What can scammers do when they know the SNILS number and passport?

What can scammers do when they know the SNIL number and name? This question interests many citizens of our country. In the article we will find answers to it, and also consider the features of various frauds.

“A man with a piece of paper, but without a piece of paper ...” - perhaps everyone knows this witty and truthful saying, in which the modern man’s dependence on officiality and legitimacy is perfectly reflected. In some settlements it is impossible to even go out without taking with you a whole package of personal documents. The most common type of them is a passport. We will talk about him further.

Passport. What it is?

A passport is a document that determines the citizenship of a person, that is, his affection for a particular country. However, he may not indicate the place of residence of the citizen, whether it be his own country or some other. A common situation is when the passport is also a citizen’s identity card. In many post-Soviet countries, confusion arises between the above legal issues. For example, in Russia and Ukraine, passports are divided into internal, which are only an identity card, and foreign - providing the right to travel abroad.

what can scammers do by knowing the snls number and passport

Many states have different views on this situation. In some countries, for example, in Belarus, a passport is a document of both internal and foreign nature at the same time. And in many Western countries, an identity card is a plastic card, and a passport is issued on an individual request.


Historically, during the course of life, a person works and earns a certain amount of capital. And with the growth of property, that is, money, land, material wealth, a need arose for the storage of all accumulated over the period of active labor activity and the transfer of inheritance. History knows many solutions to this problem. However, at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, individual face insurance was invented and worked out. And now in the 21st century the so-called SNILS system was developed. What it is? Insurance number of an individual personal account.


Documents such as passport, SNILS, driver's license and medical insurance greatly simplify our daily lives. However, it should be remembered that neglect of documents and legal illiteracy can lead to disastrous results.

what can scammers do knowing the number of snls and nothing else

Therefore, you must always be careful and accurate. After all, there are often people who want to cash in on scams with our personal data. What can scammers do when they know the SNILS number and passport? Countless cases of fraud across Russia occur every day. The simplest and most common type of scam are deals with microcredit offices, which can be found on every corner. The scheme is as follows. The kidnappers use a stolen passport to obtain a microloan and disappear. And after a few months, when the amount grows several times, collectors come to an unsuspecting person and problems begin. Because a citizen is obliged to pay a debt that he did not take in fact.

Bank loan

Another thing that scammers can do, knowing the SNILS number and passport, is to apply for a loan, not just in an ordinary company, but in a prestigious bank. This scheme helps to turn an unscrupulous employee of the organization, who is in collusion with intruders.

Registration of company and fraud in the network

Few people realize what scammers can do, knowing the SNILS number and passport. There are cases when a company was registered with the owner of a stolen document , which subsequently engaged in illegal, and sometimes even illegal operations.

what scammers can do by knowing the number of snls

Only lengthy lawsuits prove that an unsuspecting citizen was not really the owner of the company. The list of what fraudsters can do, knowing the SNILS number and passport, also includes the implementation of fraud on the Internet. For example, operations with electronic wallets, games in online casinos, or using delivery services. As you can see, crime penetrates into the information virtual space.

SIM card purchase

This is not limited to the list of what fraudsters can do, knowing the SNILS number and passport data. But with their help, unscrupulous people acquire SIM cards that they use for telephone scams.

what can scammers do by knowing the snls number and phone number

Everyone has friends or grandparents who were called by scammers and introduced themselves as police officers, psychics or someone else trying to appropriate the money of naive pensioners. Warning! Never believe such calls. If you need police officers, they will call you to the department for a personal meeting. And extrasensory perception does not need to be believed at all.

Website page

But what can scammers do if they know the SNILS number and surname? This is also an interesting question. Cases are common when a page is registered in a person’s name, say on a dating site.

what scammers can do by knowing the number of snls and name

And correspondence is being conducted on his behalf, which, although they do not bring material harm, are nevertheless discrediting and cast doubt on the honor and dignity of the individual. In such cases, citizens also have the right to go to court. Because such actions are a direct violation of constitutional rights.

Money to someone else's account

But what can scammers do if they know the SNILS number and nothing else? And here the criminal thought once again finds ingenious schemes. For example, people of diligent appearance may come to visit an unsuspecting pensioner and introduce themselves as employees of a pension fund. The criminals are asked to provide them with a SNILS number in order to allegedly transfer money to him or for any other reasons. They palm out documents for signing consent to use their retirement account. The mistake of older people is that they sign documents without even reading them.

what can scammers do knowing the number of snls and passport details

Since they are frightened by the small print and a large number of pages with complex legal terms. Having obtained a policy number and signature, fraudsters gain access to funds, and then simply redirect them to any other private account.

You can lose your personal home

Probably the worst thing that scammers can do, knowing the SNILS number and passport, is to deprive a person of his place of residence. Unfortunately, the work of the so-called black realtors is very widespread in Russia. Their actions are so massive and intricate that anyone can lose their homes, both poor single people and the richest stars in the world. These apartment swindlers know dozens of sophisticated ways of appropriating someone else's living space. So it remains only to recommend people to be extremely vigilant and not to show confidence in suspicious individuals.

Little conclusion

The age of high technology has brought not only comfort, but also increased risks to everyday life. They consist in the fact that in one moment a person can lose everything that was acquired by the hard work of entire generations. In the vastness of the country, crime never slumbers and causes more and more pain to ordinary, peaceful and honest citizens. The intellectual side of crime is also growing.

what can scammers do by knowing the snls number and last name

Nowadays, as a rule, attackers are highly qualified professionals with good training, experience, high intelligence and developed psychological skills. Stay always extremely alert and do not let yourself be deceived. It is not recommended to demonstrate the standard of living to everyone around. It acts as a bait for thieves and crooks. Probably, everyone should know what scammers can do, knowing the SNILS number and phone number, as well as other personal data. Therefore, do not lose caution and be prepared for any life situation in order to protect yourself and your loved ones in time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22401/

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