Armenian apricot Shalah: description, ripening dates, photo. How to eat Armenian apricots

Of course, everyone knows such a fruit as apricot. These are round orange-colored fruits with velvety peels growing on trees. Apricot can be found in the southern countries and in the south of our country. This fruit is sensitive to sunlight and absolutely undemanding to soil.

The most delicious are the Armenian apricots grown in the South Caucasus in the Ararat Valley, as well as in its foothills. This fruit, which has absorbed all the energy of the hot sun, can rightly be considered the most useful. The homeland of apricot, along with Central Asia and China, can also be considered Armenia. According to the apricot bones found during excavations, scientists have found that this fruit has been growing here for more than 3,000 years. We will take a closer look at the most popular Shalah apricot variety, how to care for it and what are its beneficial properties.

Armenian apricot

Apricot Description

This fruit of the Shalakh variety (its other name is Yerevan) is called universal by gardeners. The tree is vigorous, in height it can reach 5-6 meters, fruits of early or medium ripening. Fruiting in seedlings begins in the fourth year of life, it lasts from 14 to 30 days.

The tree is rather capricious, tender, afraid of severe frosts. Among all Armenian apricots (and there are about 27), Yerevan is rated as the most delicious. Eat fresh fruit after preservation. Also make dried apricots: apricots and dried apricots. Azerbaijan and Georgia use these fruits in canning production.

Places of growth

The Shalakh apricot variety was especially popular in Yerevan. But over the course of 10 years, it spread throughout the territory of different countries of Asia. In Crimea, he was brought into the Nikitinsky Botanical Garden before the 17th year of the last century. In the south of Russia, this variety of Armenian apricots appeared in the 30s.

apricot variety shalah


The tree of this variety of apricots can bear fruit and blossom in the early and medium terms. The climate directly affects the flowering time:

  • in southern climatic zones, this occurs in early June;
  • in colder ones, in July.

The apricot flower is large - 2.8 cm, white with a hint of pink, with a pleasant honey aroma, the petals are slightly curved, have a rounded shape.


The fruits of these Armenian apricots are appreciated for their excellent taste and large enough size (at least 90 g). They have a sweet fragrant flesh and a small bone inside. Apricot is also beautiful in appearance: creamy skin of the fruit with raspberry blush on its sides.


Of the advantages, one can distinguish average frost resistance, productivity, resistance to diseases and pests. In addition, this variety is transportable. This allows it to be stored in refrigerators or specially designed rooms. This variety is good for planting with cuttings, as well as for grafting onto other trees, such as plums, cherry plums or peaches.

Ripening period of Armenian apricots

Apricot ripening directly depends on climatic conditions and on the variety. In southern Russia, as in Armenia, fruiting begins in late May and early June. On the territory of the central Chernozem region, ripening will begin in late July-August.

ripening period of Armenian apricots

Interesting Facts

It is known that apricot fruit extract is included in many drugs for heart disease. Greeks call this fruit Armenian plum, and Italians call it Armenian apple.

Apricot in Armenia is one of the symbols of national culture. At the annual film festival in Yerevan, the winners are awarded the Golden Apricot. The most popular Armenian musical instrument is called duduk. Currently, it is very popular in Western countries. In Armenian, this tool is called cyranopoha, which translates as "apricot tree pipe."

Manufacturers of musical instruments tried to make a tune of pear, plum and apple tree, but an instrument with a special velvety voice is obtained only from Armenian apricot. Shvi and zurna - musical wind instruments are made from the same tree.

variety of Armenian apricots

How to eat Armenian apricots

Apricots contain vitamins A, B and C. The fruit is rich in iodine, iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus. Fruits contain acids, fiber, tannins. Consider how to properly eat Armenian apricots in order to bring maximum benefits to the body. It is worth considering that:

  1. Apricots contain a large amount of potassium, which normalizes blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, relieves the body of unnecessary fluid and, most importantly, strengthens the heart muscles. People with cardiovascular disease should eat apricots or dried apricots daily, especially after a heart attack.
  2. The presence of carotene has a positive effect on the skin and vision, improves immunity. It is enough to consume these fruits up to 300 g per day to get a daily intake of vitamin A.
  3. Apricots contain more iron than apples. For people with anemia, they are simply essential in their diet. Fruits with constant use maintain hemoglobin level, saturate cells with oxygen.
  4. The content of magnesium and phosphorus in apricots normalizes metabolism. Magnesium is able to repair nerve cells, and phosphorus improves memory.
  5. Nutritionists talk about the benefits of apricots and for digestion. Fruits maintain the acidity of the gastric juice is normal. Fiber favorably affects the digestion of food, normalizes stool, eliminates bloating.
  6. Sweet apricot varieties contain iodine, which is very useful for the thyroid gland, as well as to increase intelligence.
  7. Calcium, found in apricots, makes bones and teeth stronger, improves blood coagulation.
  8. Pectin contained in fruits helps to eliminate toxins from the body.

how to eat Armenian apricots

But there are contraindications. It is not recommended to use such a product for people suffering from hepatitis and diabetes.


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