Siamese cats: photo, description of the breed and character, owner reviews

Siamese cat is elegance, grace and sophistication. Perhaps, among all representatives of domestic cats, she is the most aristocratic and characteristic. The oldest breed is famous for its selective attitude to surrounding people. Gaining their trust is not so simple. Siamese cats love, beware, afraid, but somehow - always admire them.

Breed history

The place of origin of these cats is considered Thailand. More than 600 years ago, he was called Siam, which explains the name of the Siamese breed. Cats were highly respected at that time and considered them holy animals. Ancient people believed that Siamese cats accompany the dead to the afterlife, and also protect their temples from evil spirits. The monks took these cats with them to any ceremony. Not a single wedding or funeral took place without holy animals. Touching them was allowed only to royals and temple attendants.

ancient siamese cats

This attitude towards Siamese cats lasted until the 19th century, until the Thai king decided to give several cats to European rulers. Dozens of animals were sent as a gift to Queen Victoria. They really liked them, and soon the queen began to engage in their breeding. Being represented at various exhibitions, Siamese cats began to rapidly gain popularity. Nowadays, it has become very easy to get this breed. But, despite centuries of long history, the Siamese cat has retained all of its royal habits, making it special among other feline cats.

Cat's appearance

When considering a Siamese cat, it may seem that it owes its origin to another planet. The wedge-shaped shape of the head, huge elongated ears, almond-shaped eyes of a bright blue color - all this seems to indicate a relationship with the aliens. Unusual head harmoniously combined with a flexible body. Their body is very sophisticated, and their legs are long and powerful. Judging by the description of the Siamese cat, you might think that they are unearthly creatures.

breed standards

The dimensions of these animals correspond to their appearance. They are not large at all, very fast, agile and jumping. Cats move very gracefully, and due to the unusual coloring they are almost impossible to confuse with other breeds. Genetics even refused to cross them, explaining that the appearance of cats is already perfect.

Siamese cat


From the photo of the Siamese cat, you can notice what their unusual coat and color is. In purebred animals, it is smooth, short and shiny. Many believe that a fluffy Siamese cat is some kind of breed. In fact, the breed has no varieties and subspecies. A fluffy cat, similar to a Siamese coloring, is most likely a Himalayan, Burmese or Thai breed.

Newborn Siamese kittens are very similar to albinos. Pigmentation of wool begins on the 10th day of their life, and they acquire true color only by 6–9 months of age. The dark, almost black color in some parts of the body is explained by a small amount of pigment in the warmest places of the body. The Siamese has a characteristic dark color in its muzzle, ears, paw tips and tail. This color is called color point. The intensity and tone of the point indicates the color of the Siamese cat and can be very different. The characterization of the colors depends on the following colors of the point:

  • blue point - blue cat;
  • force point - dark brown;
  • laylak-point - lilac;
  • chocolate point - chocolate;
  • tabby point - brindle;
  • red point is red.

There are also other colors, but they are extremely rare.

Siamese kittens in the apartment

Breed standards

This cat is very slim, muscular and neat in its movements. From the photo of the Siamese cat, you can see that they almost never have excess weight. Males are usually larger than females. The head is wedge-shaped, the neck is long but not thin. The wedge line is completed by large and wide ears. The dark mask on the tip of the muzzle does not go beyond the crown of the head, but also does not come into contact with the point of the ears. The appearance of the Siamese cat can be characterized by the following structural features:

  • the body is oblong, of medium size;
  • leanness, average weight of a cat 3-4 kg;
  • elongated neck;
  • hips, shoulders and rib cage of the same width;
  • the limbs are thin, long and slender;
  • paws are small, oval;
  • the tail, although long, is very harmonious with respect to the body;
  • the head is extended and the muzzle is flat;
  • nose and chin pronounced;
  • ears are wide, especially at the base, and their tips are pointed;
  • eyes - oblong almond, bright blue;
  • the coat is smooth and short, without undercoat.

These cats are often called centenarians. This statement is true. Representatives of the oldest breed can live up to 25 years. Naturally, the cat should live in favorable domestic conditions, eat well and undergo regular examinations at the veterinarian. This life span is impressive, especially considering the fact that ordinary cats live a maximum of 15 years.

muzzle of a siamese cat

Siamese cats character

The appearance of these cats is extremely misleading. In the photo, Siamese cats seem arrogant and too independent of their owners. This is actually not the case. Of course, nobility and become among the Siamese in the blood. They will not behave too defiantly, especially in the presence of strangers. Seated in a conspicuous place, they will look at the new guest for a long time and are unlikely to approach him in the next couple of hours.

cat on the street

But these cats are definitely not indifferent to their owners. They are strongly attached to them and hard to bear separation. When the whole family is assembled, the cat will never sit quietly on the sidelines. They like to talk with the owner, be in his arms and occupy all the space. The nature of the Siamese cat is very controversial. But, having taken possession of the location of such a royal person, there is no doubt that her love and devotion will be as strong as her majesty.

Cat behavior

Judging by the description of the breed and nature of Siamese cats, one would think that they are always serious and cold-blooded. This is not entirely true. Siamese cats are very playful and curious. In their home, they feel like keepers and try to warn the owner in every way possible from danger. Not without reason ancient monks considered this animal sacred.

There are many cases when a cat of this breed desperately attacked dogs, trying to protect a human child. Siamese courage, independence and obstinacy strangely combine with their good nature and devotion. If a cat falls in love with a person, then this is for life. Many felinologists note that in this they are very similar to dogs.

cat look

Pets have a good memory that will not let them forget their insults. Therefore, settling in the house of a Siamese cat, you need to treat her with respect and respect. She does not forgive indifference, neglect and bad attitude. They are also very jealous. Other animals in the house are unlikely to become her friends if the owner gives them too much attention.


Description of the nature of Siamese cats is suitable for numerous reviews of this breed. Almost all of their owners note how faithful and loyal they can be. In the family they choose only one person and give all their love and tenderness only to him. Good reviews on the cleanliness of these animals are also common. Living in an apartment, they always go to the toilet on the tray, without creating problems for their owners with cleaning. Even at a young age, cats rarely tear wallpaper, sofas or curtains. Do not make a mess in the house when the owner is not at home.

Many owners find healing properties in their pets. Reviews of Siamese cats suggest that the animal always lies on the area of ​​the body that hurts. For a few nights with a cat in a sore spot, everything goes away. The amazing, and in a sense even the magical properties of these animals are forcing an increasing number of people to acquire a small doctor in their home.

There are quite negative reviews about these creatures. The description of the breed of the Siamese cat agrees with them only partially. Some say that Siamese people are unsociable, prefer loneliness and do not like to fond of people. In addition, they are very capricious and masterful. However, there is always a good reason for their behavior. Perhaps the animal feels a bad attitude or desire to have a toy, and not a living creature with emotions and character.

siamese kitten

Cat Hair Care

According to the photo of cats of the Siamese breed, it may seem that they require special care. But actually it’s not so difficult to take care of a short hair of a cat. It is enough to purchase a suitable comb in the pet store and comb out the animal a couple of times a week. A cat should be bathed no more than 2 times a year. Since they are very clean, you do not need to do this more often.

Another thing is if the cat walks outside the house, in the yard. On rainy days, she is not willing to smear much in the mud. In this case, of course, you need to make an exception and redeem the animal. This can only be done with special shampoos for cats, which are sold in any pet store. It is advisable to purchase one that is designed to care for short hair.

keeping siamese cat at home

Care and maintenance

Siamese cats occasionally need to brush their ears and teeth. The latter are the weak point of the animal, so do not neglect their hygiene. To prevent stone formation on the teeth, solid food must be included in the cat's diet. Sometimes, as a prophylaxis of dental plaque, a special food intended for special care of the oral cavity can be introduced into the diet. A similar one can be found in the Hills feed line.

You also need to constantly monitor the length of the claws. Cats living in apartments do not have the ability to grind out growing lengths. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase a claw point for them. She will save the furniture in the house from destruction. The cat will grind its claws about it, without tearing sofas, curtains and carpets. In addition to her, you will need to buy a clipper with a limiter. Once every two weeks you need to cut off a small overgrown tip of the claw. This must be done carefully, without touching the vessels.

clawfish for siamese cat

What to feed a cat

Siamese nutrition should be of high quality and balanced. You can feed the animal with natural products, or with premium quality dry or liquid food. It is convenient for some owners to cook their own food for a pet. But this option of nutrition requires a lot of time and effort from a person.

Products consumed by the cat must contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Sometimes it is not easy to calculate all the usefulness of food for yourself, and taking such responsibility for an animal does seem at all difficult.

Ready-made feed

For busy people, ready-made food developed by specialists taking into account all the needs of cats can come to the rescue. On his pack is always prescribed daily consumed rate, which depends on the age and weight of the cat. It is almost impossible to make a mistake with the dosage of feeding. The cat will always be full, and the owner is calm.

When choosing dry food as the main diet, it is worth making sure that the cat has enough clean drinking water available. It must be changed daily to prevent stagnation.

siamese cat on the street

Breed anomalies

Like all living things, Siamese can come into this world with birth defects. The beautiful eyes of these cats are prone to a natural anomaly that is subject to a single gene. He is responsible for the bright, expressive color of the eyes and, unfortunately, can cause strabismus and other vision problems. Another serious problem of this breed is congenital tail creases.

Little Siamese, and especially adolescents, are prone to upper respiratory tract diseases. Animals at this age are often diagnosed with calcivirosis. Also, babies often suffer from impaired coordination, the main sign of which is dropping the head to the side. Thus, a natural anomaly is manifested, characterized by a defect in the development of the inner ear, which, in turn, causes a malfunction in the vestibular apparatus.

Siamese cats are prone to developing diseases of the nervous system. Against this background, they may even begin alopecia. If the cat is constantly in tension or experiencing severe stress, she will constantly lick herself until the bald patches form on the fur.

When buying a Siamese cat as a pet, you need to remember that it is not a cute purring toy. This is a proud and independent creation of nature, which requires respect and special treatment. If you find a common language with this animal, you can get yourself a true friend for many years.


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