Why can’t girls be planted for up to 6 months? Tips for young mothers

Having taken their baby from the hospital, parents surround the precious child with all the best, sincerely rejoice at every achievement, even the most trifling, at first glance. Young mothers who spend a lot of time not only with their beloved baby, but also with other mothers and their little ones, can not always wean themselves from the habit of comparing their own child with others.

why girls can not be planted up to 6 months

Being with a son or daughter tĂȘte-Ă -tĂȘte, it is unlikely that the parent will be very worried about the fact that her child rolled over a week or two later than normal, or, conversely, sat down a little earlier than usual for children of a certain age . However, after listening to friends and “colleagues”, mothers often begin to push their child to one or another action, ahead of natural development.

Stimulation of physiological processes is good only under the strict supervision of a pediatrician, because in many cases it is strictly prohibited. First of all, this concerns seating, many are perplexed: why girls should not be imprisoned for up to 6 months, what’s wrong with that? The answer to this, as well as many other questions, can be found in the article.

Changing position

In order not to force particularly zealous readers to nervously scour for the necessary information, we will make a reservation right away: you can change the baby’s pose from lying to sitting even before she celebrates her first six months, but only if she herself is ready for it.

When do girls sit down? There is a huge difference between sitting and sitting. It’s one thing to cover four-month-old crumbs with down pillows and put her in this “nest”, it’s quite another thing to help the little girl realize that she must learn to control her body.

when girls sit down

The learning process assumes that a specially trained person (a foster nurse, a masseur, a neuropathologist) or mother, after consulting a specialist, will be engaged in developmental gymnastics, wellness massage and special exercises that help children strengthen their bone and muscle system. Mastering new skills, the child gradually learns to stand up on arms, roll over, crawl, sit down, and then rise to his feet and walk. Each stage of this long path should go one after another, you can not skip the "steps" so that in a hurry not to cause irreparable harm to the delicate and fragile body.

Everything has its time

Why can’t girls be planted for up to 6 months and when can the baby be allowed to see the world from a different angle? The desire of parents to show their princess the whole world is quite understandable and justified. It is simply difficult for them to realize everything that a little person will have to go through, because they have long gone their way of growing up and forgot how it was.

However, the children are arranged in such a wonderful way that young mothers and fathers will not have time to look around, as their little one will run away from them, not only throughout the apartment, but throughout the yard, it is just necessary to give him the opportunity to get to this himself. After all, the problem of why girls can not be planted up to 6 months, rather, not the baby herself, but her parents are concerned.

At that moment when she will be ready for this both physically and psychologically, she herself will rise without asking for permission or advice. It is important for mom and dad to prepare her for this, but not to rush. Theoretically, from six months it’s already possible to plant children, but since everyone has their own pace of development, for some babies this can happen at five months, others at seven.

young mothers

Hurry up - you hurt the girl

There are many myths regarding why girls should not be planted before 6 months. The most common theory is that in the case of an early sitting, the baby in the future will certainly expect a cervical bend and related female problems. Orthopedists and gynecologists have disproved this legend a long time ago, medical science claims that this pathology does not depend on when the child began to be planted or when he sat down himself. A bend can occur as a kind of congenital anomaly or be acquired, which is caused by various kinds of infectious diseases.

But why it is impossible to plant a child early, in fact, pediatricians tell without secrets and blunts. A fragile spine, which is not supported by a developed muscle corset, bends in an absolutely unnatural way as a result of an irrational load. If the mother does not want her daughter's back to be an arc in the future, it is better not to rush into a sitting pose.

walkers for girls

Will we sit?

Frightened by recommendations and warnings, parents often resist the natural course of events. That is, the thing looks exactly the opposite: the baby is not even six months old, she is already pulling herself by the bars of the crib or the wall of the arena and sitting exactly like a column. Seeing such a picture, parents put the crumbs on their shoulder blades, trying to keep them in such a position with jokes and jokes, because they know that when they sit down girls at such a young age, this is fraught with health problems.

We hasten to reassure the worried parents: if the child is ready to sit, it is not what it wants, but it embodies its desire in life, which means that it will be so. Doctors recommend not to strain the small back too much and try to change the position of the girl, but, not laying her, but stimulating crawling, standing on all fours, followed by swinging. All these exercises help strengthen the back and spine, contribute to the harmonious and smooth development of the body.

Physiology of a girl up to six months

Over the six months of her life, the little lady has come a long way. Immediately after discharge from the hospital, she could only lie on the crib and randomly move her arms and legs. Every month, parents watched their princess grow stronger, at first she had better coordination of movements, she realized that she could lead not only her parents, but also her limbs.

Turning the child over to the tummy, the mother changes the world of crumbs, after a few weeks the girl can keep her head up for several minutes and look at the world around her. It is only natural that after a couple of weeks she wants to spin from one barrel to another, and then turn over to her tummy and back to the back, without waiting for mercy from her parents.

when to plant girls

The older a girl becomes, the more intensively her development takes place. Girls at 6 months can almost always sit, they learned to crawl in a plastubsky way, get up on all fours. They play with their favorite toys with pleasure, take, lay or throw them on their own. Parents should strongly encourage the movement of their baby, cunning, laying out objects dear to her heart aside, then she will have an incentive for crawling and turning. In addition, the list of permissible physical exercises is expanding significantly. You can connect fitball exercises to swimming and developing gymnastics.

Required skills

At this stage, parents are often interested in doctors: what should a girl be able to do at 6 months?

  • A six-month-old child is very active in order to satisfy his thirst for knowledge; he must be able to turn his head and turn his entire body, sit, turn over, stand on all fours, try to crawl, pick up objects with his hands and put them back.
  • Fine motor skills are developing, you can help with this by letting the baby feel different objects in texture, temperature, strength and size. It can be educational toys bought in children's stores or made with your own hands; for kids, it really does not matter what to play, if only there is a variety.
  • Children at 6 months are quite developed intellectually and emotionally. They already know their surroundings, are able to show grief, joy, anxiety, delight. They have gastronomic preferences, taste preferences are formed.
  • The child can very well focus his eyes on moving objects and loves games with a ball, a typewriter, he likes toys in which there is something to pull, there are rotating and moving elements.

why you can not plant a child early

So what?

Someone, having read these lines, will be glad for their baby, someone may be alarmed. What if the baby does not know how to perform these or other actions, is it really lagging behind in development? It is not necessary at all - any lag or problems with the statokinetic, physical or psychological state of babies is a matter that the doctor must confirm or refute.

If, in your opinion, the time has come when it’s time to plant the girls, and your baby still does not want to please her parents, do not force her to sit down, it is better to contact specialists.

The pediatrician can determine the primary problems and assess the degree of lag from certain norms in a comprehensive manner. It is important to consider the presence of concomitant diseases, whether the child was born full-term, with normal weight and height, or they were insufficient, whether he had problems with muscle tone or other symptoms of a neurological nature.

If you try to force a child to sit down, and often do this for a long time, problems with the back of the baby can not be avoided in the future. With a curvature of the spine, not only the musculoskeletal system will suffer (which in itself is very bad), but also internal organs can develop abnormally due to displacement.

First steps: help or harm?

In the context of this problem, one more question will be relevant regarding such a device as walkers: can they be used for girls or not? Definitely - no, if the baby is not yet sitting on her own. And their further use is a matter of developing walking skills.

The manufacturers of this accessory claim that it does no harm. A number of pediatricians also do not see a problem in using a walker. The other half of pediatric doctors, including pediatricians, physiotherapists, and orthopedists, argue that the mechanism for moving babies in walkers has nothing to do with normal walking. Often, kids do not want to learn to walk on their own, because for this you need to learn how to put your foot right, keep your balance, and sometimes fall.

Of course, even those babies who run in walkers for up to a year or longer, say goodbye to this thing and go on their own, the question is different: is it worth delaying this moment for the sake of short-term unloading of parents?

what a girl should be able to do at 6 months

Princess pot

Another wonderful place that children use as a kind of seat is a pot. Very often, young mothers are attacked by urgent recommendations by experienced grandmothers, they wholeheartedly advise to accustom a child to the pot as soon as possible. When will this age come? Child psychologists unanimously claim that the child will understand completely and irrevocably, for which he needs this subject of personal hygiene, after a year. Until this time, you can introduce him to the pot, starting with demonstrative plantings (but not earlier than 6 months), which will last just a couple of minutes (no more than five!).

Due to the fact that you can’t sit on such a “throne” for a long time, pediatricians do not recommend purchasing a pot with built-in toys, musical accompaniment, steering wheel, buttons and other devices. A pot is not a developing or entertaining complex, but just a vessel for managing needs.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22391/

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