How to become a moderator in Avatar - basic requirements

Avatar is an amazing and huge virtual world in which everyone can live his second life, make many friends, meet love and even start a family. This game project is very popular among most of the audience, which uses the social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. But every player who spent a lot of time in the game was surely wondering how to become a moderator in Avatar. What does he get from this? And is this vacancy interesting? And fortunately, the answers to these questions already exist, the main thing is to arrange the information on the shelves and carefully read all the requirements. Everyone can become a moderator in the game if he can fulfill his duties and abide by the rules.

how to become a moderator in an avatar


Moderators in Avatar are players who, in addition to the gameplay itself, monitor the order of the game, chat and the actions of everyone else. Thanks to the moderators, you can observe the order, adequate people and a pleasant gameplay. It is worth noting that these people are not responsible for the bugs of the game, for any errors and crashes, they only monitor live players and their behavior. In addition, there are moderators who actively analyze posts in support, answer various questions and follow the forum of this project. The moderators of the Avatar game are engaged in a variety of matters, and each direction has its own rules and requirements. And what moderator you will become depends on your skills, abilities and free time.

moderators in the avatar

Violations in the Avatar

But the main occupation of these people is still tracking violations in the game. Before further analyzing the question of how to become a moderator in Avatar, you should immediately find out what violations may be in this project. The most important and punishable is the use of various third-party applications and cheats for achievements and enrichment. True, itโ€™s difficult to calculate such people, so moderators are given information about players who commit violations, and they are looking for them to apply punishment (account ban). The second serious offense is the use of obscene expressions in the general chat, a ban for 3 days is issued for this. The remaining violations are not so significant and usually boil down to the fact that players prevent other users from playing calmly and peacefully. For this they give punishments in the form of a ban for 1 day or a simple warning.

classmates avatars in classmates

Can I become a moderator?

As we noted above, anyone who plays Avatar and has a pumped-up account can apply for this vacancy. How to become a moderator in Avatar? You just need to apply for a vacancy in the official group of the game. First you should get acquainted with the basic requirements and future responsibilities and make sure that you clearly understand all the information provided. Perhaps you will be interviewed or offered to undergo testing, in any case, just do not become a moderator, you must understand the game itself and its rules. In addition, do not forget that Avatar is spread over several social networks, but the game is especially popular with users of VKontakte and Odnoklassniki.

Moderators of Avatar at Odnoklassniki are a completely different division of employees who are not members of the VKontakte social network. Therefore, we recommend that you submit two applications, so you will have more chances to become a moderator.

game moderators avatar

Conditions for this vacancy

As described above, the main requirement for candidates is a complete understanding of the project and its responsibilities. Typically, additional conditions are the age of 18 years, the availability of Skype and a preliminary interview, on which you will be checked. Some specific and special requirements for candidates are not immediately presented, since the main information pops up exclusively at an interview, which can take place in a Skype conference or in personal messages of a social network. The main thing is to believe in yourself, your abilities, and luck will surely smile at you. Being a moderator is not only due to prestige, but also for the opportunity to gain useful experience, as well as a reward for the work done.

Possible rewards and rewards

Everyone is interested in how to become a moderator in Avatar, but it is unlikely that many think about the reward for this. Yes, the one who actively monitors the gameplay, the one who puts his soul into the game, he is encouraged without fail. True, it is worth considering that simple moderators as a reward receive game currency in large quantities, but the main ones already have a salary, however, they have much more responsibilities. Do not ask about the amount of remuneration, as this is confidential information, in addition, becoming a chief moderator is not so simple. There are already additional requirements such as experience in the moderation environment, special merits and achievements in this area, and there is even a trial period.


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