Masonry mortar: consumption per 1 m2

Brick buildings and structures are easy to operate and can last for decades. However, the durability of such buildings directly depends on how well the masons perform their work. Among other things, when building such a house, you need to calculate the amount of the necessary mortar for laying brick, as well as correctly prepare the mixture itself.

How to make a solution

Spread the walls of buildings of brick, usually using cement-sand mixtures. Such solutions are quite convenient to use and, moreover, are durable. Mixtures of this type are prepared from two main components - cement and sand. These ingredients are premixed dry. Next, they add such an amount of water that as a result a sufficiently thick and at the same time plastic mass is obtained.

Brick laying methods

It is possible to prepare mortars for bricklaying in the ratio of cement / sand as 1/3 or 1/6. The first type of mixtures is usually used only for the erection of those structures of buildings and structures that during operation will be subjected to severe loads. It can be, for example, foundations or bearing walls of large houses.

What the expense can depend on

When designing a building, of course, one should, among other things, calculate how much cement-sand mixture will be needed for its construction. To do this, first of all, it is necessary to determine the flow rate of the mortar for bricklaying per 1 m 2 over the building sections of different designs.

The costs of the cement-sand mixture used to erect brick walls may depend, for example, on factors such as:

  • masonry thickness;

  • masonry method;

  • type of brick used.

Masonry thickness

Different building structures may be subjected to loads during the course of its operation. Accordingly, their thickness is different. The consumption of mortar for brick laying depends on this most directly. Technologies for building walls can be used such:

  • "In half a brick";

  • single;

  • one and a half;

  • double.

When applying the first masonry technology, walls with a thickness of 120 mm are erected. At the same time, 51 standard bricks leave for 1 m 2 of the structure. Single masonry provides a wall thickness of 250 mm. In this case, 102 bricks leave for 1 m 2 of wall.

With the use of one and a half masonry, thick structures of 380 mm are erected. Brick in this case is consumed per 1 m 2 153 pcs.

When using double masonry, structures of 510 mm thickness are obtained. The consumption of bricks using this technology is 204 pcs / m 2 .

Brick structures

What should be the thickness of the joints when laying

The erection of brick walls has, of course, some of its own characteristics. Strength cement mortar is quite high. But all kinds of modern adhesives used, for example, when laying foam blocks, in this parameter, of course, it is much inferior.

Ensuring the strength of the masonry when using a cement mixture is possible only if the seams between the bricks are thick enough. Accordingly, it is usually quite a lot to spend cement mortar during the construction of buildings.

It is believed that the thickness of the horizontal joints of the brickwork should be equal to 10-15 mm. Observe this rule when building a house should be. Otherwise, the building will not last long. Vertical joints in masonry are usually thinner. After all, they do not experience any significant load when operating the house. The thickness of the vertical joints of the masonry should have 8-12 mm.

Calculation of flow per unit

When installing each brick, the mixture goes to:

  • two bed seams;

  • two spoonfuls;

  • two end.

The calculation of the flow rate of the solution per 1 m 2 of bricklaying is made taking into account the costs:

  • on bed seams - 600 cm 3 mixture;

  • 2 tykovyh - 156 cm 3 ;

  • for 2 tablespoons - 325 cm 3 .

Thus, to install one stone masonry cement mixture will need 1081 cm 3 .

Masonry joint thickness

Of course, such an amount of solution is consumed only when laying sufficiently thick walls. When using the β€œhalf-brick” method, cement is not applied to spoons. Therefore, in this case, when installing one brick, only 756 cm 3 of the mixture is used.

Mortar consumption per 1 m2 of brickwork

The installation of one standard single unit usually takes, therefore, 1081 cm 3 of the mixture. Therefore, to close half of the seam, 540.3 cm 3 of the solution is necessary. The average value between these two indicators will be equal to 810.75 cm 3 . Based on this, and you can determine the flow rate of the solution per 1 m 2 .

This indicator will be equal when using masonry:

  • "In half a brick" - 0.041 m 3 ;

  • single - 0.83 m 3 ;

  • one and a half - 0.124 m 3 ;

  • double - 0.165 m 3 .

The flow rate of the solution per 1 m 3 meter of masonry brick will be:

  • "In half a brick" for 53 blocks - 0.189 m 3 ;

  • single when using 102 bricks - 0.221 m 3 ;

  • with one and a half for 153 blocks - 0.234 m 3 ;

  • with double for 204 bricks - 0.240 m 3 .

Consumption per 1 m2 when using other types of bricks

Most often, the walls of buildings and structures are laid using exactly standard single blocks. However, sometimes the construction of houses is built using other types of bricks. This can be, for example, one and a half standard blocks of a larger size (250 x 120 x 88 mm). In this case, the consumption per 1 m 2 will be approximately as follows:

  • for masonry "in half a brick" - 0.009 m 3 ;

  • single - 0.023 m 3 ;

  • one and a half - 0.032 m 3 ;

  • double - 0.051 m 3 .

Clay-cement mortar

How to convert cubic meters to liters

In specialized construction literature, the flow rate of a solution per 1 m 2 is usually given in m 3 . However, with the independent construction of any structures, the amount of the mixture used is usually calculated in buckets. That is, in liters. The conversion of cubic meters into this unit of measurement is very simple: 1 m 3 = 1000 l. That is, for example, when using the technology of single masonry from ordinary brick, 1 m 3 of the structure will leave 221 liters of mortar.

Sand and cement count

Concrete mixtures intended for pouring, for example, foundations, in the construction of private houses are often purchased ready-made. Cement mortars used for bricklaying, in most cases, are prepared on the spot. After all, such compositions are consumed rather slowly in the process of erecting walls. And therefore they are prepared in small quantities - in batches.

Accordingly, when designing a building, one often has to calculate how much sand and cement should be purchased to mix the mass. The consumption of these materials will depend primarily on the proportions in which the mortar for bricklaying is prepared.

To make 1 m 3 of the composition 1/3, for example, 325-350 kg of cement will be needed. Sand for mixing such a solution will take 1125-1350 kg.

Half-brick masonry

Sometimes for masonry of various kinds of structures, non-standard solutions with respect to proportions are also used. To determine the required amount of cement at a flow rate of 1 m 3 sand in this case, you can use the formula:

  • Vb = Qb / y, where

Qb is the consumption of cement, Vb is the consumption of sand (in our case 1 m 3 ), y is the bulk density of cement in kg / m 3 .

Other types of masonry mixtures

So, how much solution is consumed per 1 m 2 of brick laying, we found out. However, purely cement mixtures are usually used to erect only heavily loaded structures. For example, using such solutions, foundations or load-bearing walls of buildings can be erected. In all other cases, more plastic mixtures are usually used:

  • calcareous;

  • clay.

The consumption of such compounds is most often the same as pure cement. The strength of the solutions of this variety are somewhat inferior to the usual. But at the same time they are also more plastic. That is, the walls erected with their use crack less often.

You can determine the necessary for the preparation of a high-quality plasticizer solution using the following formula:

  • Vd = 0.17 (1-0.002Qb), where

Qb - cement consumption per 1 m 3 of sand.

The amount of water for the solution

Water consumption

In order to prepare a high-quality mortar for bricklaying, it is not enough to mix dry ingredients in the right proportions. The mass also needs to add the right amount of water. If the solution turns out to be liquid, the building will not last too long. The seams in this case will be brittle and will begin to crack and weather.

Too thick mortar for bricklaying is also usually not done. Working with such a mass is extremely inconvenient, as a result of which the wall can turn out to be uneven and inaccurate. And in this case too much cement will be spent on building a building. Special formulas are also used to calculate the amount of water needed for mixing the high-quality masonry composition. It will not be difficult to make the necessary calculations with their application.

For solutions with a mobility of 9-10 cm, prepared using lime or clay as a plasticizer, for example, the formula for calculating the amount of water will look like this:

  • B = 0.5 (Qb + Qd), where

B - water consumption per 1 m 3 of sand in kilograms, Qb - cement consumption, Qd - clay or lime consumption.

Material selection

To withstand the thickness of the seams when laying brick structures, of course, it is necessary. However, the strength of such structures directly depends on the quality of the mortar used for construction.

The choice of materials for such mixtures depends primarily on the type of construction being constructed. For the laying of those structures that during operation will not be subjected to severe loads, for example, street wings or low fences, a mortar prepared using cement of the M200 brand is usually used.

Mixtures intended for the construction of interior partitions are usually made using material grade M300. The rear bearing walls are most often erected on a mortar of cement M400. In most cases, the same material is used for laying foundations. Sometimes the foundations of the building are also constructed using cement M500.


Sand for the manufacture of masonry mixtures is allowed to use both quarry and river. In any case, the size of its particles should not be too small and not particularly large. Sand must be sieved before use for mixing the solution.


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