Home sweet yellow cherry: a description of the best varieties, reviews

Today at the dachas and gardens of our compatriots there are many varieties of such a tree as cherries. Everyone knows her sweet juicy red berries . However, there are other varieties. Their fruits are yellow in color. The taste qualities of such berries are in no way inferior to the usual red varieties.

Home sweet yellow cherry is one of the best representatives of the species. About what it has features, as well as recommendations for growing, should be known to each summer resident.

general characteristics

All varieties of cherries are divided into black, orange, pink and yellow. The latter variety is characterized by high productivity and high taste. Home sweet yellow cherry (photo is presented below) is one of the best representatives of the presented fruit trees.

Homemade Cherry

The variety was bred as a result of breeding activities of domestic scientists. To obtain it, such varieties as Golden Loshitskaya and Leningrad red cherries were crossed. Moreover, the obtained seeds were subjected to special irradiation. For this, fast neurons were used.

The variety was distributed in the Central Black Earth region in 1998. This is one of the new varieties that managed to grow domestic breeding science. During its existence, homemade yellow cherries have become very widespread among gardeners and summer residents of our country.

Grade description

Yellow cherry is characterized by early productivity . The variety description (photo below) confirms its high yield. Sweet cherry is not recommended for cultivation in industrial gardens. But for a private plot, this tree fits perfectly. This even confirms the name of the variety, which contains the word "homestead."

Home sweet yellow description

The tree grows fast enough. It can reach large sizes in height. The first fruits appear on the branches 6 years after the planting of young trees. Fruits are characterized by a rounded shape. They are large, have a wide funnel. The flesh of the berries is juicy. It has a cartilaginous structure. Fruit juice is transparent. The stone is large enough, but it is easily separated from the pulp.

It tastes sweet, but has a slight sourness. It contains a high content of vitamin C. It is a useful food product that can replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Gardeners reviews

Home sweet yellow cherry (variety description, photo, reviews will be presented later) is considered resistant to various unfavorable conditions. Many summer residents choose this variety for planting because of its high yield.

Home sweet yellow variety description

The tree grows quickly enough, its height can reach 4 m. Some summer residents mark this feature as a lack of variety. The crown has a spherical shape and a tiered nature of branching. It takes up a lot of space in the garden.

Tree, shoots and generative buds, according to experienced gardeners, are resistant to frost in winter. Flower buds are not susceptible to spring frosts. This is a self-made variety.

When trimming, forming a crown, the recommendations for the variety presented are the same as for all sweet cherries. The tree is resistant to pests and diseases. Fruits do not crack in rainy weather.

Fruit Reviews

The yellow sweet cherry variety, reviews of which are represented by gardeners in various sources, has large fruits. Their weight averages 5.5 g. The diameter of the berry is 2 cm or more. Abdominal suture is moderate. The long peduncle easily separates from the berry during the collection period. Coloring of fruits (integumentary and internal) is characterized by yellow color. There are also no dots under the skin.

Yellow sweet cherry reviews

Harvesting, according to reviews of summer residents, is made in early June. During this period, the berries are heavily poured juice, increase in size. According to reviews, the taste of the fruit was rated 4.7 points (on a five-point scale). Berries are of the table type. The bone occupies 8.5% of the total mass.

Berries are consumed fresh or covered in jars. Compotes and preserves are made from this cherry. Prescription sugar should be added a little less than when preparing canned red berries. The small acid present improves the taste of the product.

Choosing a place to land

Home sweet yellow cherries, reviews of which are provided by summer residents and gardeners, require the correct choice of a place for planting. Experts recommend that you follow some rules when conducting this process.

Cherry of the presented variety needs a sufficient amount of sunlight. This is one of the main requirements that are put forward in choosing a place for landing. If the tree does not receive enough light, the fruits will become less sweet and yield will decrease.

Yellow sweet cherry variety

In order for the tree to survive the winters well, it should be planted next to the house or country houses. The ideal place is the space between the bathhouse and the house or the fence and the barn. There should be a brick structure on the north side of the tree. It is better to plant the presented variety on a hill. The tree does not tolerate flooding.

Soil requirements

The presented variety of cherries puts forward special requirements to the soil . The household yellow variety of fruit trees prefers to grow on sandy, loamy light soils. Heavy sandy or clay soils will lead to underdevelopment of the tree. The acidity of the soil should approach a neutral level (pH 6.5-7.0).

Homemade yellow cherry photo

The tree does not tolerate high humidity, and stagnant water in the soil is harmful to it. Excessively dry land is also a negative factor. Therefore, the state of the soil must be monitored. They dig it up and periodically (as needed) water it.

In the area where it is planned to plant cherries, groundwater should pass at a depth of no higher than 1.5 m. Otherwise, the roots will rot. If in the area where the cottage is located, the groundwater comes too close to the surface, a drainage system should be created. This will maintain the required humidity level.

Preparation for landing

Before planting young trees, it is necessary to consider the features of their choice. Home sweet yellow cherries, the description of the variety of which was presented above, suggests the implementation of this process in a certain period of the year. In spring, you can plant trees with a bare root system. For those plants that grow in a container, the period from April to October is suitable.

Home cherry yellow variety description photo

One or two year old seedlings should be purchased. When choosing, special attention should be paid to the root system of the plant. It must be developed, consist of many branches with branches. Grafted trees should be purchased. If the cherry was grown from seed, most likely, it will not make a varietal tree. The place of vaccination is clearly visible on the seedlings. Young trees intended for planting should not have blooming leaves.

After buying in the spring, the branches of seedlings can be pruned. Do not injure the roots. They can be neatly spread out, but it is strictly forbidden to trim them. The more developed the root system, the faster the tree will take root. Before planting, sufficient space must be provided for the cherries. Its food area is about 12 mΒ² of land area.


Home cherry yellow, the description of the variety of which allows us to conclude the feasibility of planting it on its site, is planted according to a certain technology.

The distance between the young trees should be at least 3.5 m, and between the rows - 5 m. It is necessary to dig a hole about 60 cm deep. The soil removed from the recess must be mixed with mineral and organic fertilizers. It can be nitrate, humus or superphosphate.

The earth pours out into a hole in a hill. A layer of soil is poured onto it without fertilizer. Next, a seedling is installed in the pit. Its root system is covered with earth, tamping the soil well. Next, the tree is well watered. The root neck should remain above the surface at a height of about 5 cm.

Tree care

Homemade yellow cherries require proper care. The yield and taste of the fruit will depend on the correctness of watering and top dressing. In the first 6 years after the young tree has been planted, when flowers appear on its branches, they are carefully cut. This allows the root system to grow better.

Cherry requires regular watering. This procedure is performed periodically throughout the growing season. Watering is required approximately once a month. If drought is observed for a long time, this procedure is performed more often. Approximately once a week, watering is necessary.

A young tree needs to be fed. Organic fertilizers are introduced in the middle and late spring into the near-stem circle. After the sweet cherry has grown, you can perform a similar procedure in late summer. In order for the tree to survive the winter well, phosphorus fertilizer should be added to the soil no later than September.

Winter protection

The yellow sweet cherry variety needs additional protection in the winter. This is a rather complicated procedure. However, its implementation significantly affects the condition of the tree, its fertility.

To prevent the tree from freezing, it should be well sprinkled with fallen snow. The soil near the trunk should be dug up. This issue should be given attention in the fall. Next to the young seedlings, they dig a stick. This support will support the tree until it regains strength.

In addition to frost, pests and rodents can adversely affect the tree. To prevent their encroachment on cherries is simple. The trunk must be tied with roofing material. In spring, the tree must be sprayed with special solutions when signs of the disease occur. The tool should be selected in accordance with the ailment that affected the cherry.


Homemade yellow cherries need proper crown formation. For this, immediately after the planting of a young tree, pruning of its branches is performed. The procedure can also be performed in May or early June. This procedure will stimulate the growth of lower branches. It will also lead to faster fruiting.

When pruning, it is not recommended to leave an unbranched seedling 1 m long. Otherwise, subsequent shoots will grow even higher. In this case, it will be difficult to pick berries. Leaves with 4-5 buds up to 50 cm long should be left.

If the young branches of an annual seedling are cut too short (less than 35 cm), the growth of the tree will increase, and fruiting will slow down. Therefore, pruning must be carried out correctly, guided by the recommendations of experienced gardeners.

During sanitary pruning, you can also remove dried or diseased branches. This stimulates the fertility of cherries. The tree in this case will be healthy and strong.

Having considered what the homestead yellow cherry is, and also having studied the features of its care and planting, each gardener will be able to grow a presented tree on his plot. Its high productivity, high taste qualities of the fruits make the presented variety demanded and widespread in our country.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22392/

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