3D do-it-yourself paper crafts with children

This is amazing, but a simple sheet of paper in the right hands can be a real work of art. It's not just about painting. Origami, quilling, papier-mâché, scrapbooking and applique - all of these techniques use paper basically. With their help, you can create interesting crafts with your own hands. It can be pictures, boxes, photo albums or even animals. But the most important thing is that even a child can create such beauty. Especially if parents or teachers will help him in this matter.

Volume applications

DIY do-it-yourself paper crafts
Using the application technique, you can create not just pictures, but real volume paper crafts with your own hands. The thing is how to do the work. She will need a sheet of cardboard for the base, glue, scissors, a simple pencil and, of course, a lot of colored paper. But first you need to decide what will be done. If you plan to make a picture with a child, it is advisable to choose simple and understandable subjects, for example, a forest glade or a bouquet of flowers.

DIY forest clearing

So, it was decided to make a real forest clearing. To make it, you will need:

- colored paper (the more colors, the better);

- a dense cardboard on which everything will be fixed;

- PVA glue;

- scissors, and preferably two pairs, so that you can cut it together;

- simple pencils;

- felt-tip pens;

- a frame for registration of work in a picture.

First you need to outline the plot on cardboard. To do this, we sketch the future meadow: grass, leaves and flowers. You should not try especially hard, in the future this sketch will be completely closed by volume application.

Now it's time to cut the workpiece. Sheets can be cut using live leaves brought in advance from a forest walk, like stencils. If they are not, you can draw by hand.

But the flowers will have to tinker a bit. To make a chrysanthemum, you can cut colored paper into strips of 8-10 cm long and 3-4 cm wide. Then you need to make incisions across to a depth of 2-2.5 cm, twist it into a spiral and bend the edges. Glue the tip - and the first flower is ready!

Colored chrysanthemums can be complemented with white daisies and bright hyacinths. Make them even easier. From paper, you need to cut the petals, on each draw a longitudinal strip with a felt-tip pen. The tone should be chosen a little darker than a sheet of paper.

It remains to collect a clearing on a sheet of cardboard. Since this is a clearing, the base should be green. Now you need to glue the sheets first. To make them voluminous, glue them only at the base and slightly bend outward.

Glue chrysanthemums to pre-designated places and collect chamomiles and hyacinths from the petals. It remains to supplement the flowers with beautiful centers of yellow cardboard, draw small details with felt-tip pens, and voluminous crafts from colored paper are ready!

Interesting crafts

Photo album design

Using the idea of ​​all the same applications, you can make a whole photo album yourself. Such voluminous crafts made from paper with their own hands are called scrapbooking. True, many do not dare to undertake such work, as they simply do not know where to start. Those who make their scrapbook album for the first time can take as a basis an already finished book. They can be purchased at specialized stores. Now it remains only to decide on the choice of topics. It is she who sets the tone for the rest of the design. It can be a wedding, anniversary, vacation or any other memorable event.

Papier-mâché figures

You can also create bulk paper crafts with your own hands in papier-mâché style. Using this simple technique allows you to get real masterpieces. Moreover, such figures can be made from old newspapers or even toilet paper. The beauty of the finished crafts entirely depends on the finish painting. Parents can do this part of the work themselves. But pasting and shaping the figure is quite possible even for a schoolboy. Its basis is a wire and foil frame. Already at this stage, you can give the product the desired shape. Using papier-mâché, plates, cups and other utensils are made. Interesting papier-mâché handicrafts, made by the hands of famous needlewomen, even became the property of world museums.

Japanese origami

Being able to think differently than most other nations, the Japanese figured out how to create voluminous paper crafts from a rectangular sheet. Animals are most often used as a source of inspiration in this art. It is called origami. The main condition for creating shapes is to use only paper, and nothing more. But to get really beautiful voluminous paper crafts, schemes for origami crafts are simply necessary. They will tell you where and how to bend the sheet so that step by step it turns into the desired figure.

voluminous crafts of colored paper

It can be anything from a boat to a crane. One example of such work is shown in the figure above.

Stripe Paper Patterns

And perhaps the most amazing way to use paper to create paintings is quilling. From simple strips twisted into spirals of different density, you can create real works of art, although in their manufacture will have to show a lot of patience.

Volumetric paper crafts scheme
Therefore, it is worth collecting the whole family for such work.

As for any other craft, you first need to decide what should happen in the end. It will be easiest for a school student to start with small pictures depicting bouquets of flowers or animals.


Whatever voluminous paper crafts with their own hands were made with the children, they will certainly help bring the whole family together, will please everyone with pleasant memories. And this is the most important thing in any work!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E22405/

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