What is the red corner?

Most likely, many have heard about the “red corner” in the traditional Russian family, but not everyone knows where this corner should be located. The “red corner” in the hut is otherwise called “big”, “holy”, “God” and so on. It turns out that its location depends on the location of the stove - the heat source in the hut.

red corner

Red Corner Location

A special place, which is intended for the "red corner", in a traditional Russian hut was located diagonally from a wood stove. It could be located both at the front door and in the far corner. However, it must have been located in the southeastern part of the hut. So what is the relationship between the stove and the place, which in Orthodoxy is called the “red corner”?

The device of the traditional Russian hut

In ancient times, for Russians, the hut personified the entire Universe, there were heaven with earth (floor and ceiling), cardinal points (walls) and the “lower world” (cellar). Moreover, the ancient people associated the east and south with a sunny sunrise, spring, noon, summer, life and warmth, and the north and west with sunset, winter and autumn, cold and death. Based on this, our ancestors sought to equip their home in such a way that it was impossible to enter the forces of evil that came from the north and west.
But the forces of goodness and heat should not have seen any obstacles in their path and had the opportunity to freely penetrate the hut. And since in those days, windows were not yet invented, the only hole leading into the house was the door. The doors of all Slavic huts, without exception, were turned south, but the stove was placed opposite the door, that is, in the north, a place from which evil and cold could sneak into the house. Over time, the place of the door in the Russian hut changed, that is, the choice of the wall for the door became unprincipled, but the stove always remained on the north side, and the “red corner” was located diagonally from the stove, in the southeastern part of the hut. This location is unchanged to this day.

red corner in the house

The significance of the furnace and the “red corner” for the ancient Russians

The stove is heat, which means it symbolizes the sun and is the center of holiness of this house. The “Red Corner” in the Russian hut is also no less holy place. And although today many people think that such a corner in the house is connected with the Christian religion, nevertheless, some sources say that long before the adoption of Christianity by Russians, it was already customary in houses to create a “red corner”. However, according to other sources, in the Old Russian hut the only shrine was the stove. And only later, after the adoption of Christianity, such corners began to appear in homes.

red corner in the apartment

Why is the “red" corner?

In Russian, the word "red" has several meanings. The first is a certain color, and the second is a synonym for the word "beautiful", therefore, the "red corner" can also be called a beautiful corner. It is always arranged in the most visible place, and any guest at the entrance to the hut from the first minute should see and understand where the "red corner" is in the house. And since the icons are located in this place, the incoming person should immediately notice them and be baptized, and only then greet the owners of the house.

Attitude to the “red corner”

After the adoption of Christianity, Russian families decided to keep icons. Some people still believe in the miraculous power of icons. From here it becomes clear such a careful attitude to this place in the house. The “red corner” in the house is always kept in high purity. All icons located in this area are decorated with carvings and flowers. There is also a lamp with a candle. On holidays, the most honored guest is seated closer to the red corner.

The religious meaning of the “red corner”

To communicate with God, a Russian person does not have to go to church. In the Russian hut, the place for prayer and appeal to the Lord is the “red corner”. Therefore, in this place there are objects that are sacred to every Orthodox Christian. These are icons, holy images, sacred books: the Bible, prayer books and others.

red corner in the hut

“Red corner” in the apartment

Today, many of us do not live in private houses, but in apartments, and those who wish to create a “red corner” in their modern home must also adhere to certain rules. Of course, there are no stoves in the apartments to focus on them. Therefore, the sacred corner in the apartment should be opposite the front door, so that the first person to see the holy images in the apartment. Sometimes the modern layout of an apartment does not imply angles for the placement of icons, so the “red corner” in a house is not always the angle in the literal sense.

How to arrange a "red corner" in the apartment?

red corner in the Russian hut

The sanctuary in the apartment can be created by placing a high table or a special cabinet on the wall, covering it with a beautiful tablecloth or some other elegant cloth. Put holy images on her. As for the place of the “red corner”, it should be located opposite the front door. Choosing a place for him, you can also focus on the east. To do this, you need to determine where the sun rises in the morning, and in this part place the “red corner”. According to Old Russian, or rather Orthodox, custom, believers are supposed to pray looking east. It is this part of the world that symbolizes good, rebirth, faith and hope. As for the height of such an angle, it should in no way be located below the line of the eyes. Holy images cannot be looked down upon. But to place it above eye level is quite appropriate. Ideally, a table or cabinet should have an upper and lower shelf. On the upper place are placed holy images, candlesticks with candles, a censer, and on the lower - holy books: the Bible, the Gospel, prayer books, church calendars and more.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22383/

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