 with a current strength of less than 30 A is inherent in old single-phase induction devices. Such devices are designed to account for electricity in small areas. Since October 2000, they have not been sent for examination due to non-compliance with standards. After the first period of verification, not designed for significant loads, they must be replaced.

Since in the modern world a lot of “smart” energy-intensive equipment has appeared to help people, be it thermopots, dishwashers, washing machines, multicookers, microwave ovens, toasters, computer equipment, there is a need for devices with different accuracy. So, new electric meters are characterized by an increased accuracy class from 2.0 and allow switching to another parameter: 1.0; 0.5; 0.2. They are characterized by increased current up to 60 A.

Tariffs of individual electricity meters

This is an important indicator from a practical point of view. There are single-tariff and multi-tariff devices. The former calculate electricity regardless of the time of day, while the latter assume the operation of the device according to the zones. So, they distinguish night and day zones. The first is set in the time interval from 23:00 to 07:00 hours, the second includes peak time (from 9:00 to 11:00 and from 17:00 to 19:00) and half-peak time (everything else). Undoubtedly, two-tariff electricity meters are more beneficial for the consumer, since they allow saving on energy consumption.

Two-tariff electric meters

Reprogramming devices

Separately, it should be said about such a parameter as reprogramming of electricity meters. It is typical for multi-tariff instruments. There are maximum acceptable data adjustment indicators that are governed by current standards. According to them, the fork of variations in the time interval should not exceed 7.5 minutes. The conversion of hours to winter and summer time (an hour ahead or an hour ago) exceeds the permissible value, but is nevertheless used.

In October 2014, the country last switched to winter time, which has become constant and cannot be further adjusted. Until the end of 2014, the owners of residential and non-residential premises had to carry out the procedure of reprogramming the electricity meters, since from the beginning of 2015 the formula could have malfunctioned, and the energy supply company would have the right to calculate at a single, undifferentiated tariff for all daily zones. However, the terms of these events were extended by the state for another year. The procedure itself involves phased work. First you need to return to the program the function of allowing daylight saving time, which was deleted after the 2011 changes. Then, the program should include a ban on daylight saving time. Well, in the end, the results of the work must be confirmed by documentation. It should also be emphasized that earlier reprogramming of electricity meters was paid. On average, the cost of services ranged from 400-1000 rubles. The amount depended on the phase, model of an individual metering device for electricity. Now this issue is settled at the federal level. From now on, the owners of residential premises will not be charged for the procedure.

Why is calibration of electricity meters required?

Each individual metering device has a lifetime. There comes a time when the device needs to be checked or replaced at all with a new one. The legislation of the Russian Federation (namely, the Housing Code, various decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation) states that the entire responsibility for the maintenance of electricity meters lies with the owners of residential and non-residential premises. They are inherent to control the timing of verification.

Intertesting interval of electric meters

The metrological or verification interval of electric meters is the time period, measured in years, during which the device must work properly. This is a kind of guarantee of product quality from the supplier. The verification period is recorded directly in the technical passport of the product. The plug of the frequency of examination for different models can vary between 6-16 years. The owner of the premises independently controls the period, and can also receive a notification reminder of verification from the energy sales company. It itself includes a number of procedures, namely: the dismantling of the electric meter, its delivery to a specialized, accredited service, which has a laboratory designed for these purposes. By the way, this service is paid. Based on the results of its implementation, the owner of the premises will be issued an act or certificate stating whether the device is working or not. In the case of a positive answer, a special holographic mark on the seal can be made or the data of the verification result is recorded in the technical passport. The act must be delivered to the energy sales office in order for it to provide permission for further operation of the device.

It may happen that the result of verification is negative, and the device of the electric meter turns out to be faulty. What then to do? Sure, go to the store and purchase a new device. This will be followed by spending on the purchase and installation. Moreover, it is better to entrust the installation to electricians, and not to get down to business on their own. But sealing the device can be done for free if you are not too lazy and write a statement about the need to put it into operation directly at the energy sales company, and will not resort to the services of third-party organizations. True, here you may encounter a problem - sometimes the waiting time for the arrival of the master can drag on for two to three months.

Having received a notification about the need for verification, it makes sense to weigh the pros and cons. And in some cases it may be more expedient to immediately replace the old device with a new one. In any case, financial costs cannot be avoided; they will follow in both cases.

It is also important to emphasize that the replacement of the electric meter must be made within a period of not more than a month. In the first three months, payment for the consumed electricity is made based on average monthly volumes or according to the indicators of a common house metering device, if one is installed in the house, and then according to a single standard.

How to determine if the electric meter is working or not, if the verification period has not yet come?

Electric meter instruction

It may happen that the verification period has not yet approached, and the electricity meter does not work. What could indicate a malfunction? Here are some obvious reasons for a malfunctioning device:

  • the disk element has stopped rotating or is speeding up jerkily;
  • the display does not display the values ​​of indicators;
  • the tightness of the device is broken.

Also, it is extremely important for an energy distribution company that there is no chips or cracks in an individual metering device. The presence of a broken window for viewing readings is also unacceptable.

Is it possible to replace a working meter with a new, more modern one?

If desired, and at the discretion of the owner, the electricity meter can be changed to a newer one, for example, if you change the single-rate meter to a multi-tariff meter, if your house has the possibility of such an electricity metering. Although the energy sales company cannot oblige residents to do so. But the need to verify must remind.

To change one counter to another, you will also have to dismantle the old device and seal the new one. But there is one more nuance - this is the unsealing of a previously in use device. Self-sealing is prohibited, it is necessary to call electricians who will take readings and perform these works. One thing is good: since 2012, this procedure has been carried out without charge.

Which individual metering device to choose for installation?

If there is a need or desire to replace the electric meter, you need to know what to pay attention to when choosing it.

  • Firstly, you should immediately look at the date of the initial verification, which is carried out by the manufacturer. If it exceeds 24 months for single-phase and 12 months for three-phase devices, refuse to purchase such a device, since the next examination should be carried out for it.
  • Secondly, the calibration interval of electric meters is important, which will have to be controlled. After this period of time the device will be considered off-design.
  • Thirdly, the accuracy class of the device must be indicated on the dial.
  • Fourth, you need to understand what rate is required. All the necessary information contains the instruction of the electric meter.

Electricity meter calibration interval

There are various models of modern technological devices for accounting for electricity consumed. Among the popular, well-proven ones, one can distinguish such as “Granite”, “Puma”, “Mercury”, “Neva” and others. The lineup of each brand is diverse. There are both single-rate devices and two-rate electric meters. You can also find electronic and electromechanical devices in different colors (white, gray, black, hybrid) and with a different lifespan. All of them can vary in terms of verification. So, for example, the intertesting interval of Mercury 230 electric meters is 10 years, for Granite-1, Puma 103 - for 16 years. On average, the cost of the above models varies between 1000-2500 rubles, but you can find more expensive items.

In conclusion, I would like to once again draw attention to such an important parameter as the intertesting interval of electric meters. Each owner of residential and non-residential premises must be carefully monitored. This should not be neglected in order to avoid the requirements of the energy sales company regarding the payment of electricity according to the tariff plan, even with a fully functional individual metering device. The inability to use untrusted measuring devices that are considered off-design is reflected in the current legislation.


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